lot of
images, which would probably be very slow to download on dial-up
connection, though.
Brian Howlett
Windows has detected that the mouse has been moved.
You must restart Windows for the new setting to take effect...
The above works fine here - what versions of EW and NS are you using,
and what OS version?
I tried it using EW 8.64, NS 2.0 (Development) (15 Jul 2007 23:30)
running under RO 5.13 on Iyonix.
Brian Howlett
Last yea
n't like this HTML:
Click here to join the forum now
so the link to carry on after the initial survey doesn't work.
It works in Firefox on the PC, so will probably work using RISC OS
Firefox, but I haven't tested that.
Brian Howlett
I owe, I owe, so it's off to work I go...
> wipe away the mess, causes the StrongED window to be overwritten too.
> Is this a NetSurf or RISC OS 6.06 problem?
It doesn't happen with the 4-10-07 21:30 r3622 build, on Iyonix with
Brian Howlett
Windows has
On 7 Oct, Dr Peter Young wrote:
> Interference (if that's the right word?) with some other app? Is Brian
> using StrongED?
I don't - Zap is best ;)
Brian Howlett
Karl Marx's grave. Just another Communist Plot?
rever you want.
Brian Howlett
Karl Marx's grave. Just another Communist Plot?
hich holds a URL), which then
> Oregano and other browsers will interpret correctly.
You can drag the URL direct from NetSurf's address bar to O2's address
bar, using RO 5.13 here. If you drag from NetSurf's address bar to
O2's iconbar icon it d
in a NetSurf (30 Jan 2008 20:00 r3809) window at the moment - moving
the pointer over any part of the window changes the pointer to a hand,
and clicking *anywhere* on the page takes me to
It's like the whole
On 30 Jan, Michael Drake wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Chris Terran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Brian Howlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add
On 21 Mar, glavallin wrote:
> Hello All
> This is a bit of a test as I have not received any posts this month.
> Perhaps I should re-subscribe?
Well, this one came through all right, but besides this I appear to
have received 15 other posts so far this month.
On 21 Mar, Tony Moore wrote:
> On 21 Mar 2008, Brian Howlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well, this one came through all right, but besides this I appear to
>> have received 15 other posts so far this month.
> Here, 41 other posts since 1 March. It seems that
> is after you have correctly typed in the text and hit the verify
> button, the browser will return the text: "All required fields must
> be completed"
Works here, with NetSurf 2.0 (Dev) (21 Apr 2008 22:15) r4101, on
differently, and
doesn't have the two extra characters, and works OK.
does it for
Brian Howlett
Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted
line. He caught every other fish.
as the HTML file, otherwise you will
need to expand the "href" to point to the correct folder - mine is in
a folder called "stuff", so the link I posted before actually reads
Brian Howlett
I came home from work the
On 14 Aug, Jess Hampshire wrote:
> http://www.jessops.com/Downloads/Cameras
> Does this crash for everyone?
Not here.
Brian Howlett
I took a course in speed waiting. Now I can wait an hour in just
ten minutes...
not going to be much use
> without Javascript, unless its changed alot since last time I looked.
Seems to have been fixed in r5131 (15 Aug 2008 19:00), although the
link to get a motor quote 404s.
Brian Howlett
When I told
On 16 Sep, Dr Peter Young wrote:
> BTW, is downloading the new builds particularly slow at the moment, or
> is it just me? 1min 57sec just now, with broadband, 5.13 and wget.
I've just downloaded the latest build in 8 seconds using wget on the
same OS, using ADSL.
right of page) -
Some text that looks like it should be in the RH column appears in the
main text, near the bottom -
Brian Howlett
There is
On 17 Oct, Dr Peter Young wrote:
> Since I upgraded to r5588, www.bbc.co.uk times out without loading
> anything. It works with Windows Firefox. Has anyone else found this?
> If so, I'll file a bug report.
Works here - same version.
, but
AFAIK I have NetSurf's cookies working properly, because other sites
which use cookies to keep you logged in do work as expected. This
problem appeared fairly recently, but I'm not sure which release broke
ite wide to fit it all in. I have a wide screen display, and
trying it at less than about 1200 wide wouldn't allow it to fit the
What screen size do you use?
Brian Howlett
People who live in glass houses should undress in the dark...
On 17 Dec, Chris Young wrote:
> I'm not sure what's going on here, but the following is completely
> unreadable in NetSurf:
> http://www.focusdiy.co.uk/
Which version/OS? It works fine here with r5914 on RISC OS 5.13
On 18 Dec, Dave Symes wrote:
> Example:
> Click the "Tools & Materials" Tab, then "Handtools" (Or Batteries &
> Torches, or whatever...)
> Basic page outline displays, but content is missing.
Looking at the source of these pages, it's pre
> Can anyone else please confirm that this happens, before I file a bug
> report. Log file available.
Works OK here, using r6628.
Brian Howlett
When I told the folks back home that I was coming to Auchtermuchty,
they said "Wear the fox hat"...
RO5.11, 512 MB.
Works fine here - r6658 on RO 5.13
Brian Howlett
Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted
line. He caught every other fish.
ader tool if downloading 2MB is a chore for people? I've been
>> thinking about this for a while.
> We would appreciate that.
It's reckoned that only 5% of UK internet connections remain on
ipt which are used for a
fancy tabbed display. I reckon NetSurf makes a decent fist of
displaying such rubbish, but it is slow.
BTW, I heartily endorse your feature request... ;)
Brian Howlett
This place would be a paradise t
> Thanks for reporting it,
I certainly mentioned it, to someone who was aware of the problem,
although I don't know the name of the person I spoke to.
I'm delighted to see it has been sorted so quickly!
Brian Howlett
On 27 Apr, Michael Drake wrote:
> Brian Howlett wrote:
>> I certainly mentioned it, to someone who was aware of the problem,
>> although I don't know the name of the person I spoke to.
> That was me. :)
Well, thanks for the quick fix.
Brian Howlett
> Can anyone else replicate this?
> (!Draw v2.40 [select])
Does the same in Draw 1.14 (RO 5.14 on Iyonix).
The drawfile I saved did load into ArtWorks 2.93, after cancelling
dozens of "Font not found"
On 28 May, Jim Nagel wrote:
> page display is unreadable: http://whatismyip.com/
> first tried with Netsurf 2.0, installed 2.1, no better.
There are alternatives - try http://whatismyipaddress.com/
Brian Howlett
Look in Choices>Security and tick "Send site referral information".
Brian Howlett
Windows has detected that the mouse has been moved.
You must restart Windows for the new setting to take effect...
Here's one of the links -
It doesn't seem to be the title="TV" or the superfluous
that causes the problem, because removing them in a local copy of the
page doesn't seem to fix the problem.
Brian Howlett
I've never been on the Lottery site using NetSurf before, but I can
confirm the same problem here. The page times out after 180s.
You can, however get access by going straight to the log-in page at
Any thoughts,
Brian Howlett
Karl Marx's grave. Just another Communist Plot?
y, it will just take time.
Try using quotes around 'center', like so -
Appears to work here.
Brian Howlett
I put instant coffee in the microwave, and almost went back in time...
On 25 Aug, Roger Darlington wrote:
> I have never seen superscripts work on Netsurf.
I'd forgotten about this - working in the latest build (r9445).
Brian Howlett
Mobile phones - the only topic of discussion where m
this list to another
> RISC OS forum a month or so down the line.
Right. So we need to clone Steve (and any other willing, able, but too
busy developers) to allow him/them more time to carry out the
necessary work.
We'll just get right on that, then.
Anyone got a cloning machin
Are you using Clipboard or IcnClipBrd?
Brian Howlett
This place would be a paradise tomorrow, if every department had a
supervisor with a sub-machine gun.
This link was posted in CSAMisc -
The adverts badly overlap the text.
Using r10454 dated 22 Apr 2010 14:45.
Brian Howlett
On 22 Apr, Brian Howlett wrote:
> This link was posted in CSAMisc -
> http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard-business/article-23826703-city-
> aflame-with-takeover-talk-of-arm-and-xstrata.do
> The adverts badly overlap the text.
> Using r10454 dated 22 Apr 2010 14:45.
I sho
o save the page and re filetype it as 'archive'.
> Ideas?
Shift click on the link?
I think the issue is with MIME type settings on the server, which is
unlikely to be something under Martin's control.
Brian Howlett
ill stop trying to load the
page, and you can then shift-click on the sample menu (PDF) to
download it.
You'll then need to quit NS to get your memory back.
Brian Howlett
I took a course in speed waiting. Now I can wait an
On 25 Sep, Roger Darlington wrote:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achene
> Then the text and one or two graphics is over-written near the bottom
> of the page.
The same thing happens with the current development version (r10808).
On 9 Jan, Michael Drake wrote:
> Thanks for reporting.
Thanks for fixing.
Brian Howlett
Every 4 seconds a woman has a baby. Our problem is to find this
woman and stop her.
> Why is NS not using the filename it knows about? More to the point,
> where does it get the filename from? I'm guessing there might be a
> redirect, with the filename being passed as an argument to the CMS.
Works fine here with r11781.
Brian Howlett
, that does happen here. about 4MB in app space, and over 50MB in
Brian Howlett
Isn't it strange that the same people that laugh at gypsy fortune
tellers take economists seriously?
On 15 Mar, Brian Bailey wrote:
> http://www.aeseus.com/lists/index.php?p=subscribe&id=1
Not in r12062...
Brian Howlett
"Are you the Prime Minister?" "No, but I've often been mistaken."
t; must be the result of a change in the page that Google is sending.
On the latest version (r12128) it just displays the page's background
colour as well. View Source shows that pretty much the whole page is
Javascript, so it's no wo
>> wget: unable to resolve host address `www.netsurf-browser.org'
>> Does anyone else see a problem?
> I don't, must be a problem at your end.
I've just used wget to download r12436 with no problems - Iyonix using
RO 5.16.
Brian Howlett
"I'm Brian, and so's my wife..."
On 3 Jul, Harriet Bazley wrote:
> Version r12554 seemed to have lost the ability to save the
> currently-displayed page in Draw format (Ctrl-Shift-F3
> Is anyone else seeing this sort of thing?
Working fine here, on r12567.
n't see it on the Bug Tracker - thought I'd
raise it here first in case it isn't an actual bug...
Brian Howlett
I took a course in speed waiting. Now I can wait an hour in just
ten minutes...
x27;OK'; you'll then need to save the settings (which HID might prompt
> for when you shut down)
Since following this advice, long menus no longer scroll with the
wheel. RO 5.16 and r13295.
Example site - http://www.tvguide.co.uk/ - scroll to the bottom of the
page and click on the
e way I had it
before (Fixed distance/200 units) the menu scrolls OK, but obviously
the frames issue would still be a problem.
However, as so very few sites use frames these days (that I use,
anyway!) I can live with it.
Brian Howlett
d it for me, anyway.
Quick work ;)
Brian Howlett
I came home from work the other day and found that someone had
stolen all my furniture, and replaced it with exact replicas...
On 26 Apr, Dave Higton wrote:
> No such problem for me with r13571.
Ditto here, same version. I wonder if it's a graphics thing - Dave and
me are using RO5.18, the two reporting flicker are using RO6.nn.
Brian Howlett
2 results in an
>> immediate crash
> Here, using NetSurf 2.9 on RO 6.20, a search for PW02762 leads to
> http://cpc.farnell.com/mercury/651-662uk/soft-start-inverter-12v-300w/
> dp/PW02762?Ntt=PW02762
> without any crash.
Same here, with r13571 on 5.18.
Brian Howlett
t but can't
> get anything to go into those directories.
> No point in asking me... Which is why I'm asking here.
> How does she take an existing Hotlist entry and put it in one of her
> directories?
> Thanks
Drag 'n' drop seems to work...
Brian Howlett
ith the same NetSurf and RISC OS 5.19, ARMini.
Also works here with both 2.9 and 3.0 r13571 on Iyonix with 5.18.
Brian Howlett
All electronic components run on smoke.
If you let the smoke out, they stop working...
On 13 Oct, John Williams wrote:
> a new downloading app
Which fails to run with the following error:
13 Oct 17:28:34 000 0168: Error from (unknown): Unknown operand
Brian Howlett
I ate a dozen oysters last night.
Only seven of them worked...
> are apparently identical. One has soft spaces and loads, the other
> hard spaces and gives the out of memory message.
> http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/temp/softspc.html
> http://rickman.orpheusweb.co.uk/temp/hardspc.html
> Each file contain one line only :
Both wor
On 13 Dec, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
> AFAICT the behaviour of #727 is not different from #690. Several of
> the examples have put up the message "Your browser isn't running
> scripts."
I get the same with #733.
Brian Howlett
> as garbage. Why is there a difference?
All I get from that page after the header is "We're sorry, but we were
unable to find a document matching your query."
Iyonix, RISC OS 5.18 and NS #743.
Brian Howlett
it will open a context sensitive
menu under the pointer. Select is the left mouse button, and Adjust is
the right mouse button.
If you see "File" "Edit" "View" etc. then you probably aren't using
Brian Howlett
d the latest zip file and quit NS (if
running) so I just have to manually install the latest version.
Does anyone else get this or have I missed something in the setup?
Brian Howlett
Windows has detected that the mouse has been
On 12 Feb, Frank de Bruijn wrote:
> If you have any further questions, please contact me directly
Replied off-list.
Brian Howlett
People who live in glass houses should undress in the dark...
On 13 Feb, Rev Dr Alan Leighton wrote:
> Mine is dated 11/2/09. Have you an up to date one as it loads March 12
A bit off-topic as it's only peripherally related to Netsurf, but the
latest version is at <http://aconet.org/tools/fetch-ns.zip>
I get it on the left of the tabs as in Firefox.
Brian Howlett
Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror,
and you would not have been informed...
On 8 Mar, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
> Does your favicon get picked up by html in sub directories?
It isn't in the HTML code anywhere.
> Perhaps you could post a link to your website so I could have a look?
27;re on RISC OS 6.16 - 5.18 here.
Brian Howlett
Mobile phones - the only topic of discussion where men boast about
how *small* theirs is...
On 28 May, Chris Newman wrote:
> The site for the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum at Singleton, West
> sussex looks OK in Firefox on the PC but just displays a grey window
> in Netsurf.
Brian Howlett
Recent versions of Netsurf (currently on #1229) crash whenever I click
on a link on Darren Salt's BBC News Ticker (0.85).
RISC OS 5.18, Iyonix.
Brian Howlett
Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a d
On 31 May, Brian Howlett wrote:
> Recent versions of Netsurf (currently on #1229) crash whenever I click
> on a link on Darren Salt's BBC News Ticker (0.85).
> RISC OS 5.18, Iyonix.
It doesn't crash if I switch JS off
On 31 May, Brian Howlett wrote:
> On 31 May, Brian Howlett wrote:
>> Recent versions of Netsurf (currently on #1229) crash whenever I click
>> on a link on Darren Salt's BBC News Ticker (0.85).
>> RISC OS 5.18, Iyonix.
> It doesn't crash if I switch JS off.
look at a few Amazon pages and could
observe no issues, with the possible exception that the Search box is
a little high, and the text on the Go button is aligned to the top
instead of the centre.
Brian Howlett
Every 4 seconds a w
RISC OS 5.20 on Iyonix.
Brian Howlett
Procrastinate tomorrow!
Screenshot not working for some reason - so changed to
Brian Howlett
"Are you the Prime Minister?" "No, but I've often been mistaken."
e booking a break there any time soon...
Brian Howlett
I came home from work the other day and found that someone had
stolen all my furniture, and replaced it with exact replicas...
On 28 Mar, Rob Kendrick wrote:
> Something bizarre is happening.
It may be RO 5.21 related - I'm on RO 5.20 on my Iyonix and I don't
get these issues with #1773.
Brian Howlett
Was Karl Marx's grave just another Communist Plot?
On 2 Jun, Richard Porter wrote:
> I haven't noticed any particular problems with it.
Same here - been working fine - currently on #1940 on Iyonix RO 5.20
with JS on.
Brian Howlett
People who live in glass houses should un
On 18 Dec, Peter Young wrote:
> Using http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/gl52 1 minute 20 seconds with RISC
> OS NetSurf, already on the icon bar
12.1 seconds here, without Netsurf running, then 9.6 seconds on a
second load with Netsurf running.
Using CI #2441 on Iyonix with RO 5.20.
On 27 Jan, Gavin Wraith wrote:
> NetSurf-gcc-json-2553 crashes on http://www.independent.co.uk/ ,
> with Javascript disabled in choices. Platform RPi (RO 5.21).
Same here with 5.20 on Iyonix with JS on.
Brian Howlett
He's fallen in the water!
times miss a few. I see that Gavin has already
tested it for you, so presumably you don't need me to go looking for
the older versions?
Brian Howlett
You can't get the wood, you know!
On 28 Jan, Dave Higton wrote:
> The evidence suggests that something went wrong between 2541 and 2542, and
> has remained wrong since. I see that Michael Drake is on the case, so I'm
> sure it won't be long before it's resolved.
Not crashing in CI
t under
the word "Dictionary" in the blue banner at the top of the page.
That's with Build 2600 with JS On on RO 5.20 if that's relevant.
Brian Howlett
Watch out...
...you might get what you're after...
Any one else get te same?
Same version here, but with RO 5.20 the page 404's, but it's a
personalised 404 error page, which means that I can view the domain
and click links to other parts of the site OK.
Brian Howlett
My net income doesn't cover my gross habits...
On the first
> occasion there were 9 faults. Mend them with DiscKnight and try again.
> The same happens, but the second time there were 11 faults. After
> mending the second time I recheck the SD card. SD card OK.
Site works fine here on Iyonix, with RO 5.22 and NS #2992, with JS on
or o
I'm surprised it's visible in any browser...
Brian Howlett
This place would be a paradise tomorrow, if every department had a
supervisor with a sub-machine gun.
ed the above link in Oregano2, and it worked -
the page redirects to http://www.perryscider.co.uk/age-check so
visitors to the site can confirm they are over 18.
The link to that page does work in NS 3460.
Brian Howlett
All electronic components run on s
On 5 Apr, Brian Howlett wrote:
> Just for a laugh, I tried the above link in Oregano2, and it worked -
> the page redirects to http://www.perryscider.co.uk/age-check so
> visitors to the site can confirm they are over 18.
> The link to that page does work in NS 3460.
d ArmX6 5.23.
Works fine here on build #4088.
Brian Howlett
He's fallen in the water!
h I suspect is what is causing the problem.
I forgot all about using Gmail with MPro - works just fine here.
These are the settings I have in Hermes:-
POP3 mail server - pop.gmail.com
Port - 995
User name - (MyEmail)@gmail.com
Password - You get the picture...
Secure connection selected (SSL). Wo
grade to 3.7 the only solution right now?
Well, as Peter says, if it's still happening in the latest development
version, it's probably a bug, or maybe a piece of CSS or Javascript that
isn't yet implemented.
It displays the same with Jav
Apologies in advance...
Issues sending to this list - using relay.plus.net has been failing, so
this is just to test if I can use my hosting provider's SMTP server to
do so instead.
Brian Howlett
"Fish - visionary genius, or just a big haddie?"
On 19 Aug, Peter Young wrote:
> On 19 Aug 2019 Brian Howlett wrote:
>> Apologies in advance...
>> Issues sending to this list - using relay.plus.net has been failing, so
>> this is just to test if I can use my hosting provider's SMTP server to
>> do so
n I had installed, 4845.
Brian Howlett
This place would be a paradise tomorrow, if every department had a
supervisor with a sub-machine gun.
On 23 Sep, Brian Howlett wrote:
> Titanium here, JS enabled - works but vv slow with Netsurf 4851 and the
> previous version I had installed, 4845.
Actually, I may have to take that back - although it certainly worked in
4845, it eventually had a problem in 4851 - it just prints the JS
> of photos look identical to me.
I had the wrong colours showing on this TiMachine yesterday, but just now
with CI#4950 it works correctly.
Brian Howlett
I stayed up all night playing poker with Tarot cards.
I got a full house, and four people died.
the page over into searching in German.
> As of CI build #5346, Google will serve up pages using the UTF-8
> encoding, so all this mess goes away.
If you click on "This page offered in Russian" you get an error, but
99 matches
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