We had a 6.2 last year in Costa Rica... We immediately regretted where we had placed our racks and are almost finished a project to move them to a concrete floor (rather than that compressed cardboard stuff). Lost a lot of hard drives that day! We regularly have quakes between the 4-5 region here. By regularly, i mean a minimum of 5 times a year in different parts of the country.
Interesting, the epicenter was only a few km (about 30) from the capital city and no communications were knocked out (except within a 6 km radius of the epicenter which was affected more by mud slides knocking things over. Here's what it looked like... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8udXyyqUiw On 24 March 2010 13:31, Jeroen van Aart <jer...@mompl.net> wrote: > I saw a recent(-ish) short thread about a mag. 4 quake in the SF Bay Area. > This > http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/Maps/US2/36.38.-123.-121.php > should provide with everything you need to know. > > I check it on a daily basis and it's been rather quiet the past week or 2 > or so. Actually I guess it's been rather quiet ever since the 1989 quake, > but then a year or so ago I woke up in the morning from some rattling doors > so I guess it all depends on your perspective. > > So far the "worst" quake ever I experienced was in the Netherlands back > around 1988. Magn. 5.2 or something. Which is interesting considering these > happen like once every 6 million years or thereabouts ;-) > Actually I slept through it so I don't know if one can call it > "experiencing". > > Greetings, > Jeroen > >