Dave Sine Surnomine wrote on 23 Sep:
> #4850 with Javascript enabled, google.co.uk doesn't work.
> With Javascript disabled, google does work okay.

You're right!

Sure makes one wish for that "Javasccript on/off" button on the Netsurf 
button bar that we've oft wished for!  (Ancient Fresco had one, could 
pinch the icon from Fresco.)  So much handier than repetitititive trips to 
iconbar Choices > Content > Disable Javascript > Set.

Have never found a way of programming Keystroke to do this.  If anyone has 
succeeded, please export the relevant Keystroke Selection file & share it.

Or a "switch" that could be added to an URL file to set Javascript off, 
when relevant to that particular URL, as in this case.

And thanks for looking into the problem, Daniel.

Jim Nagel                            www.archivemag.co.uk

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