Hi Folks,
I work for a Security Analytics org and we're looking to build a small POP
in Africa. I am pretty clueless about the region so I was wondering if you
could help guide me in the right direction for research?
The challenges:
1. Network needs to be able to receive millions of small PPS
Thanks for all the replies! (really fast!)
The requirement for Bare Metal is very specific. Dealing with high speed
large files is very different to dealing with high volume small files. We
regularly encounter bottlenecks at the FSB and at the IO level. Even things
like RAID slows us down, so we h
On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 at 09:30, Christopher Morrow
> Isn't the OP really asking here (not to have their selection of
> platform wrangled..):
> "Where should I target my search: ZA only? is there anywhere else
> worth dropping my request?"
> and:
> "Are there likely providers of
55, Akshay Kumar wrote:
> The 2nd requirement seems artificial. The new hypervisors have come a long
> way and the overhead is minimal. Also you can run bare metal instances in
> AWS if you really need them with 100Gbps.
> Just just use the South Africa AWS region.
> On T
> It's a moot point since none of this is going to be available in time but
> perf is a bogus reason and a lot of the times price is too.
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 5:12 PM Ken Gilmour wrote:
>> Speed is not the issue, it's IO. Also streaming 100Gbps of video is very
ly one POP in Africa currently, need
to decide where to best serve as many as possible. We could serve Northern
Africa from EU and Southern Africa from Singapore, but having something
within the continent would be preferable.
On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 at 10:52, Mark Tinka wrote:
e are comparatively less alerts for individuals than
What you "should" do often doesn't translate to what you "do" do.
On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 at 11:23, Valdis Klētnieks
> On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 10:39:59 -0600, Ken Gilmour said:
> > These are
ide caching.
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 5:56 PM Ken Gilmour wrote:
>> We have a different use case to traditional analytics - We're aimed at
>> consumers and small businesses, so instead of a SOC with one big screen
>> refreshing 1 rows of only alert data every 30 s
ing a
facility in Africa that does Bare Metal servers. I've had a lot of helpful
people, despite the naysayers.
On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 at 11:23, Valdis Klētnieks
> On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 10:39:59 -0600, Ken Gilmour said:
> > These are actual real problems we face. thousands
I feel like I'm arguing with my teenager over why the WiFi is slow.
Anyone on the list know how to contact the Twitter Security team?
Seems the new update allows an attacker to modify other people's tweets.
The "Hackerone" form for reporting a vulnerability is the wrong form and
the "My account has been hacked" form is also the wrong form. The whole
site has been
On Thu, 18 Jul 2019 at 12:59, J. Hellenthal wrote:
> Yes/No ?
> https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/reporting-security-vulnerabilities
> > On Jul 18, 2019, at 13:45, Ken Gilmour wrote:
> >
> > Anyone on the list know how to contact the
>> >
>> >> On Jul 18, 2019, at 13:45, Ken Gilmour wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Anyone on the list know how to contact the Twitter Security team?
>> >>
>> >> S
There is a potential vulnerability in Gmail / Google Inbox which I need to
discuss and verify with the Google Security Team. Is there anyone on that
team here on NANOG who can contact me off-list please? Best to contact me
at k...@invinsec.com.
Hello any weekend workers :)
We are looking at urgently deploying an outsourced DNS provider for a
critical domain which is currently unavailable but are having some
difficulty. I've tried contacting UltraDNS who only allow customers from US
/ Canada to sign up (we are in Malta) and their Sales de
Thanks everyone for the fast and offline responses! Black Lotus contacted me
directly (almost instantly) and helped me set up an account straight away so
I will give them a try.
On 16 October 2010 12:03, Ken Gilmour wrote:
> Hello any weekend workers :)
> We are looking at urgently
On 18 October 2010 06:53, Jonas Björklund wrote:
> I have worked for one of the biggest poker networks and we used UltraDNS.
> The company was first operated from Sweden and later Austria.
> /Jonas
I would tend to agree... I have also used UltraDNS in the past for other
companies, however
On 18 October 2010 10:21, Mans Nilsson wrote:
> Subject: Terminology Request, WAS: Enterprise DNS providers Date: Mon, Oct
> 18, 2010 at 12:36:33AM -0700 Quoting Michael DeMan (na...@deman.com):
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have been following this thread, and am mostly curious - can somebody
> (or preferab
Now Sarah Palin is suggesting Wikileaks are terrorists and should be taken
offline with technical capabilities
or for anyone who can't speak German:
On 18 January 2011 10:00, Michael Painter wrote:
>> http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=AS:32421
I'm completely neutral in all of this but to be fair to BL - Here's the well
respected Level3's results:
On 18 January 2011 13:10, Simon Waters wrote:
> > Obviously they know about them because google has the information.
> I'm not sure this is a reasonable deduction.
Correct - It is completely unreasonable. I was using it as an example in
reference to a larger, well known provider since earli
Not so bad for UK but there is an extreme weather warning for the west of
Sent from my Android tablet. Please excuse my brevity
On Sep 11, 2011 2:53 AM, "Jay Mitchell" wrote:
> Ju
You probably want to google for the dnschanger virus
Sent from my smart phone. Please excuse my brevity
On Dec 20, 2011 4:38 p.m., "Eduardo A. Suárez" <
esua...@fcaglp.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar> wrote:
> Hi,
> what if evil guys hack my mom ISP DNS servers and use RPZ to redirect
> traffic from mom_
Depends where they are located. I found Europol and the NHTCU somewhat
helpful (but slow) to deal with some botnets controlled in Macedonia and
Latvia. NHTCU were contacted because of the location of one of the attacked
Sent from my smart phone. Please excuse my brevity
On Jan 23, 2012 1
Phase testers
Flashlight (depending on how well lit the dc is)
Sent from my Android tablet. Please excuse my brevity
On Feb 17, 2012 6:35 PM, "Jay Ashworth" wrote:
> Please post your top 3 favorite components/parts you'd like to see in a
> vending machine at your colo; please be as spe
On Feb 18, 2012 10:24 PM, "Robert Bonomi" wrote:
> Even better, nat to a 'bogon' DNS server -- one that -- regardless of the
> query -- returns the address of a dedicated machine on your network set up
> especially for this purpose.
What happens when the client sends a POST from a cached page o
Sent from my smart phone. Please excuse my brevity
On Feb 19, 2012 4:10 p.m., "Robert Bonomi" wrote:
> > From ken.gilm...@gmail.com Sun Feb 19 05:04:39 2012
> > Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 11:59:37 +0100
> > Subject: Re: DNS Attacks
> > From: Ken Gilmour
Don't forget Theo DeRaadt's email about IPSec!
On 31 July 2013 16:50, Chris Boyd wrote:
> On Jul 31, 2013, at 10:26 AM, "<<\"tei''>>>" <
> oscar.vi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > - Have I read it correctly. Can then break into a vpn connection,
Is there a Google corporate network engineer here who can contact me off
list please? It's regarding some issues with connectivity to the Google
corporate network services and load balancing (not Google apps).
We are in the process of replacing some SSGs (and NSes) with SRXes. The
biggest issues so far that we've faced are:
1. Although the devices can be used at the core you can't enable
"multifunction" IDP (i.e. you can only enable the filters for HTTP or
Fileserver etc, not all at the same time or the
I've used BGPLG for a few years on OpenBSD. Pretty solid and reliable
On 25 May 2010 08:28, Randy Bush wrote:
> so i went to get a looking glass going, and went to install lg
> (http://freshmeat.net/projects/lg/) on freebsd 8.
> it is perl insanity. among other cpan sikness, it wants to build
Hi all,
I have a very peculiar situation here that i seem to have difficulty
explaining in such a way for people to understand. I just got off the phone
to the Juniper Devs after about 4 hours with no result. They understand the
problem but can't seem to think of a working solution (last solution
Wow, very fast responses, Thanks Larry Sheldon and Ricardo Tavares!
On 27 May 2010 18:07, Ricardo Tavares wrote:
> Not sure if I correctly undestand you but default route its the route
> that the packet must follow if it do not have a specific route for the
> destination, so, if the next-hop for
;t follow default
> routing to ISP1.
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Ken Gilmour
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a very peculiar situation here that i seem to have difficulty
> > explaining in such a way for people to understand. I just got off the
>> source NAT the incoming traffic's source IP with IPs on firewall
>> inside interface, that way when server replies, firewall will
>> guarantee to receive the ACK because ACK traffic won't follow default
>> routing to ISP1.
>> On Thu, May 27, 2010
Hi Mark,
On 28 May 2010 06:37, Mark Hermsdorfer wrote:
> Ken,
> As others have pointed out typically interfaces are not kept track of in
> state tables. Having said that, I've worked in the past with the ScreenOS
> based SSG platforms that do this. So if you're coming from an SSG
> backgro
Hi Jack
On 28 May 2010 07:08, Jack Bates wrote:
> Your BGP config with ISP2 is probably unideal. This has lead to packets
> coming in via ISP2 despite the fact you prefer to use ISP1. Often, people
> only do AS Prepend to alter traffic patterns. However, if a packet finds
> it's way to your di
Hi Joe,
On 28 May 2010 08:13, Joe Maimon wrote:
> Firewalls that can route and service properly multiple "untrusts"?
> Good luck. Hit or miss. Constant flux.
> Place a router in front of it and that will get you a ways there.
We replaced our OpenBSD routers with these SRXes since they wer
Depends on where you are... I've used Sysnet in Europe (www.sysnet.ie) and
they are excellent. We used Deloitte (
in non-european countries, with not such a good result (but oth
This probably seems like an unusual request, but we urgently need to install
some equipment in Equinix HK and are having problems applying some iLO
licenses, Does anyone have a spare KVM in the datacenter there that we can
purchase from you, rather than ordering one and drop shipping it which
Hi there,
I am just wondering if anyone knows any more about the attempt by
Minnesota to block online gambling companies other than what's
publicly available (e.g.
Such as a list or the lette
For anyone who cares, IMEGA released the letter from the state of Minnesota:
2009/4/29 Ken Gilmour :
> Hi there,
> I am just wondering if anyone knows any more about the attempt by
> Minnesota to block online gambling com
So is this going to become like the great firewall of China
eventually? You can see in the letters that they are "going to see how
it goes and then maybe start blocking more stuff" if they are
successful. I can see a big nightmare heading this way if ISPs start
caving in to requests like this.
Hi There,
I have been trying to get in touch with someone at AS3549 for about an
hour but I can't seem to get through using normal methods (e.g.
calling numbers on the site, email to n...@globalcrossing.com doesn't
work, etc).
Can anyone who manages this AS please contact me off-list?
Thanks ver
Problem has been resolved, I managed to get through a different way. Thanks!
2009/5/23 Ken Gilmour :
> Hi There,
> I have been trying to get in touch with someone at AS3549 for about an
> hour but I can't seem to get through using normal methods (e.g.
> calling numbers on
Down from Costa Rica and Ireland too... Interesting that they are
starting to go for Social Networking sites now. Have they given up on
online gambling sites now? It appears as though they haven't been
actively attacking gambling sites for several days...
2009/8/6 Jorge Amodio :
> Are folks seeing
Good morning,
Could someone from Level3 who manages IPv6 Peering please contact me
offlist? I am have tried to call Customer services numerous times and
every time they attempt to transfer me to the appropriate person, the
call is dropped.
I just chatted to my contact in SG (over Instant Messenger) who said
they barely even noticed a problem. The provider is Star Hub.
2009/8/12 Gaurab Raj Upadhaya :
> Hash: SHA1
> Scott Howard wrote:
>> At that time the cause was a cable fault somewhere in/ne
I know Peer1 in vancouver reguarly send out notifications of
"non-impacting" generator load testing, like monthly. Also InterXion
in Dublin, Ireland have occasionally sent me notification that there
was a power outage of less than a minute however their backup
successfully took the load.
I only re
Hi There,
I am trying to get through to Comcast Abuse dept in a hurry due to a DoS...
I have called the normal number on the whois for the offending IP:
RAbuseHandle: NAPO-ARIN
RAbuseName: Network Abuse and Policy Observance
RAbusePhone: +1-856-317-7272
RAbuseEmail: ab...@comcast.net
Hi there,
I have gone through all normal channels to try to get through to
someone in Cable and Wireless Antigua (LIME). It seems difficult to
get a fast response through normal channels (it can take up to 48
hours some times to get a response to a "network down" situation).
Is there any senior a
Hi there,
Is there anyone from ICETel in Costa Rica who speaks English on this
list? I need to discuss some BGP stuff and my Spanish is not the best.
Failing that, anyone from RACSA or other major ISP in CR will do.
Hi There,
I am looking for carriers who offer peering in Latin America
(Specifically Costa Rica). So far the only carrier in Costa Rica who I
have been able to find that does this is ADN (American Data Networks,
www.data.cr). While they are already on my list for a quote, we need
at least one othe
2009/10/31 Dave Temkin :
> Ken Gilmour wrote:
>> Hi There,
>> I am looking for carriers who offer peering in Latin America
>> (Specifically Costa Rica). So far the only carrier in Costa Rica who I
>> have been able to find that does this is ADN (America
2009/10/31 Ken Gilmour :
> 2009/10/31 Dave Temkin :
>> Ken Gilmour wrote:
>>> Hi There,
>>> I am looking for carriers who offer peering in Latin America
>>> (Specifically Costa Rica). So far the only carrier in Costa Rica who I
2009/10/31 Seth Mattinen :
> Ken Gilmour wrote:
>> We have BGP4 networks in other locations (IPv4 and IPv6) - Costa Rica
>> being one of the places that don't have it... We would really like to
>> be able to implement it here but are finding it difficult to find
Hi Adel
There are companies like packet exchange (www.packetexchange.net)
(whom i have personally used) who will do all of the legwork for you,
such as applying for the ASN, address space, transit agreements, and
get the tail connections directly to your building. You just need to
pay them and buy
Hi There,
Since we use a vendor of "the vendor" of two Irish sea submarine
cables I am wondering if anyone has first hand information on the
fiber cut this morning? Does anyone have a status update on what is
happening? I am getting some Chinese whispers going on here.
We received the report from Packet Exchange, however they are not the
owners of the cable. I assume they just rent spectrum.
2009/3/29 isabel dias :
> affecting whom? and who's network?
> --- On Sun, 3/29/09, Ken Gilmour wrote:
>> From: Ken Gilmour
n egress and/or igress traffic coming in and out of
> your network to make sure your traffic was crossing that transmission path?
> I guess you must have visibility of planned work or outage notification if
> anything happen and you were directly affected- YES/NO?
2009/3/29 Justin M. Streiner :
> On Sun, 29 Mar 2009, Ken Gilmour wrote:
>> This has been fixed now. I will follow up directly with PE for an RFO.
> If it was repaired that quickly it was probably not a cut or a 'wet' failure
> but maybe something like an e
2009/3/29 Joe Blanchard :
> Hey!?!?!? Where'd they get a time machine! lol, j/k You mean 26th at 8am
> to the 29th 9:05 M-less?
I just received the corrected time: 02:58 BST to 09:03 BST.
>> A very strong wager.
>> -R.
>> --Original Message--
>> From: Ken Gilmour
>> To: isabeldi...@yahoo.com
>> Cc: nanog@nanog.org
>> Subject: Re: Fiber cut on Irish Sea
>> Sent: 29 Mar 2009 16:04
>> We
Good morning,
Is there anyone on this list who works for ICE in Costa Rica? We are
encountering some routing issues between you and Level 3 and Packet
Exchange. Level3 ticket number is available on request. Please contact me
off list.
¿Hay alguien en esta lista, que trabaja para ICE en Costa Rica
It's not related to Canada directly but but it is related to your question.
The following links are to the NANOG archive from Sep 11th 2001 where there
was some very good communication, specifically from Sean Donnelan regarding
connectivity during crisis. It shows the "unknowns" that people faced a
Maybe they're getting their Ideas from the Irish :). Magnet (www.magnet.ie)
does a similar thing which started over four years ago. They offer fiber to
the home and you can use it for triple-play.
I believe when they started the offering, the bandwidth was (initially
intended to be) limited only b
So if one were to purchase equipment, which is explicitly sold as
"Refurbished" from, say www.impulsetech.us and they were to offer Smartnet
on it, there is no guarantee that even if you paid for it, that Cisco would
fulfil their support contract?
On 4 March 2010 15:22, Adcock, Matt
We had a 6.2 last year in Costa Rica... We immediately regretted where we
had placed our racks and are almost finished a project to move them to a
concrete floor (rather than that compressed cardboard stuff). Lost a lot of
hard drives that day! We regularly have quakes between the 4-5 region here.
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