Equinix DA-2 reported loads transferred 3-4 a.m.
From: NANOG on behalf of Robert
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2021 4:51 PM
To: Eric Kuhnke ; nanog@nanog.org list
Subject: Re: Infomart Dallas is on generator
Hopefully the other 400mw in Dallas follow the
I’ve always used wording such as “I’m contacting you on behalf of so-and-so.”
If they ask further I usually tell them I’m a consultant.
On Feb 20, 2021, at 11:29 AM, Mike Hammett
mailto:na...@ics-il.net>> wrote:
Leave aside any conversation about whether the business has the ability (or
The bigger thing to notice is the *lack* of noise as every server, switch and
storage system spins down.
Keith Stokes
On Sep 15, 2021, at 3:50 PM, Stephen Satchell
mailto:l...@satchell.net>> wrote:
In the data centers I've worked in over the decades, those Big Red But
and hook up my generator when PG&E
decides to cut
the power again. A bigger UPS for the small 19" rack that hosts some
Top Gear Top Tip: I also have a UPS on my garage door opener. That
saves the
misses from dealing with manually opening/closing the garage door if
I'm not
at home.
Keith Stokes
SalonBiz, Inc
However there wasn’t as much of an “agreed-upon signoff” as there was “move, go
off the air or accept interference”. The FCC and telco deal was done no matter
Keith Stokes
On Jan 19, 2022, at 10:22 AM, Tom Beecher
mailto:beec...@beecher.cc>> wrote:
It's also relevant that t
Cox has been doing this for awhile.
On 1/25/22 13:44, Matthew Petach wrote:
On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 10:11 AM Michael Thomas wrote:
Since everybody has their own wifi it seems that federating all of
for pretty good coverage by a provider and charging a nominal fee
In Andreessen Horowitz's words:
“you’re crazy if you don’t start in the cloud; you’re crazy if you stay
on it"
On 1/27/22 15:54, Michael Thomas wrote:
On 1/26/22 11:11 PM, Mark Tinka wrote:
On 1/26/22 17:10, Tom Beecher wrote:
Those folks also tend to learn hard lessons about what happ
Pfsense on Netgate appliances?
I’ve used several of them, while not for this exact purpose they have done the
roles but maybe not the amount of VPN traffic.
Keith Stokes
SalonBiz, Inc
On Feb 10, 2022, at 12:02 PM, William Herrin
mailto:b...@herrin.us>> wrote:
Hi folks,
Do yo
There are plenty of arguments that the existing school hours aren’t best for
educating children so the better answer might be to make school hours match
later daylight hours.
> On Mar 15, 2022, at 5:23 PM, Matthew Huff wrote:
> They don't want their names on it when what happened in the 70
dependent services as
operating normally. If you are experiencing any ongoing issues please reach out
to the Data Centres help desk
An official Incident Report will be shared in 5 to 7 Business days.
We thank you for your patience during the restoration.
Keith Stokes
SalonBiz, Inc
On Jul 11
I think the bright orange is so you don't run over it with your lawn mower,
especially since it's going to be there for 3 years.
You'd think in the 3 years in the US South it would be grown over and buried
itself. 😉
From: NANOG on behalf of Patrick
Cox also has a 1.2 TB cap.
If I can believe my graphs, the metered Cox connection (video streaming
primarily for wife) is about 90 GB the month of April and the unmetered ATT
fiber WFH for me is about 370 GB. Total LAN is about 450 GB. Napkin math but
it's pretty close.
I've been told by various PCI auditors that a noncommercial/FOSS firewall could
pass as long as you have implemented the necessary controls such as
encryption/logging/management and passing actual testing.
Keith Stokes
> On May 6, 2016, at 1:31 PM, Mel Beckman wrote:
> T
gh them.
On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Keith Stokes
mailto:kei...@neilltech.com>> wrote:
I've been told by various PCI auditors that a noncommercial/FOSS firewall could
pass as long as you have implemented the necessary controls such as
encryption/logging/management and passing
Keith Stokes
>> wrote:
On 2016-08-12 11:36 AM, Keith Stokes wrote:
Route53 can get expensive for lots of domains. Queries are cheap with the first
1M free, but if you have 1000 domains you’ll pay $500/month.
If you had 1000 domains, you'd pay $110/month, not $500. The first 25 domains
at $0.50
different/better one in return.
On Fri, 12 Aug 2016, Keith Stokes wrote:
Route53 can get expensive for lots of domains. Queries are cheap with the
first 1M free, but if you have 1000 domains you’ll pay $500/month.
You can build dedicated servers in multiple AZs and data centers able to
handle that m
PS, etc).
c) What extent of diversity were you able to obtain vs. your other AC
circuits (unique riser? separate transformer? separate power feed from
second route into the building?)
Keith Stokes
t it's elementary!" Watson retorted
Ken Chase - Toronto Canada
Keith Stokes
Assuming all devices are vulnerable isn't a bad start.
Keith Stokes
> On Sep 27, 2016, at 11:04 AM, Roland Dobbins wrote:
>> On 27 Sep 2016, at 22:37, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
>> All the more reason to educate people TODAY on why having vulnerable d
ency/agencies would be contacted?
This question is best answered by an attorney with expertise in this area
and with specific knowledge of your operation.
Keith Stokes
sense. As
part of that I have a service that monitors people applying for microwave
transmitters within a few hundred miles. You’d be surprised how many links are
applied for every month.
Keith Stokes
Neill Technologies
> On Jul 14, 2018, at 9:56 AM, Miles Fidelman
> wrote:
To her, the power company sucks if
the lights go out. In the worst case, if her power starts a fire, she's
calling the fire department.
Keith Stokes
Neill Technologies
Typical electrical breakers are not instantaneous devices and likely will not
trip at .5% over rated load until they've been run near limit for extended
periods of time.
Keith Stokes
> On Jul 22, 2018, at 5:52 AM, Radu-Adrian Feurdean
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Ju
tus and the outbound e-mails.
Keith Stokes
SalonBiz, Inc
On Dec 15, 2018, at 12:33 PM, Colton Conor
mailto:colton.co...@gmail.com>> wrote:
The problem I am trying to solve is to accurately be able to tell a customer if
their home internet connection was u
until the address is relinquished
by the user (i.e., when the user moves the device off the Verizon Wireless
IPv4-only devices are not compatible with Persistent Prefix IPv6 addresses.
Keith Stokes
It may be worth also closing down ports 445 / 139 / 3389
Keith Stokes
d test how well the
EAS works during extreme telecommunications damage.
>From my brief time as a radio station tech, all you need for EAS to function
>properly is power to the receiver/decoder and for the station's transmitter to
>be alive
Keith Stokes
I have equipment in. I have equipment in several others from
different companies and most are probably 15-20 degrees cooler.
Keith Stokes
If you are using hot/cold aisles and don't fill the rack, don't forget you have
to put in blank panels.
Keith Stokes
> On Oct 12, 2017, at 5:45 PM, William Herrin wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 8:31 AM, David Hubbard <
> dhubb...@dino.hostasaurus.com> wr
g? Anyone care to share what an average copper xcon, single floor,
meet-me-room to cage, Ethernet from carrier circuit costs? (This xcon is
approx 30 feet..)
Sent from my iPad
Keith Stokes
firewalls? Do they support IPv6
only environments? Details? Stories?
If you prefer not to disparage those poor product companies, please contact
me off the list.
Joe Klein
"inveniet viam, aut faciet" --- Seneca's Hercules Furens (Act II, Scene 1)
PGP Fingerprint: 295E 2691 F3
Well now you have to share the answer.
On Sep 10, 2015, at 3:06 PM, Todd K Grand
mailto:tgr...@tgrand.com>> wrote:
The problem has been resolved.
Thanks to everybody that contributed.
Keith Stokes
Or router bugs.
Or even inserting new NSA taps since some of the rest have been caught.
Keith Stokes
From: NANOG on behalf of Christopher Morrow
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:34 AM
To: Matt Hoppes
Cc: North American Network Operators
e have IP's that I can trace from the US
or UK that will show
1) jitter
2) packet loss
3) very far away (perhaps an IP on a sat. link). Pref over 2000 ms
Keith Stokes
that will show
1) jitter
2) packet loss
3) very far away (perhaps an IP on a sat. link). Pref over 2000 ms
Keith Stokes
Keith Stokes
I have a SmokePing machine sitting in AWS Oregon looking at a few of my sites.
It shows a bunch of ugliness starting around midnight Central and smoothing out
but still with higher latency continuing to some sites. The same site is
showing ugliness in the last hour.
Keith Stokes
> On
It works fine for me from Cox.
Keith Stokes
From: NANOG on behalf of Murat Kaipov
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 1:51 PM
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: cisco.com unavailable
Hi folks!
Is cisco.com <http://cisco.com/> unavailable or
a loud rock band,
I personally use Bose noise-canceling headphones.
Keith Stokes
ip history form to go with it.
Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin
Keith Stokes
Use wireless. There are reasonably priced point to point bridges available.
Keith Stokes
> On Jun 26, 2015, at 11:18 PM, Peter Kristolaitis wrote:
>> On 6/26/2015 7:26 PM, Joe Abley wrote:
>>> On 26 Jun 2015, at 15:04, Hank Disuko wrote:
s strictly
necessary. (I have no non-public information on that event. There may
be good reasons, technical or otherwise, why that wasn't the chosen
-- Brett
[1] You only have to configure them on the root; non-root bridges use
what root sends out, not what they ahve configured.
Keith Stokes
is there a hard
coded entry somewhere?
3. Do all U-Verse modem/routers behave the same way? This particular unit was a
Motorola but the friends I’ve seen with U-Verse use a Cisco unit.
Keith Stokes
to have to know how the technology of every ISP that every possible
SaaS customer may use to access your service is set up?
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 04:02:06PM +0000, Keith Stokes wrote:
I’m wondering if some can share their experiences or maybe there’s an AT&T
person here who can confirm poli
t a few times I have noticed that it's changed. I
wouldn't trust it to be static forever.
James Hartig
Keith Stokes
45 matches
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