For sometime now NetSurf has been exhibiting colour distortion. At least, I
don't know what else to call it. In pictures, contained in html files for
example, reds appear blue, as do peoples faces, Pale blue appears yellow
while dark blue appears brown. And so on...
I don't know what causes this p
> For sometime now NetSurf has been exhibiting colour distortion. At
> least, I don't know what else to call it. In pictures, contained in
> html files for example, reds appear blue, as do peoples faces, Pale
> blue appears yellow while dark blue appears brown. And so on...
What else has change
In article <>,
Rod at Orpheusmail wrote:
> For sometime now NetSurf has been exhibiting colour distortion. At
> least, I don't know what else to call it. In pictures, contained in
> html files for example, reds appear blue, as do peoples faces, Pale
> blue app
In message <>
Rod at Orpheusmail wrote:
> For sometime now NetSurf has been exhibiting colour distortion. At least, I
> don't know what else to call it. In pictures, contained in html files for
> example, reds appear blue, as do peoples faces, Pale blu