Re: Token ring? topic hijack: was Re: Mystery open source switching

2010-11-02 Thread Julio Arruda
There used to be quite substantial usage of X.25 in Brazil, for a lot longer than usual, for POS transactions. x.28 in fact, that would be PAD to X.25, may still be the case ? (RENPAC and 3028 come to mind) The management of some Nortel GSM devices also could be done over X.25, usually, it woul

Re: NPE-G2 vs. Sup720-3BXL

2009-05-18 Thread Julio Arruda
Steve Dalberg wrote: 2009/5/18 Adam Armstrong : David Storandt wrote: We're stuck in an engineering pickle, so some experience from this crew would be useful in tie-breaking... We operate a business-grade FTTx ISP with ~75 customers and 800Mbps of Internet traffic, currently using 6509/Sup2s f

Re: Unicast Flooding

2009-06-18 Thread Julio Arruda
Steven King wrote: Very true Eric. Microsoft even acknowledges the issue, and still has not fixed it. I have had a few customers use NLB and have this issue. Eric Gauthier wrote: Brian, The first is preventing it in the first place. As annoying as this might sound, this is one of the

Re: downloading speed

2009-04-17 Thread Julio Arruda
Several windows in the same PC, doing file transfer in parallel, each get the same speed as one. The speed is peaking at some specific speed every single time, and the several windows reach this peak. I smell classic TCP window size bumping into (bandwidth x delay). Have you tried with iper

Re: ip-precedence for management traffic

2009-12-29 Thread Julio Arruda
One note on this :-).. Some time ago, a friend of mine worked in a carrier that had dialup modems for out-of-band access ('lights-out, end-of-world' recovery) They kept the practice in a new NGN Class4/5 replacement.. Detail, the dial-up line went over the NGN.. On Dec 29, 2009, at 6