> For sometime now NetSurf has been exhibiting colour distortion.  At
> least, I don't know what else to call it.  In pictures, contained in
> html files for example, reds appear blue, as do peoples faces, Pale
> blue appears yellow while dark blue appears brown.  And so on...

What else has changed?  For example, did this start when you switched
to a new version of netsurf, or a new version of your OS, or new
graphics hardware, or any such?

I once saw something very similar with an X program on Linux: all
colours came out with the red and blue primaries switched.  In that
case it was a bug in the program - it was assuming that the primaries
were presented in a particular order, rather than paying attention to
the information X provides about how they are actually arranged.  (I
assume some developer mistook "my system does it this way" for "this is
how it always works".)

You say RISC OS.  I don't know what that uses for graphics interfacing,
but it is not a great stretch for me to imagine something similar
happening there: a new graphics device, a new version of some software
layer, something of the sort.  I could also imagine it being a bug in
netsurf itself, probably one like the one I sketched above, assuming
something is always a particular when when it actually isn't.

Without more information (most of which I'm not competent to evaluate,
since I don't know RISC OS and I don't really know much about NetSurf),
it's hard to do more than speculate.

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