FCC Chair sends Letters of Inquiry on Consumer Data Privacy Practices

2022-07-19 Thread Sean Donelan
FCC Chairwoman Roseworcel Probes Top Mobile Carriers On Data Privacy Practices The FCC website content management system is messed up this evening, but as far as I can tell AT&T Best Buy Charter Comcast Consumer Cellular C-Spire Google Fi I assume the rest of the alphabet will show up

Re: FCC Chair sends Letters of Inquiry on Consumer Data Privacy Practices

2022-07-19 Thread Sean Donelan
FCC has fixed its website document management system, and has all the letters of inquiry posted. In the letters of inquiry, Chairwoman Rosenworcel asks about their policies around geolocation data, such as how long geolocation data is retained and why and what the current safeguards are to pr

Europe data centers struggling to operate in heat wave

2022-07-20 Thread Sean Donelan
I was wondering when we would see the first stories about data center and IXP issues in Europe due to the heat wave. https://www.protocol.com/bulletins/google-oracle-cloud-uk-heat According to Google Cloud's service health page, one of its London buildings hosting cloud services for one of

Re: FCC Chair sends Letters of Inquiry on Consumer Data Privacy Practices

2022-07-20 Thread Sean Donelan
Admitly, my hands-on experience with this type of data is 10-years out of date. The industry has changed a lot. Carrier/MVNO data is less relevant now and has more restrictions. Apps, third-party ad brokers and platforms (Apple, Android) are much more detailed sources of this data now. I

FCC proposes fines against 73 applicants of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund

2022-07-22 Thread Sean Donelan
The FCC proposes $4,353,773.87 in total fines against 73 applicants in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction (Auction 904) that defaulted on their bids for support between July 26, 2021, and March 10, 2022. [...] The objective of Auction 904 was to facilitate the provision of b

Re: Does anybody know if part of this enforcement involves STIR/SHAKEN?

2022-07-22 Thread Sean Donelan
On Fri, 22 Jul 2022, Michael Thomas wrote: Basically the jist that it's fake auto warranty fraud calls. Or is this just requiring providers to do the forensics whichever way to enforce this? https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/21/tech/fcc-robocall-crackdown/index.html As always speak with your corpo

Rogers outage - House of Commons INDU hearing

2022-07-25 Thread Sean Donelan
Canada is part of North America, and may be of interest to NANOG. Rogers had a nationwide outage on July 8, 2022. The House of Commons held a hearing today (July 25, 2022) on the outage and invited the Rogers CEO, other company CEOs, regulators and academics to testify. Recording of the Hous

U.S. Court PACER system overloaded by public interest

2022-08-26 Thread Sean Donelan
Having some experience with documents of extreme public interest, and web sites getting overloaded (Starr Report on President Clinton, 1998)... its nice to see government web sites still get overloaded several decades later. "PACER Service Under Fire After Trump Affidavit Crash Reports"

Re: U.S. Court PACER system overloaded by public interest

2022-08-26 Thread Sean Donelan
locally and I'm happy to make it available, just let me know. On Aug 26, 2022, at 12:07 PM, Sean Donelan wrote: Having some experience with documents of extreme public interest, and web sites getting overloaded (Starr Report on President Clinton, 1998)... its nice to see government web sites

VZ FIOS and Intel TCP IPv6 Checksum Offload problems

2022-08-27 Thread Sean Donelan
Hopefully, my pain will help someone else. I've had sporadic Internet slowdowns and stuck networking since IPv6 was enabled on my FIOS ONT a few months ago. After too much troubleshooting, I found out some older Intel GbE ethernet cards have a IPv6 Checksum Offload incompatibility with certai

Re: VZ FIOS and Intel TCP IPv6 Checksum Offload problems

2022-08-29 Thread Sean Donelan
On Sat, 27 Aug 2022, Michael Thomas wrote: In some situations where a client machine is connected via some specific Optical Network Terminals (ONTs), and data is appended after the packet checksum, the network adapter can drop receive packets when using TCP-IPv6 Checksum Offload for receive tra

End of Cogent-Sprint peering wars?

2022-09-07 Thread Sean Donelan
Are Sprint AS1239 and Cogent AS174 finally going to settle their peering disputes? T-Mobile sells legacy Sprint wireline business to Cogent for $1, expects hefty charge https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/cogent-communications-acquire-t-mobiles-wireline-business-2022-09-07/ 1,400 custome

Rogers Outage: What do we Know After Two Months?

2022-09-12 Thread Sean Donelan
Article by Internet Society's Resident Advisor Jim Cowie. Rogers Outage: What do we Know After Two Months? https://pulse.internetsociety.org/blog/rogers-outage-what-do-we-know-after-two-months September 9, 2022 It’s now been a full two months since Rogers Telecom suffered a nationwide Intern

China Telecom in Hunan office tower fire

2022-09-16 Thread Sean Donelan
The China Telecom office tower fire in Hunan is reportedly out, after completely burning the entire 200m tower (42-floors). China Telecom statement: "By around 4:30 pm today, the fire at our No. 2 Communications Tower in Changsha has been extinguished. No casualties have yet been discovered

Re: China Telecom in Hunan office tower fire

2022-09-16 Thread Sean Donelan
Statement from China Telecom (translation by Google Translate) "This afternoon, the façade of the Changsha Second Communication Building caught fire, and the fire was extinguished. In order to prevent danger, some equipment in the building has been powered off. At present, fixed-line communi

Island-wide power blackout in Puerto Rico

2022-09-18 Thread Sean Donelan
Puerto Rico is experiencing an island-wide power blackout (100%). Today's (based on yesterday's information) FCC Communication Status Report only reports 6.9% of cell towers out of service. I expect tomorrow's report (based on today's information) will be worse.

Re: Island-wide power blackout in Puerto Rico

2022-09-19 Thread Sean Donelan
Latest FCC report (September 19, 2022 based on previous day reporting). Overall, 24.3% (617) cell sites out of service. This is relatively good, because Fiona was only a category 1 hurricane. Less wind, more rain meant less damage to towers. However, wireline and cable companies report 76

Re: Island-wide power blackout in Puerto Rico

2022-09-20 Thread Sean Donelan
From FCC report for September 20, 2022 (based on data from the prior day). Average of 30% (766) cell sites out of service. Worst >80% out of service in CULEBRA and LAS MARIAS. Cable and wireline companies reported 795,289 subscribers out of service. From U.S. Dept of Energy report for Se

WSJ Explainer: Taiwan has 14 submarine cables

2022-09-21 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.wsj.com/video/series/wsj-explains/how-chinas-military-drills-could-choke-off-taiwans-internet/854E2910-16D3-4265-93B0-19551CB1B3B1 How China’s Military Drills Could Choke Off Taiwan’s Internet Taiwan has 14 submarine cables that connect the island to the rest of the world By Wall

Hurrican Fiona

2022-09-23 Thread Sean Donelan
September 23, 2022 Hurricane Fiona downgraded to category 3 storm. Headed towards Nova Scotia Canada. Approximately, 30,722 (85%) of customers without power after Hurrican Fiona passes by Bermuda. IODA shows Internet service in Bermuda about 50%. https://ioda.inetintel.cc.gatech.edu/count

Cuba island-wide power outage after hurricane Ian

2022-09-27 Thread Sean Donelan
Lazaro Guerra, the technical director of the Electric Union of Cuba, the country’s state power company, said Cuba had "zero electric generation" after the hurricane caused problems in links in the west, center and east of the island. Mr. Guerra said crews would be working all night and Wedne

Ian and Fiona status reports

2022-09-28 Thread Sean Donelan
Ian (Florida, September 28, 2022) 102,000 customer power outages in Florida 188 (1.4%) cell sites out of service worst is MONROE county 12 cell sites (12.1%) 26,716 cable and wireline subscribers out of service Fiona (Puerto Rico, September 28, 2022) 335,000 customers without power in Pu

FCC chairwoman: Fines alone aren't enough (Robocalls)

2022-10-03 Thread Sean Donelan
'Fines alone aren't enough:' FCC threatens to blacklist voice providers for flouting robocall rules https://www.cyberscoop.com/fcc-robocall-fine-database-removal/ [...] “This is a new era. If a provider doesn’t meet its obligations under the law, it now faces expulsion from America’s phone net

FCC October meeting: Caller ID Authentication on Non-IP Network

2022-10-07 Thread Sean Donelan
Caller ID Authentication on Non-IP Networks – The Commission will consider a Notice of Inquiry launching a broad inquiry on caller ID authentication technology for non-Internet Protocol networks. (WC Docket No. 17- 97) https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-announces-tentative-agenda-october-open-

FCC Requires Broadband Providers to Display Labels to Help Consumers

2022-11-17 Thread Sean Donelan
The effective date will be determined later, after publication in the Federal Register and OMB review under PRA. November 17, 2022—The Federal Communications Commission today unveiled new rules that will for the first time require broadband providers to display easy-tounderstand labels to allo

Power outages Maryland near Washington DC (Plane crash into power lines)

2022-11-27 Thread Sean Donelan
A small plane crashed into high-voltage transmission power lines in Montgomery County, Maryland; near Washington DC. Most of the data centers are in Northern Virginia, but some are in Southern Maryland (Wheaton, Olney, Gaithersburg and as far away as Silver Spring). https://wtop.com/montg

FCC order regarding Urth Access LLC

2022-12-08 Thread Sean Donelan
The FCC is (slowly, slowly) increasing robocall enforcement. It issued a cease and desist letter, and directed all voice service providers to take steps to effectively mitigate suspected illegal robocall traffic made by or on behalf of the following: (1) Urth Access, LLC (Urth Access); (2)

Last undersea Internet cable connecting Vietnam with the world breaks down

2023-02-22 Thread Sean Donelan
https://en.vietnamplus.vn/last-undersea-internet-cable-connecting-vietnam-with-the-world-breaks-down/248731.vnp Since February 10 when telecommunication firms took technical solutions and opened up more data flows on land-based cables, the Internet connections have been improved and 50% of i

Scheduled outage -- Nationwide no driver license updates this weekend

2023-02-25 Thread Sean Donelan
Verizon network maintenance will impact access to the “National Driver Register,” a system that motor vehicle offices around the country need to check before handing out a license. All 50 states and D.C. participate in the National Driver Register, a database maintained by the National Highway

Land Mobile Radio (LMR) for Information Technology (IT) Professionals

2023-03-17 Thread Sean Donelan
IT professionals are often tasked with planning, provisioning, implementing, and managing LMR networks with the assumption that all computer networks are basically the same and have the same general requirements. However, in some cases this assumption has resulted in LMR networks being inade

Backup DC power standardization with Photovoltiac battery systems?

2023-04-14 Thread Sean Donelan
Are broadband CPE (ONTs, CMs, NIDs, etc) manufacturers and PV battery wall engineers working on any standardized CPE backup power connectors? AC/DC/AC & wall wart DC again is inefficient and reduces runtime. It would be nice if PV/DC battery wall and broadband CPE had a standard DC connecto

Re: Backup DC power standardization with Photovoltiac battery systems?

2023-04-14 Thread Sean Donelan
On Sat, 15 Apr 2023, Joe Greco wrote: Ubiquiti EdgeRouter PoE 5 can use 48VDC. If both PV battery walls and broadband CPE supported Power-Over-Ethernet as a backup power source, that would work too. POE supports greater distances than USB-C.

Re: Backup DC power standardization with Photovoltiac battery systems?

2023-04-17 Thread Sean Donelan
If both PV battery walls and broadband CPE supported Power-Over-Ethernet as a backup power source, that would work too. POE supports greater distances than USB-C. I'd prefer broadband CPE (UL listed) with a standardized backup power connector (doesn't exist, but I can dream). For DIYers, bu

NWS service assessment on 2021 Hurricane Ida

2023-04-27 Thread Sean Donelan
Just published, buried in the after-action report on 2021 Hurricane Ida Commodity internet access is now part of life-safety. National Weather Service Service Assessment August-September 2021 Hurricane Ida April 2023 https://www.weather.gov/media/publications/assessments/Hurricane_Ida_Service

Hawaii gets a PEP station KHKA CBS 1500

2023-05-30 Thread Sean Donelan
Hawaii has been unique since the beginning of EBS. The State of Hawaii EOC acted as the local Primary Entry Point. All the other PEP stations on the mainland are commercial broadcast stations, based on early EBS working agreements between NAB, White House, FCC and predecessor agencies of FEMA

FCC Chair Rosenworcel Proposes to Investigate Impact of Data Caps

2023-06-15 Thread Sean Donelan
While a lot of ISPs gave up on data caps, the language is still lurking in many Terms Of Service. https://www.fcc.gov/document/chair-rosenworcel-proposes-investigate-impact-data-caps proposed Notice of Inquiry to learn more about how broadband providers use data caps on consumer plans. Da

Northern Virginia has had enough with data centers

2023-06-22 Thread Sean Donelan
Backlash to data centers prompts political upset in northern Virginia By MATTHEW BARAKAT https://apnews.com/article/virginia-election-data-centers-prince-william-229cb44d34ccf4bd1cc4e9f0d0131649 FALLS CHURCH, Va. (AP) — The tech industry’s drive to dot the Virginia landscape with data centers

Re: Northern Virginia has had enough with data centers

2023-06-23 Thread Sean Donelan
Northern Virginia has about 275 data centers The noise complaints are about HVAC fan noise (24-hour droning) from cooling towers or roof top farms of evaporative condensers. The water complaints are about the one-use water cooling towers The electric grid complaints are about the demand on

Re: Northern Virginia has had enough with data centers

2023-06-23 Thread Sean Donelan
On Fri, 23 Jun 2023, Delong.com wrote: Northern Virginia has about 275 data centers There’s probably close to that number in the South Bay Area of California as well. California is well-known for its state enviromental laws and zoning, so some of the issues with the 'wild-west' zoning of ru

Copper wire thefts increase 139% in one California county

2023-07-01 Thread Sean Donelan
Copper wire thefts of all kinds appear to be increasing in 2023. Not just telecommunications copper cables, but also electric and transit cables. San Joaquin County reported a 139% increase in copper wire thefts over four months, and one theft in the county left the 911 center unable to re

California hurricane and earthquake telecommunication impacts

2023-08-21 Thread Sean Donelan
For California only (I don't have sources for Hawaii). no reported loss of life 58,555 telecom subscribers out of service 54,514 power subscribers out of service 85 cell sites out of service (7 damanged, 52 transport, 20 no power) Less than 1% OOS in declared area 2 PSAPs (911) out of servic

RE: California hurricane and earthquake telecommunication impacts

2023-08-21 Thread Sean Donelan
y day -Original Message- From: NANOG On Behalf Of Sean Donelan Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 3:01 PM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: California hurricane and earthquake telecommunication impacts WARNING: This message originated outside of Ford Motor Company. Use caution when opening attach

University of Michigan shuts down school’s internet connections

2023-08-29 Thread Sean Donelan
Only interesting for this list because of NANOG's history with MERIT and UofM. Long since separated. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/29/politics/university-of-michigan-cyber-incident-offline/index.html The University of Michigan has been without full internet access for two days after staff shut

Canadian regulator CRTC hires private company to investigate 2022 Rogers outage

2023-09-14 Thread Sean Donelan
CRTC hires private company to investigate 2022 Rogers outage Critics say regulator being too secretive about probe, too slow to force more transparency from big telecoms https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/crtc-rogers-outage-investigation-1.6963052 CBC News has learned Canada's telecommunication

Proposed National Emergency Communications Plan Updates

2019-03-15 Thread Sean Donelan
2019 Update to the NECP https://www.dhs.gov/cisa/national-emergency-communications-plan CISA is seeking feedback on proposed updates to the NECP — the Nation’s strategic plan to improve emergency communications. Informed by last year’s SAFECOM Nationwide Survey, the NECP provides guidance to th

Comcast: Xfinity Flex - No emergency alerts for cordcutters

2019-03-21 Thread Sean Donelan
In advance of Apple TV's big announcement next week, other folks are announcing their new streaming TV boxes. Comcast announced Xfinity Flex today, a video streaming box. Xfinity Flex looks and acts like a set-top box, but uses Internet, so it avoids all those pesky cable TV rules. But emer

Re: Incoming SSDP UDP 1900 filtering

2019-03-25 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 25 Mar 2019, marcel.duregards--- via NANOG wrote: As SSDP is used with PnP for local LAN service discovery, we are thinking of: 1) educate our client (take a lot of time) 2) filter incoming SSDP packets (UDP port 1900 at least) in our bgp border Its always a bad idea to do packet filte

Re: Incoming SSDP UDP 1900 filtering

2019-03-25 Thread Sean Donelan
Barry Greene has already written up a great overview, and provides links to best practices on ISP port filtering, pro & con. http://www.senki.org/exploitable-port-filtering/ My advice is consistent with Barry's, but I should I done my web research first :-)

Re: Incoming SSDP UDP 1900 filtering

2019-03-25 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 25 Mar 2019, Tom Hill wrote: On 25/03/2019 09:17, Sean Donelan wrote: Its always a bad idea to do packet filtering at your bgp border. Wild assertion. Why? My mistake trying to keep it simple. I should have just posted Barry Greene's link. http://www.senki.org/exploitable

Re: Incoming SSDP UDP 1900 filtering

2019-03-25 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 25 Mar 2019, Bryan Holloway wrote: And we are careful to ensure that any updates are pushed to all edge ingresses. BGP-edge filters don't help with customer-to-customer packets within the same ISP BGP autonomous area. So you would need CPE customer-edge filters anyway. A small ISP mig

Bay Area: Help test Earthquake Early Warning System

2019-03-25 Thread Sean Donelan
This is being covered on local San Francisco Bay Area media, but if network engineers aren't paying attention to the local news. Here is an opportunity for tech folks in the Oakland area to participate in the Earthquake Early Warning Test. TEST INFORMATION Date: Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 Ti

FCC seeks comment on improving the wireless resiliency cooperative framework

2019-04-01 Thread Sean Donelan
FCC Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Seeks Comment on Improving the Wireless Resiiency Cooperative Framework Comment Date: April 29, 2019 Reply Date: May 20, 2019 https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DA-19-242A1.pdf The Bureau particularly welcomes comments from cross-sector stake

IIJ demonstrating emergency information for broadband and smart TVs

2019-04-08 Thread Sean Donelan
Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ) and T-NET Japan are demonstrating a hybrid integration of emergency alerts for broadcasting and broadband smart TVs at this week's National Association of Broadcasters convention. A consortium of Korean broadcasters and manufacturers is also demonstrating UHD. I

Special Counsel Office report web site

2019-04-17 Thread Sean Donelan
The Special Counsel's report is expected to be posted on its website sometime between 11 a.m. and noon on Thursday, April 18, 2019. https://www.justice.gov/sco Since I helped with website for the Starr Report on September 11, 1998, I wish all website admins and network admins well tommorrow mo

Re: Special Counsel Office report web site

2019-04-17 Thread Sean Donelan
On Wed, 17 Apr 2019, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote: Things will probably be easier this time. The Internet has evolved ways of dealing with exactly this problem. (Avi used to call it “slash-dot insurance”, but the idea is the same.) Specifically: Yep, it will be interesting to see where the chokepo

Any technical-network issues? (was Re: Special Counsel Office report web site)

2019-04-18 Thread Sean Donelan
On Wed, 17 Apr 2019, Sean Donelan wrote: The Special Counsel's report is expected to be posted on its website sometime between 11 a.m. and noon on Thursday, April 18, 2019. Its been about 7 hours since the report was released on the SCO web site and to the news media. Ignoring the conte

Building Integrated Timing System (was Re: NTP question)

2019-05-02 Thread Sean Donelan
On Thu, 2 May 2019, Carsten Bormann wrote: Why don’t data centers provide a GPS signal along with power and air conditioning? Installing a distribution amplifier for 1.5 GHz is not rocket science. (Or an Ethernet with IEEE1588 precise time, but that is probably asking too much.) They should

EXERCISE: 2019 IAA Planetary Defence Conference - Day 5 Scenario

2019-05-07 Thread Sean Donelan
EXERCISE Only The scenario was chosen to stress the partcipants, not an actual asteroid impact. It was a fictional scenario. This was only an exercise. 60 meter asteroid impact in New York City, NY (roughly Central Park, NYC) 10,117,016 population directly affected Estimated unsurvivable a

Re: EXERCISE: 2019 IAA Planetary Defence Conference - Day 5 Scenario

2019-05-07 Thread Sean Donelan
On Tue, 7 May 2019, Nick Hilliard wrote: pfft, asteroid impacts and alien mothership crashes are bound to happen in Central Park. Everyone knows that! The next Planetary Defence Conference in 2021 will be hosted in Europe. That means a major city on the European continent will likely be destr

Re: EXERCISE: 2019 IAA Planetary Defence Conference - Day 5 Scenario

2019-05-08 Thread Sean Donelan
On Tue, 7 May 2019, Haudy Kazemi wrote: For any hit, a lot depends on impactor size. With an impactor of the size that took out the non-avian dinosaurs...the site of impact probably won't matter to us if humanity is unable to deflect it. I understand the intent. Earth is still a single point o

FCC Hurricane Michael after-action report

2019-05-09 Thread Sean Donelan
The FCC has released its report and analysis of Hurricane Michael impact on communications: preparation, effect and recovery. https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-releases-report-communication-impacts-hurricane-michael-0 Conclusions and Recommendations 51. Backhaul outages loomed large as an i

RE: FCC Hurricane Michael after-action report

2019-05-15 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 13 May 2019, frnk...@iname.com wrote: One of my takeaways from that article was that burying fiber underground could likely have avoided many/most of these fiber cuts, though I’m not familiar enough with the terrain to know how feasible that is. Nature is more powerful than humans. In

Internet emergency alerts: Alexa now supports "Announcements"

2019-05-29 Thread Sean Donelan
Amazon has announced a new API for its voice services, i.e. Alexa. This enables one-way Alexa announcements within a household and from Apps without prompting by the user. Although the Amazon blog did not comment about the use of Amazon Announcements concerning Emergency Alert System broadcast

Network Resiliency for Small and Rural Providers

2019-06-10 Thread Sean Donelan
Reminder: Next week on Monday, June 17, 2019 webinar on network resiliency for small and rual providers hosted by the FCC. https://www.fcc.gov/small-rural-communications-provider-network-resiliency-webinar The Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, in coordination with the Office of Commu

FCC workshop: Security vulnerabilities within our communications networks

2019-06-21 Thread Sean Donelan
Federal Communications Commissioner Geoffrey Starks is holding a workshop next week, June 27, 2019, to hear from interested parties on how to address the national security threats posed by insecure equipment within our communications networks. https://www.fcc.gov/document/commr-starks-annou

FCC webinar: Network resiliency for small and rural communication providers

2019-06-21 Thread Sean Donelan
If you aren't aware of the Supply Chain Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, you may want to read this. The Federal Communications Commission has put the presentations from the Webinar earlier this week on Network Resiliency for Small and Rural Communication Providers up on its website. https://w

Re: Are network operators morons? [was: CloudFlare issues?]

2019-06-25 Thread Sean Donelan
On Tue, 25 Jun 2019, Randy Bush wrote: perhaps the good side of this saga is that it may be an inflection point I doubt it. The greyer my hair gets, the crankier I get.

Re: FCC workshop: Security vulnerabilities within our communications networks

2019-06-25 Thread Sean Donelan
On Fri, 21 Jun 2019, Sean Donelan wrote: Federal Communications Commissioner Geoffrey Starks is holding a workshop next week, June 27, 2019, to hear from interested parties on how to address the national security threats posed by insecure equipment within our communications networks. The

Re: FCC workshop: Security vulnerabilities within our communications networks

2019-06-26 Thread Sean Donelan
On Tue, 25 Jun 2019, Christopher Morrow wrote: looks like our best and brightest have the problem resolved, phew! we're all safe now. The success rate of most groups has been low in this area, so I' willing let new groups try. I mostly just to keep an eye on new groups in case they do stupid

SHAKEN/STIR Robocall Summit - July 11 2019 at FCC

2019-07-08 Thread Sean Donelan
I don't think SHAKEN/STIR really addresses the root problems with spoofing phone numbers, anymore than any of the BGP proposals for spoofing IP addresses. Nevertheless, the FCC wants to be seen as doing something. So Chairman Pai is having a summit to show all the progress. On Thursday, Jul

Re: SHAKEN/STIR Robocall Summit - July 11 2019 at FCC

2019-07-09 Thread Sean Donelan
The agenda for the SHAKEN/STIR robocall summit was published today. Date: Thursday, July 11, 2019 Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Location: Commission Meeting Room at FCC Headquarters It will also be live-streamed on the FCC web site. https://www.fcc.gov/document/chairman-pai-announces-agenda-shak

Re: SHAKEN/STIR Robocall Summit - July 11 2019 at FCC

2019-07-10 Thread Sean Donelan
On Tue, 9 Jul 2019, Sean Donelan wrote: The agenda looks like lots of happy, happy talk from industry representatives. In advance of the SHAKEN/STIR robocall summit, AT&T has issued a press release announcing plans to automatically block robocalls for its customers. https://about.att

Re: SHAKEN/STIR Robocall Summit - July 11 2019 at FCC

2019-07-11 Thread Sean Donelan
Chairman Pai issues statement at the conclusion of the SHAKEN/STIR robocall summit. https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-358430A1.pdf WASHINGTON, July 11, 2019—Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai issued the following statement on today’s SHAKEN/STIR Robocall Summit at t

Multi-day GNSS Galileo outage -- Civilization survives

2019-07-18 Thread Sean Donelan
So much for the disaster scenarioes about a global clamity, planes falling out the sky, the end of civil society because a global navigation satellite system fails. The European Galileo GNSS was down for days, and life went on. I guess disasters exercise planners now need a new technical fail

FCC: 2019 CSRIC Working Groups Announced - Volunteers?

2019-07-22 Thread Sean Donelan
The 2019 FCC Communications Security Reliability and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) has announced their new working groups for the new cycle. CSRIC is seeking volunteers to serve on various working groups. https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DA-19-689A1.pdf Working Group 1: Alert Orig

FCC: December 27, 2018 CenturyLink Network Outage Report

2019-08-19 Thread Sean Donelan
The FCC announced the release of a report detailing the cause and impact of a nationwide CenturyLink network outage that occurred last December, along with recommendations to help prevent similar outages from occurring in the future https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-issues-report-centurylink-n

FCC Takes Action Against WISPs That Interfered with FCC Weather Radar

2019-08-22 Thread Sean Donelan
I haven't been paying attention to the WISP market, so I'm not up to speed on these issues. https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-proposes-fines-against-wisps-and-issues-warning-industry-0 The Federal Communications Commission’s Enforcement Bureau today announced proposed fines and issued a formal

Re: FCC Takes Action Against WISPs That Interfered with FCC Weather Radar

2019-08-22 Thread Sean Donelan
On Thu, 22 Aug 2019, Bradley Burch wrote: Good equipment uses GPS and manages frequency allowance accordingly. :) In the business plan, cheap equipment beats good equipment every time :-) Cutting corners on safety is great for the business plan too

SLA language about monitoring route leaks and inter-connection issues

2019-08-26 Thread Sean Donelan
Do any major ISPs have SLA language about monitoring inter-provider agreements for route hijacking, route leaks, address spoofing, and so on? I'm looking for something more proactive than waiting for a customer to notice a problem and open a trouble ticket.

Facebook launches alerts for local first responders

2019-08-27 Thread Sean Donelan
Facebook announced its new Local Alerts feature. Potential uses include storm warnings and advisories for extreme temperatures, evacuations, road closures, active shooter situations, bomb threats, missing person reports, water main breaks and more. The aim is to keep its users “safe and in-t

Cat 5 hurricane -- How are the Bahamas doing?

2019-09-01 Thread Sean Donelan
It is too early for damage assessments. BTC, local Bahama telecommunications company, is reporting widespread power outages, and intermittent mobile and wireline telephone service. The Abaco Islands in northern Bahamas seem to be taking the worst of it. Network measurements sites are repor

Re: Cat 5 hurricane -- How are the Bahamas doing?

2019-09-04 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 2 Sep 2019, Sean Donelan wrote: It is too early for damage assessments. BTC, local Bahama telecommunications company, is reporting widespread power outages, and intermittent mobile and wireline telephone service. The Abaco Islands in northern Bahamas seem to be taking the worst of it

Bahamas: Hurricane Dorian recovery status

2019-09-10 Thread Sean Donelan
Telecommunications and mobile services have been restored in about 90% of the Grand Bahama island area, however network capacity is still limited. Only about 10% of mobile and telecommunication service has been restored on the Abaco island. Over 60% of the housing and buildings on Abaco was

Carrier responses to FCC wildfire prepardness query

2019-09-24 Thread Sean Donelan
Today, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular and Verizon have responded to the FCC's inquiry about their prepardness for California wildfires and preventative public safety electric grid shutdowns. PSHB proceeding number 19-251 https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/search/filings?proceedings_name=19-251&s

California public safety power shutdowns

2019-10-09 Thread Sean Donelan
Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison have started Public Safety Power Shut-offs (PSPS) in California wildfire high-risk areas. Shut-offs are taking place in three phases. PG&E began shutoffs at midnight in Northern California and the North Bay counties, while the rest of th

Re: California public safety power shutdowns

2019-10-09 Thread Sean Donelan
Questions & some answers... - Will this affect public water supply? Generally no. Public water supplies have backup generators. Since this is only a power shut-off, and no other damage or disaster to the water system, public water systems will operate as normal. Nevertheless, its always a

Re: California public safety power shutdowns

2019-10-09 Thread Sean Donelan
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019, Sean Donelan wrote: - Will this affect cellphone service? [...] Remember, Cable and DSL VOIP and in-home wireless phones need electric power to operate. There are fewer and fewer copper-fed POTS lines with power from the telephone central office. Thanks to the person

Re: California public safety power shutdowns

2019-10-09 Thread Sean Donelan
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019, William Herrin wrote: Wasn't California in a similar mess 20 years ago when government regulation at the time also put PG&E in the position that they couldn't deliver the electricity their customers wanted? Something to do with hard limits on what PG&E could do but few limits

Re: California public safety power shutdowns

2019-10-09 Thread Sean Donelan
The National Weather Service forcast changed a little this afternoon, with a later onset of high-winds this evening/early morning hours. But like surfers on Florida coasts before a hurricane hits, some California folks are saying they don't see any wind -now-. Of course, the forcast is about

Re: California public safety power shutdowns

2019-10-09 Thread Sean Donelan
On Thu, 10 Oct 2019, Radu-Adrian Feurdean wrote: So, during a Power shut-off because of wild*fire* risk, operators are supposed to be able to re-charge batteries and supply generators with fuel (I suppose diesel, regular gas being even worse) in the affected areas ? Did I understand things wron

Re: California public safety power shutdowns

2019-10-10 Thread Sean Donelan
AT&T statement: Like all PG&E customers, we are also affected by this power shutdown. Overall our network continues to perform well and is operating at more than 97% of normal. We are aware that service for some customers may be affected by this event and are working as quickly as possible

Re: California public safety power shutdowns

2019-10-10 Thread Sean Donelan
Comcast statement: Hi. Parts of our network that connect to your Xfinity service may be in areas where the commercial power is off leading to a disruption. Once power is fully restored to those parts of the network, and it is safe to do so, we will restore service ASAP.

Re: California public safety power shutdowns

2019-10-10 Thread Sean Donelan
A pre-announced power shut-down is a bit like an open-book disaster exam. If a city wasn't prepared for a blackout, its going to be a lot worse after a major earthquake (or other catastrophe) hits. PG&E CEO Bill Johnson admitted during a Thursday evening press conference that the utility tho

Comcast outages continue even in areas with PG&E power restored

2019-10-11 Thread Sean Donelan
The FCC asked a half-dozen carriers about their network resilience plans last month. Comcast was not one of the service providers askedd about their plans. The FCC should have looked closer at Comcast in California. While it was expected many people would loose home Internet, voice, video ser

Re: Comcast outages continue even in areas with PG&E power restored

2019-10-11 Thread Sean Donelan
Why you don't have Comcast service during a power outage: Throughout the state, Comcast equipment was knocked offline by PG&E’s power shutdown, Hammel said. The cable company was “only using generators in very discrete and specific cases where there’s a demonstrated need,” such as a request

Re: Comcast outages continue even in areas with PG&E power restored

2019-10-12 Thread Sean Donelan
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019, Michael Thomas wrote: So I knew that telcos are required to battery backup pots, but are isp's too? I have a dinky little provider who also provides pots, but i have never been clear whether dsl stays up too in a blackout. Of course generalizing all service providers isn't

Re: Comcast outages continue even in areas with PG&E power restored

2019-10-14 Thread Sean Donelan
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019, Ted Hatfield wrote: First of all DSL is not pots. [] DSL is a data service that runs on the subscriber loop at the same time as the voice service. This service is not required to be battery backed and will invariably stop working when power is cut at the customer e

Re: Comcast outages continue even in areas with PG&E power restored

2019-10-14 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 14 Oct 2019, Michael Thomas wrote: Of course this is a lot of conjecture on my part... be glad to be clued in by folks in know. An old news story, but telco's usually have backup batteries in their outside plant, cell towers, etc. During power outages, they shuttle small generators b

Re: Comcast outages continue even in areas with PG&E power restored

2019-10-14 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 14 Oct 2019, Michael Thomas wrote: deal with the CPE, that the cable plant was the actual problem. The cable companies should, imo, be held to the same standard as the telcos. Maybe even moreso these days since IP has taken over everything. The need for reliable e911 hasn't gone away ju

FCC: DIRS activation for California Public Safety Power Shutoffs

2019-10-24 Thread Sean Donelan
Unlike the last California public safety power shut-offs (PG&E, SoCal Edison, SDG&E), the FCC has decided to activate its Disaster Information Reporting System this time. DIRS is a voluntary reporting method for wireline, wireless, broadcast, cable, and VOIP providers. https://docs.fcc.go

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