Dave Sine Surnomine wrote on 23 Sep:
> #4850 with Javascript enabled, google.co.uk doesn't work.
> With Javascript disabled, google does work okay.
You're right!
Sure makes one wish for that "Javasccript on/off" button on the Netsurf
button bar that we've oft wished for! (Ancient Fresco had one
In article <5e2d0df857@6.abbeypress.net>,
Jim Nagel wrote:
> Have never found a way of programming Keystroke to do this. If anyone
> has succeeded, please export the relevant Keystroke Selection file &
> share it.
Must confess I've tried with Keystroke a lot of times but never s
On 23 Sep, Dave wrote:
> I can confirm...
> #4850 with Javascript enabled, google.co.uk doesn't work.
> With Javascript disabled, google does work okay.
> VRPC-DL running RISC OS 6.20
Titanium here, JS enabled - works but vv slow with Netsurf 4851 and the
previous version I had installed, 4845
On 23 Sep, Brian Howlett wrote:
> Titanium here, JS enabled - works but vv slow with Netsurf 4851 and the
> previous version I had installed, 4845.
Actually, I may have to take that back - although it certainly worked in
4845, it eventually had a problem in 4851 - it just prints the JS to the