Any Singtel AU APAC observed

2020-03-11 Thread Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG
Hi all, Over the past two weeks we have been noticed a lot of transit issues with packet loss for all our carriers connections into singtel APAC going to Australia specifically. Anyone aware of any congestion issues going on? If anyone has a Singtel contact to forward that would be awesome asw

Re: Sites blocking ISP Addresses

2022-11-30 Thread Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG
Long long time ago, I had a similar issue that could not get resolved through normal escalation means. I ended up going on linked in and grabbing every executive and senior email contact I could find and notified them. Issue resolved in one day. Nothing gets a nocc moving fast like execs asking

XO trace route request | Netherlands

2019-03-22 Thread Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG
Hello all, If there's someone out there on XO's network, preferably in the Netherlands area, could you send me a traceroute to the following IP: XO's Looking Glass seems to be broken. The BGP throws up an invalid error on the syntax error for its own input. Pings/ traceroutes come

Re: ATT-Level 3 Peering

2017-02-08 Thread Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG
We’ve been running into a lot of problems lately with ATT peering lately. Level3 included. We have multiple carriers and most of them have run into this issue over the past couple months where there is congestion between ATT and our carriers, it appears there is a political issue on who should

Re: Telia network quality

2017-02-08 Thread Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG
We use them globally and often work with their teams. Pros – customer service is excellent, very fast response times and good engineers. They are don’t beat around the bush if the issue is their fault, they will come right out and tell you so you can stop scrambling. They are also pretty good

Re: Reviews - GTT, NTT and Telia

2017-08-08 Thread Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG
Hello, We use all three globally. NTT – Like everyone already stated, excellent customer service. Fast and very knowledgeable. TELIA – It was a rocky start with them in the beginning, but they’ve been very good lately (About a year). Customer service is always fast and decent. In the begin

Verizon issues | Looking glass

2017-09-13 Thread Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG
Hello, Has anyone else been seeing issues today from routes being learnt through the Verizon network, AS 701? Does anyone know if they have a looking glass? I can’t find one. Thanks -- Donovan Van Dyk SOC Network Engineer Fort Lauderdale, FL USA [cid:image001.png@01D32CD1.73DBD490] The inform

Has Level3 done away with traceroute??

2017-09-21 Thread Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG
Hello All, Recently I was troubleshooting a network event for a client of our who resides on the Level3 network. While trying to verify the path, I noticed I am no longer able to traceroute through the Level3 network. The funny thing is this is not just isolated to the /32. It appears to be that

Verizon issues | Dec 6

2017-12-06 Thread Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG
Hello fellow netengs, Is anyone else experiencing issues with Verizon network in North America? We have seen multiple outages throughout the day for traffic destined for Verizon. Have been unable to confirm anywhere else so seeing if anyone else noticed. Times are Dec 06:23 Dec 09:39 – 09:45 UT

Re: Verizon issues | Dec 6

2017-12-06 Thread Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG
" Cc: "" Subject: Re: Verizon issues | Dec 6 Yeah, been seeing similar issues in Detroit area. On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, Van Dyk, Donovan via NANOG>> wrote: Hello fellow netengs, Is anyone else experiencing issues with Verizon ne