Re: 60ms cross continent

2020-07-06 Thread joe mcguckin
Theoretically, Starlink should be faster cross country than terrestrial fiber. Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax

Re: Zayo vs Coent

2018-11-12 Thread joe mcguckin
Zayo is not merely <>. Zayo is a massive rollup of many fiber providers. It has acquired over 30 other networks. Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax

Re: Dear NANOG Gods

2013-05-22 Thread joe mcguckin
Find a used computer/network equipment vendor near you. They'll have the right sized boxes & can foam encapsulate your gear. Most companies have been willing to box up equipment for me at no (or little) charge. Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650

Re: Verizon, FiOS, and CLEC/UNE orders (was AT&T diversity)

2012-03-21 Thread joe mcguckin
ending much money to maintain it. Now that the DSL clecs are all but extinct, the pace of fiber buildout to the end-user has slowed down considerably. Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:58 AM

Re: Linux: concerns over systemd adoption and Debian's decision to switch

2014-10-21 Thread joe mcguckin
Why not write it in Emacs? Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax On Oct 21, 2014, at 12:41 PM, Eugeniu Patrascu wrote: > On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 4:40 PM, wrote: > >> >>

Re: ARIN IP6 policy for those with legacy IP4 Space

2010-04-08 Thread joe mcguckin
a website that functions more as a title registry than as a justification/vetting organization? After all, IPV6 space is inexhaustible - right. So what if some idiot wants to grab 50 allocations... We'll never miss it. Joe Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell

Re: FCC dealt major blow in net neutrality ruling favoring Comcast

2010-04-09 Thread joe mcguckin
CALEA act? Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is just your enemy. Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax On Apr 9, 2010, at 6:59 AM, Rod Beck wrote: > In Europe you rarely encounter courts circumscribing regulatory power. &

Re: DSL at MAE-East

2008-10-01 Thread joe mcguckin
ISR? Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications [EMAIL PROTECTED] 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax On Sep 25, 2008, at 3:36 PM, Brandon Galbraith wrote: On 9/25/08, Mike Lyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Or get an ISR with a 3G GSM card? I'm a fan of this s

Re: Cogent (was the poetry thread)

2009-01-12 Thread joe mcguckin
So, you're essentially getting paid peering from Cogent then ? Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax On Jan 12, 2009, at 10:17 AM, Seth Mattinen wrote: Jeffrey Lyon wrote: Mike, Aside from the occasional peering wars

World famous cabling disasters?

2009-02-10 Thread joe mcguckin
I'm looking for a couple of pictures of the worst cabling infrastructure ever seem. One Wilshire meet me room comes to mind. Anyone got any links to their photo albums, etc? Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax

Re: What happened to Quick Eagle?

2009-11-17 Thread joe mcguckin
The last time I drove by their office, it looked deserted - like they had closed down. Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax On Nov 17, 2009, at 11:49 AM, Majdi S. Abbas wrote: On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 07:09:22PM +

Re: Foundry CLI manual?

2010-01-25 Thread joe mcguckin
It would be a good idea to have a bug database that accessible to paying support customers. Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax On Jan 23, 2010, at 8:23 AM, Richard A Steenbergen wrote: > On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 10:51:5


2010-03-24 Thread joe mcguckin
ll our new cabling with steel braided sheathing on the exterior. Now, if I could only figure out how to install a Cooler Master CPU cooler on my AGS+ core router... Joe McGuckin ViaNet Communications 650-207-0372 cell 650-213-1302 office 650-969-2124 fax On Mar 16, 2010, at 6:3