Salve Nexa,

cosa succede quando un Governo ha le competenze necessarie per
scegliere il software libero?

It has been quite some time since my last status report on GnuPG. I
have been quite busy working on the project but unfortunately rarely
active on the usual channels. So, here is a new report telling what we
did over the last two or three years. [...]

It turned out that the software used in Germany to protect restricted
data at the VS-NfD level, called Chiasmus, showed its age. For example,
the block length of 64 bits (like IDEA or 3DES) is not anymore secure
for data of more than 150 MiB. Also the secret encryption algorithm 
has not anymore the confidence people used to have in it and due to
lacking hardware support it is quite slow. A new call to bid for a
replacement of that software was issued and we also with Intevation
were granted the contract. Our solution was to update GnuPG and its
frontends Kleopatra and GpgOL. After some thorough evaluation of our
software (working title Gpg4VS-NfD) and the usual bureaucratic we
received a first approval in January 2019. [...]

Since summer 2021 the phones of our sales team didn't stop ringing and
we could bring in the fruits of our work. We were not aware how many
different governmental agencies exist and how many of them have a need
to protect data at the VS-NfD (restricted) level. And with those
agencies also comes a huge private and corporate sector who also have
to handle such communication. [...]

We estimate that a quarter million workplaces will be equipped with
GnuPG VS-Desktop and provide the users state of the art file and mail
encryption. Our longer term plan is to equip all public agency
workplaces with end-to-end encryption software - not only those with an
immediate need for an approved VS-NfD solution. This should also fit
well into the announced goal of the new German government to foster the
development of Open Source. Kudos to all supporters

For many years our work was mainly financed by donations and smaller
projects. Now we have reached a point where we can benefit from a
continuous revenue stream to maintain and extend the software without
asking for donations or grants. This is quite a new experience to us
and I am actually a bit proud to lead one of the few self-sustaining
free software projects who had not to sacrifice the goals of the

Those of you with SEPA donations, please cancel them and redirect your
funds to other projects which are more in need of financial support.
The Paypal and Stripe based recurring donations have already been
canceled by us.

All you supporters greatly helped us to keep GnuPG alive and to finally
setup a sustainable development model.

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