Re: target=_new_window

2009-06-27 Thread Steve Fryatt
On 27 Jun, Jim Nagel wrote in message : > Tony Moore wrote on 12 Jun: > > Using NetSurf, you can close the blank window, as soon as the download > > dialogue box appears. The download continues unaffected. > > is there a keyboard shortcut to close such a window? if not, is that a > useful feat

Re: target=_new_window

2009-06-27 Thread Tony Moore
On 27 Jun 2009, Steve Fryatt wrote: > On 27 Jun, Jim Nagel wrote in message > : > > Tony Moore wrote on 12 Jun: > > > > > Using NetSurf, you can close the blank window, as soon as the > > > download dialogue box appears. The download continues unaffected. > > > > is there a keyboard shortcut t

Re: target=_new_window

2009-06-27 Thread Russell Hafter - Lists
On 27 Jun, Jim Nagel wrote in message : > Tony Moore wrote on 12 Jun: > > Using NetSurf, you can close the blank window, as soon > > as the download dialogue box appears. The download > > continues unaffected. > is there a keyboard shortcut to close such a window? if > not, is that a usefu

Printing characters instead of downloading

2009-06-27 Thread Xavier Tardy
Hello. If I surf to : and click on 'HiVision Digitiser' there is a page of ASCII characters appearing, instead of a download window. Thanks. Xavier.

Re: Printing characters instead of downloading

2009-06-27 Thread Michael Drake
In article <>, Xavier Tardy wrote: > > and click on 'HiVision Digitiser' there is a page of ASCII characters > appearing, instead of a download window. The server tells NetSurf that the file is text/plain, so netsurf disp

Re: target=_new_window

2009-06-27 Thread Steve Fryatt
On 27 Jun, Tony Moore wrote in message <>: > On 27 Jun 2009, Steve Fryatt wrote: > > On 27 Jun, Jim Nagel wrote in message > > : > > > > > is there a keyboard shortcut to close such a window? if not, is that > > > a useful feature suggestion? >

Re: Printing characters instead of downloading

2009-06-27 Thread Steve Fryatt
On 27 Jun, Xavier Tardy wrote in message <>: > If I surf to : > > > > and click on 'HiVision Digitiser' there is a page of ASCII characters > appearing, instead of a download window. Shift-click on the link instead. -- St

Overriding text

2009-06-27 Thread Xavier Tardy
Go to Then in the middle of the page, you've got some photos. The text overlaps. Regards, And thanx for your efforts.

Misplaced text/images

2009-06-27 Thread Xavier Tardy
Hello. There is a site I would really be happy to read with Netsurf. It is : You need to register (it's free) and then click on any subjects (I advise 'Arguments des bears'), it's about economy, technical analysis, and the end of the economy as we know it for very soon.