Salve Nexa,
cosa succede quando un Governo ha le competenze necessarie per
scegliere il software libero?
It has been quite some time since my last status report on GnuPG. I
have been quite busy working on the project but unfortunately rarely
active on the usual channels. So, here is a new report
Picture the most abusive app store.
Programs in it are meant to run on your own computer.
However, you have to be online to run them.
Every time you start them, they contact the app store.
If there is an updated version, it's installed automatically, no
questions asked. You'd rather run the ear
Conclude con: "Questo non toglie che la condizione sociale sia critica e
che il paese necessiti di riforme e di un nuovo livello di equità ma
occorre comprendere che la crisi kazaka si sia innescata per le