The National Weather Service forcast changed a little this afternoon, with a later onset of high-winds this evening/early morning hours.

But like surfers on Florida coasts before a hurricane hits, some California folks are saying they don't see any wind -now-. Of course, the forcast is about the future. But future weather fronts sometimes go north or go south, and meteorlogists' forecasts change.

Network related complaints with the California public safety power shut-offs.

It appears utilities and some local government web sites do not have enough capacity to handle the public seeking information about the blackouts.
PG&E’s website was down for many people, right when they needed it.

On Wednesday morning, Pacific Gas & Electric customers across Northern California said they were frustrated by difficulties getting information about blackouts and when power might be restored. Many blamed the utility for cutting power before they believed it was really necessary.
The utility’s website was working only intermittently — something Ms. Bennyi mentioned, too.

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