Typical electrical breakers are not instantaneous devices and likely will not 
trip at .5% over rated load until they've been run near limit for extended 
periods of time.


Keith Stokes

> On Jul 22, 2018, at 5:52 AM, Radu-Adrian Feurdean 
> <na...@radu-adrian.feurdean.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2018, at 18:12, Andy Ringsmuth wrote:
>> I suppose in reality it’s no different than any other utility. My home 
>> has 200 amp electrical service. Will I ever use 200 amps at one time? 
> No, because at 201 Amps instantaneous the breaker will cut everything.
>> Highly highly unlikely. But if my electrical utility wanted to advertise 
>> “200 amp service in all homes we supply!” they sure could. Would an 
>> electrician be able to test it? I’m sure there is a way somehow.
> Will they deal with customers calling to complain that their (unknown to the 
> utility) "megatron equipment" says it cannot draw 199 Amps from a single 
> outlet ? I don't think so. They just ensure the global breaker will not 
> trigger when oven+microwave+home-wide air-con+water heating+BT rig in the 
> basement all draw all they can (i.e. up to ~25 Amps each) for something like 
> 5 min.
>> saturate my home fiber 300 mbit synchronous connection? Every now and 
>> then yes, but rarely. Although if I’m paying for 300 and not getting it, 
>> my ISP will be hearing from me.
> Will you waste your time if some random site says "you have 200 Mbps" ? On 
> residential, we only accept complaints for tests in pre-determined (wired, no 
> intermediate device, select set of test servers and tools, customer hardware 
> check) conditions and only for results lower than 60-70% of "advertised 
> speed". If wireless is invoved, test is being dismissed as "dear customer, 
> please fix your network, regards".
> For pro/enterprise service, we use higher bandwidth threshold, but we do 
> expect the other side to be competent enough for something like an iperf3 
> test.
> However, I have to mention that for the moment we can afford to run a 
> congestion-free network (strictly less than 80% charge - usually less than 
> 50% - measured with 1-minute sampling).
>> If my electrical utility told me “hey, you can upgrade to 500 amp 
> Are the 200 Amps written somewhere in the contract or is it what reads on the 
> usually installed breaker ? Around here, the maximal power is determined in 
> the contract (and enforced by the "connected" electrical meter/breaker that 
> has a generous functioning margin.

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