whereupon it works into the apps.
John Rickman
with no problem here on ARMX6 NetSurf 3.8 #4235
John Rickman
ragments the searched for quote.
In the advanced serch options Google used to have an option to search
by a range of dates. This has been removed from the mobile a desktop
Who is likely to want to pay for advert to pop up on a page that was
last updated a long time ago?
John Rickman
which allowed you to specify a date range has been removed.
John Rickman
.23 (18-Feb-18)
NetSurf 3.8 #4235
John Rickman
In message
John Rickman wrote:
> In message <56e81c01ccli...@torrens.org>
> "Richard Torrens (lists)" wrote:
>> This URL
>> www.siemens-home.bsh-group.com/uk
>> causes Netsurf to totally crash on the ARMX6 with 5.23 (18-Feb-18).
front end to Face Book)
John Rickman
y a URL, as one might if sending a link to someone else for example.
You can drag URLs directly from the address bar and drop them into the
target area - no need for copy and paste.
John Rickman
netsurf-users mailing list -- netsurf-users@netsur
In message <980d53d858.harr...@bazleyfamily.co.uk>
Harriet Bazley wrote:
> On 1 Dec 2020 as I do recall,
> John Rickman wrote:
>> In message <58d83a9b0bstuartli...@orpheusinternet.co.uk>
>> lists wrote:
> [snip]
the webpage URL?
I can't drug and drop it, there isn't a menu option that I can see and
I can't seem to get the URL into the clipboard.
John Rickman
netsurf-users mailing list -- netsurf-users@netsurf-browser.org
To unsubscribe
In message <5904f95cf0petit.f...@free.fr>
Petit Four wrote:
> In article <25c3f20459.j...@rickman.argonet..co.uk>,
>John Rickman wrote:
>> is there a workaround for exporting the webpage URL?
> You now have to use the menu - over page, Page > Sa
installed - seems to be more responsive
John Rickman
netsurf-users mailing list -- netsurf-users@netsurf-browser.org
To unsubscribe send an email to netsurf-users-le...@netsurf-browser.org
Ma Xiaojun wrote
> I'm using Mac OS X 10.7.5, NetSurf 2.9.
> I'd like to use GMail, I don't mind it is just mobile view only.
> However, all the following addresses gave me a crash:
> www.gmail.com
> mail.google.com
> g.illinois.edu
No problem on Iyonix 5.18 with 2.9
I link to:- htt
Version 2.9, and version 3.0 (2012-10-03_19-43-06) of NetSurf mess up
the top menu line of the raspberry pi home page by overlaying the
text, "Skip to primary content" over the menu items.
I don't have the expertise to be able to tell whether this is this a
bug in NetSurf or is caused by a bad
c areas NS 5056K
The page loads successfully using NetSurf 2.9
John Rickman - http://mug.riscos.org/
warning message pops up saying that NetSurf is running out of
memory and the URL is not displayed.
If someone can confirm that this is not unique to my setup I will post
a bug report.
John Rickman - http://mug.riscos.org/
Alan Leighton wrote
> John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> I have hit three more pages that give the out of memory message using
>> the latest test version (netsurf-2012-10-07_21-57-22/zip)
>> click on: http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/kinder.htm
>> This will show
Alan Leighton wrote
>> Could you confirm that
>> http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/temp/songaf.html
>> which also gives me an out of memory message works for you?
> It is fine
Thanks - what hardware/software are you using?
John - http://mug.riscos.org/
Rob Kendrick wrote
> The "out of memory" error almost never means you're out of memory. It's
> just caused by the vagueries of how some parts of NetSurf handle errors
> and other parts not being expressive enough.
> Yes, we're working on that, too.
I have tracked down the cause of at least some
A web page with the subject message appears when I try to access
Google+ from NetSurf.
Clicking on learn more the next page says:
Google+ is supported in the following browsers:
Windows: Chrome, Firefox 3.6 and beyond, Internet Explorer 8 ...
Linux: Chrome, Firefox
Jess Hampshire wrote
> John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> Is this a good case for faking the User-Agent string?
> Possibly a good case for dismissing Google plus as an irrelevance.
> Facebook can be used with NS
I am trying to find a cloud based application for shari
Brian Jordan wrote
> In message
> Brian Jordan wrote:
>> The page shown at www.bjordan.org.uk/test/index.html has started
>> throwing up a "NetSurf is running out of memory" error since at least
>> NetSurf 3.0 (Dev CI#471) and up to 492.
> Somewhere between #540 and #570 this has
Brian Howlett wrote
> On 3 Nov, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
> [snip]
>> Not so with the links I reported unfortunately. They still fail on
>> #571.
>> However the message has changed from "out of memory to "unknown".
>> eg
>> You can see
John Rickman Iyonix wrote
> Version 2.9, and version 3.0 (2012-10-03_19-43-06) of NetSurf mess up
> the top menu line of the raspberry pi home page by overlaying the
> text, "Skip to primary content" over the menu items.
> http://www.raspberrypi.org/
Problem still happeni
Michael Drake wrote
> In article ,
> John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> Problem still happening today on CI #607.
>> I have now submitted a bug report.
> Fixed.
I am speechless:) but as Obi-Wan Kenobi might have put it: "What took
you so long!
John - http://mug.riscos.org/
I would like to be able to fix some heading content on a page so that
when the page is scrolled the heading stays on the screen.
Is there anyway to do this that would work in NetSurf?
A JavaScript solution is obviously not on.
It can be done with CSS but unfortunately NetSurf has not yet
Michael Drake wrote
> In article <970f2cef52.iyoj...@rickman.argonet.co.uk>,
>John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> I would like to be able to fix some heading content on a page so that
>> when the page is scrolled the heading stays on the screen.
>> Is there any
Chris Young wrote
> On Thu, 15 Nov 2012 22:03:15 GMT, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>>> Does your design actually need it? Usually I detest it when I see it. :)
>>> The performance penalty can affect e.g. Chrome/Firefox on modern PCs too,
>>> although to a lesser ex
When you run a NetSurf Full Save application it does not act on the
the CSS information because the CSS file is given a type of Text.
This is on an Iyonix 5.19, NetSurf #674. I think it used to work but
am not sure.
As an example open:-
do a Full Save,
> John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> When you run a NetSurf Full Save application it does not act on the
>> the CSS information because the CSS file is given a type of Text.
>> This is on an Iyonix 5.19, NetSurf #674.
David Pitt wrote
> John Rickman Iyonix, on 29 Nov, wrote:
>> When you run a NetSurf Full Save application it does not act on the the
>> CSS information because the CSS file is given a type of Text.
> The css file is correctly typed here on the ARMini, mimemap does have the
george greenfield wrote
>> Great news! Does the Javascript need to be switched On?
> I think it must be on by default: http://www.navweaps.com/ no longer
> displays a 'your javascript is switched off' notice.
>> I have tried a few simple tests but my Javascript seem to be being
>> ignored.
Chris Young wrote
> On Thu, 13 Dec 2012 13:22:43 GMT, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> Great news! Does the Javascript need to be switched O?
> It is on by default, however if you've been running a non-JS build and
> have changed NetSurf's settings, you may find it has
Chris Gransden wrote
>> Please can you send a patch? even if its just the files you changed I
>> can work up a suitable patch from those, whatevers easiest.
> Steve already beat me to it. Those changes are working.
Thanks Steve - it is great to see an extra entry in the choices
content window.
Harriet Bazley wrote
> On 15 Dec 2012 as I do recall,
> Gavin Wraith wrote:
>> Using NetSurf 3 #739. Wonderful to have some Javascript working,
>> enough at least to show Greek text in http://memiyawanzi.wordpress.com/ .
> That's not Javascript... that's just Unicode :-)
> Seeing the
Peter Young wrote
>> Looks more complete on linux raspberry Pi Chromium Chromium browser.
>> On RISC OS the accented characters appear as hex couplets.
> It's all Greek here (and Greek to me!) on an ARMini, RISC OS 5.19.
> Perhaps you don't have the necessary font?
Probably:-( I have DoulosSIL
Chris Gransden wrote
> In article <20121216154023.gl15...@kyllikki.org>,
>Vincent Sanders wrote:
>> OK, the CI system just built #740 with a spidermonkey 1.8.5 library
>> with the JIT disabled as suggested by Chris Gransden. Can this be
>> tried by someone with access to RISC OS? and please
test script which tests a minimal set of output methods
window.confirm, window.alert, window.prompt and document.write work
after a fashion.
window.open appears not to work.
Great Job!! thanks.
John Rickman - http://mug.riscos.org/
over two lines in the Messenger mail editor.
I copied it out to StrongED and clicked on it as one line ok.
John Rickman- http://mug.riscos.org/
Jim Nagel wrote
> Using build 797 at the moment, on both RiscPC 4.39 and Iyonix 5.18.
did you mean #787?
John Rickman - http://mug.riscos.org/
You are not the same people who left that station Or who will arrive
at any terminus
Peter Young wrote
> On 14 Jan 2013 John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> Jim Nagel wrote
>>> Using build 797 at the moment, on both RiscPC 4.39 and Iyonix 5.18.
>> did you mean #787?
> Why? I'm currently on #809, downloaded this morning by the invaluable
> Fetc
adjust the scroll wheel
> speed for NetSurf independently of the global settings? Mouse movement
> itself is OK.
> RiscPC, OS 6.14, NS #822
Are you using HID? NetSurf scroll speed on Iyonix is fine with it.
John Rickman - http://mug.riscos.org/
LEDs to
the iconbar. The module WimpScroll allows you to use a wheel mouse to
scroll the window under the pointer. Additionally any extra mouse
buttons and scroll wheels on some keyboards may be used as well.
John Rickman - http:
There appears to be a problem with the clipboard in 3.0 #824.
Within a NetSurf window ctrl-c and ctrl-v work as normal but anything
put on the clipboard from outside the NS window does not get inserted
into writable icons using ctrl-v.
The Clipboard works properly in 2.9
John Rickman
Steve Fryatt wrote
> On 21 Jan, John-Mark Bell wrote in message
> <1358761082.31757.14.camel@duiker>:
>> On Mon, 2013-01-21 at 09:35 +, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>>> There appears to be a problem with the clipboard in 3.0 #824. Within a
>>> NetS
Martin Bazley wrote
> The following bytes were arranged on 21 Jan 2013 by John Rickman Iyonix :
>> However, I have just downloaded the postings for Jan 2013 but cannot
>> read them. They are in an archive file - called 2013-January/txt/gz
>> My copy of SparkFS wo
>> than before. Maybe it's something to do with what you allude to in your
>> next paragraph but being a bear of little brain that's beyond me.
> Strange. Anyone else got this problem, or got it working?
It works now for me in #885 but did not work on the prior vers
bug or it is working as intended in any
case it is a change of behaviour from NetSurf 2.9
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Encouraged by superficial notions of evolution, Which becomes, in the
popular mind, a means of disowning the past.
Michael Drake wrote
> In article <45d38f1d53.iyoj...@rickman.argonet.co.uk>,
>John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> Clicking on the body text in NetSurf no longer gives the window focus.
> Should be fixed in CI build #890.
>> Pressing F8 gives the message &quo
Jim Nagel wrote
> In Netsurf #891 and #616, and in 2.9 (on both Ro 5.18 and 4.39) --
>Ctrl-up works as expected
>Ctrl-down does nothing
>Ctrl-left takes you all the way RIGHT
>Ctrl-right takes you all the way LEFT
It is the same in Netsurf #898
Does anyone know of a neater way of viewing CSS?
What I do at present is
press F8 to view html.
look at the -http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
e combination of all loaded style sheets but it seems to show
the FIRST one only -surely shome mishtake!
> Sounds like a lot of work for an occasional convenience :)
I am not going to argue with a developer:)
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Tout a été dit, mais comme personne n'écoute, il faut toujours
umentation to say what is implemented
apart from this?
John Rickman
render which is quick enough.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
John Rickman - http://mug.riscos.org/
Jim Nagel wrote
> John Rickman Iyonix wrote on 24 Feb:
>> Are there any pages in particular that are slow?
>> Wikipedia pages on my Iyonix typically take 2 to 3 seconds to load and
>> render which is quick enough.
the Wikipedia entry
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex
s no javascript. If you click on a
> local link NS does a bit of processing but leaves the page unchanged.
> There are name tags with both name and ID specified.
> I suspect that NS can't cope with local links in a scrolling pane with
> absolute positionning in CSS.
NS does not do
Graham Pickles wrote
> In message
> John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>>Richard Porter wrote
>>> On this page and similar ones on the site
>>> http://www.rdtev.de/aktuelles.html
>>> the navigation links on the left work fi
Richard Porter wrote
> On 26 Feb 2013 John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>>> I suspect that NS can't cope with local links in a scrolling pane with
>>> absolute positionning in CSS.
>> NS does not do absolute positioning.
> Yes of course it does. The frames are loc
I would like to thank Michael Drake for his prompt fix to the bug with
the history list.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Ein nasser Vogel fliegt nicht bei Nacht - Das ist der Sinn des Lebens.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
it transcends plausibility, it's a fact. david mercer
Brian Howlett wrote
> On 8 Mar, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> For NetSurf I use
>> in the section. But to get this on every page means having to
>> put the code into hundreds of html files.
> FWIW on my web site I have favicon.ico in the root directory, an
John Rickman Iyonix wrote
>> FWIW on my web site I have favicon.ico in the root directory, and
>> Netsurf displays it to the left of the address bar. This is using a
>> recent development version of Netsurf - which version are you on?
> This does not seem to work for me o
Brian Howlett wrote
> On 8 Mar, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> Does your favicon get picked up by html in sub directories?
> It isn't in the HTML code anywhere.
>> Perhaps you could post a link to your website so I could have a look?
> http://www.brianhowlett.me.uk/
Is there anyway to search the NetSurf mailing list archives:-
I am trying to find a thread that occurred sometime 2009-2010 and am
opening each month at a time. It is a bit slow.
John Rickman - http
Vince M Hudd wrote
> John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> Is there anyway to search the NetSurf mailing list archives:-
>> http://vlists.pepperfish.net/pipermail/netsurf-users-netsurf-browser.org/
>> I am trying to find a thread that occurred sometime 2009-2010 and am
the tick is back. I don't think this happened
> previously. Has something changed? Have I missed somthing?
I can't reproduce this here (Iyonix 5.19) NS #971 works - and just
updated to #975 also preserves choices.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
er stops saying it can't
find the file it has just down loaded. (...vita brevis est)
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
"Poetry is a MUG's game" - TS Eliot
Peter Young wrote
> Pardon my ignorance, but where can find what has changed? I've looked
> for this, but have never found it, not that it would make a whole lot
> of sense to me, perhaps!
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.
Peter Young wrote
> On 18 Mar 2013 John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> Peter Young wrote
>>> Pardon my ignorance, but where can find what has changed? I've looked
>>> for this, but have never found it, not that it would make a whole lot
>>> of sen
good day happens about one in three. More common is that it
forces NS to quit, deletes the current NS then fails to find the new
one. So I have to complete the job manually.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Ein nasser Vogel fliegt nicht bei Nacht - Das ist der Sinn des Lebens.
- that appears to be the solution - with a sample size of
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
ck up extraneous characters.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
- http://www.gaydon.org.uk/
Tony Moore wrote
> On 26 Mar 2013, Richard Porter wrote:
>> On 26 Mar 2013 John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>>> Is there an easy way to select an url on a webpage in order to get
>>> it into the clipboard?
>> No. I use Object > Link > Save >
This, along with some other popular
js libraries, is not yet supported.
I discussed both these features with the NS team at Wakefield. They
said they were working on it but it was a huge amount of work with a
lot of dependencies
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
lists wrote
>> I get a very large image of a guitar (#1292).
> Yes, it's of the make and model that I own. I was sending the link to a
> friend who didn't even know 12-string guitars existed.
Nice guitar.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Martin Bazley wrote
> The following bytes were arranged on 16 Nov 2013 by Gavin Wraith :
>> Is there a NetSurf friendly alternative to GoogleGroups?
> http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/
Thanks for that. I have added it to my hotlist.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheuswe
The way that Google presents the image page has changed. It is still
usable with Chrome on Linux.
Can anyone confirm this change and better still suggest how I can
continue to use NetSurf for image searching?
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
"Wovon man
NetSurf downloads always set filetype of &F80 (XML?) and I have to
retype to ZIP, PDF etc as appropriate.
Is this just happening on my machine?
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
John Rickman - http://www.gaydon.org.uk/
Rob Kendrick wrote
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 08:56:41PM +0000, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>> NetSurf downloads always set filetype of &F80 (XML?) and I have to
>> retype to ZIP, PDF etc as appropriate.
>> Is this just happening on my machine?
> A
John Rickman Iyonix wrote
>>From this URL - http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/software/float/
> On RISC OS RaspBerry Pi the file, "float036.zip" is downloaded and
> saved as "float036" and given a filetype of &F80.
> (NS #1702)
> On the Iyonix the .zip suf
have to reset
>> to apply the changes.
> After editing and saving or replacing the file
> f12
> *ReadMimeMap
> forces the module "Mime Mapping" to re-read the text file and thus
> utilise new settings.
Thanks Martin and Tim - offending line removed,
Can NetSurf be used to play an internet radio stream using AMPlayer or
a similar module?
If not when is it likely to happen?
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Foot it featly here and there And, sweet sprites, the burden bear.
; "An unexpected error occurred: Not found".
NetSurf #1774 on RasPi 5.21. Pressing F8 or Page->View Source...
gives error message "NetSurf is running out of memory ..."
for all webpages (inc local)
No problem on Iyonix (5.20) with NetSurf #1774
John Rickma
John Rickman Iyonix wrote
> Gavin Wraith wrote
>> NetSurf #1773 on Raspberry Pi 5.21. Pressing F8 or selecting
>> Page->View Source... works OK on local webpages. Otherwise
>> selecting Page->View Source... yields an error message
>> "NetSurf is runn
have updated Boot with the Boot that came with the disc cache
version and Java script is enabled.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
John Williams wrote
>Fred Bambrough wrote:
>> Ah, having seen what it's supposed to be on my Mac... yes, it's blank.
> It broke between 1932 and 1935.
Thanks to all who tested and confirmed the problem.
I will report it as a bug.
#2023 when I try to select some text as soon as I click on the page
everything from the click to the end of the article is highlit.
This has been happening since at least #1980
Is anyone else seeing this?
(Iyonix RISC OS 5.21 9 July)
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Dave Higton wrote
> Fred Bambrough wrote:
>> John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>>> #2023 when I try to select some text as soon as I click on the page
>>> everything from the click to the end of the article is highlit.
>>> This has been happening sinc
handy-feature suggestion (if it's not a lot of
> > > > > programming effort): A "Javascript on/off button" on the
> > > > > toolbar.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable the art of the
next best - OvB
Gavin Wraith wrote
> Do there exist any routers which can be controlled by NetSurf?
I have managed a Vigor Draytek 2600 for several years using NetSurf
and Nettle.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
No sé nada, y no estoy seguro de éso
Harriet Bazley wrote
> Down with categorical imperatives!
Kant only had one.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
siempre luchar contra el zeitgeist
es to be
> compatible with NetSurf, why not.
> Thanks for the help, David
I did a bit of testing to see what JS was supported a while ago.
The following link shows waht I discovered.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
I could have been someone - SMcG
someone? wrote:
> It takes less than an hour to install the OS and get a NetSurf build
> going.
Is it feasible to do this using an RasPi? (Pi 2 Raspian)
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
"If you are doing what you want you are not wasting your time, b
I have been trying to learn Spanish for years but forget words at the
same rate as I learn them. :-(
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.
es>Show cookies...
opens a window with lots of cookies.
I can't find a way to turn cookies off or on.
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
siempre luchar contra el zeitgeist
load is instantaneous.
Not sure if this counts as a bug but I have submitted a report to the
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Chris Young wrote
> On Sat, 7 Nov 2015 15:08:01 +, David Pitt wrote:
>> "Chris Young", on 7 Nov, wrote:
>>> On Sat, 07 Nov 2015 11:35:26 GMT, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>>>> The Gaydon online parish magazine is a s
Harriet Bazley wrote
> On 7 Nov 2015 as I do recall,
> David Pitt wrote:
>> "Chris Young", on 7 Nov, wrote:
>>> On Sat, 07 Nov 2015 11:35:26 GMT, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
>>>> The Gaydon online parish magazine is
a list of magazines. This page
loads quickly but links out of this page to a monthly magazine take a long time.
eg http://www.gaydon.org.uk/mags/mag1511.html
John Rickman - http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/lynx
Tout a été dit, mais comme personne n'écoute, il faut toujours
Chris Young wrote
> On Sat, 07 Nov 2015 20:10:45 GMT, David Pitt wrote:
>> (20.17) content/content.c:386 content_destroy: content 0x4e5f42a0
>> file:///%3CBootDisc$Root%3E/Work/Internet/Browsers/html/favicon.png
>> (41.38) content/fetchers/curl.c:834 fetch_curl_done: done
>> http://ww
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