Re: [Nanog] Re: 12 years ago today...

2010-10-18 Thread Jason 'XenoPhage'; Frisvold
highly recommended! Also check out Steven Levy's Hackers. It goes a bit beyond the Internet, but the first part is definitely relevant. I would love to see an actual documentary put together, though. Surely there has to be footage out there of the early days. > Will - -- - ---

Re: World IPv6 Launch Day - June 6, 2012

2012-01-17 Thread Jason 'XenoPhage'; Frisvold
On Jan 17, 2012, at 8:17 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote: > I kind of feel left out with all the fanfare now, having launched IPv6 > many years ago. You can always do the Grand Re-Opening thing.. :P > ~Seth ------- Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold xen

Re: pbx recco

2012-05-15 Thread Jason 'XenoPhage'; Frisvold
y slick open source system supporting all of the above, plus a bit more. And there's a commercial arm as well that offers a commercially supported version with additional bells and whistles. > randy ------- Jason 'XenoPhage&

Re: Penetration Test Assistance

2012-06-05 Thread Jason 'XenoPhage'; Frisvold
e top of a Nessus report, then you've wasted your money. To be honest, I'd recommend getting a sample report from the company and quiz them on it before committing to a contract with them. --- Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold --

Re: [Nanog] Re: IPv6 rDNS - how will it be done?

2010-04-27 Thread Jason 'XenoPhage'; Frisvold
ange of addresses to be added. > Alternatively you can delegate the reverse for the /48 to servers > run by the customers. This works for commercial customers, but I'm not sure I'd want to delegate this to a residential customer. > Mark ---

Re: [Nanog] Re: IPv6 rDNS - how will it be done?

2010-04-27 Thread Jason 'XenoPhage'; Frisvold
impression that having both forward and reverse for dynamic IPs was a best practice.. ------- Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold --- "Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology." - Niven's Inverse of Clarke's Third Law

Re: [Nanog] Re: IPv6 rDNS - how will it be done?

2010-04-27 Thread Jason 'XenoPhage'; Frisvold
allow subdomain names where the domain is tacked on automagically? > Regards, > -drc --- Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold --- "Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology." - Niven's Inverse of Clarke's Third Law

Re: [Nanog] Re: US .mil blocking in Japan

2011-03-17 Thread Jason 'XenoPhage'; Frisvold
oing into a communications blackout to try and control some of the wild miscommunication being sent out. It seems reasonable enough if only to prevent widespread panic from someone "close" to the situation saying something incorrect. -----

Re: [Nanog] Re: US .mil blocking in Japan

2011-03-18 Thread Jason 'XenoPhage'; Frisvold
f the woods in the NorthWest of > NorthWest Washington State, that this is just common sense to do. Wasn't trying to pass anything off as a conspiracy theory, just passing on info I was given by someone on-site. ----------- Jason 'XenoPhage'