We’ve been running into a lot of problems lately with ATT peering lately. 
Level3 included.

We have multiple carriers and most of them have run into this issue over the 
past couple months where there is congestion between ATT and our carriers, it 
appears there is a political issue on who should pay for the peering and 
My colleague says he heard on the grapevine (Horrible source I know) that ATT 
is playing super hardball and requesting big cash for peering with them. 

Anyways, that’s all I got. 


Donovan Van Dyk

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On 2/5/17, 8:21 PM, "david peahi" <davidpe...@gmail.com> wrote:

    We're seeing frequent dropped packets between ATT and Level 3 in Atlanta
    with traffic sourced from an ATT user destined for Microsoft Office 365,
    making Office 365 apps unusable during critical business hours. Anyone else
    have this problem with ATT?

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