Re: Question of privacy with reassigned resources

2010-08-04 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
+1 During the P3P too-and-fro on what constituted PII I lost the argument that masking off the last bits constituted acceptable non-disclosure of PII. Additionally, viewing the long/lat of a property where b/w and addresses are provisioned as the legal entity which owns the building seems o

Re: I slogged through it so you don't have to -- ICANN Vertical Integration WG for dummies

2010-08-11 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
The window for comments closes tomorrow. Of course, the window for comments that somehow paint ICANN as a bastion of fools never closes, but anyone in the access and above business that opines on the structure, and interests, of registrars and registries, who opines after tomorrow, but not bef

Re: Lightly used IP addresses

2010-08-15 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 8/15/10 6:25 PM, Tony Finch wrote: On Sat, 14 Aug 2010, Randy Bush wrote: when the registry work was re-competed and taken from sri to netsol (i think it was called that at the time), rick adams put in a no cost when we (sri) lost the defense data network nic contract in may '91, disa awa

Re: [inquiry] Internet/cell in Teheran down?

2009-06-13 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
I exchanged notes with someone in Tehran shortly after 6am EDT this morning. NPR is at least partially incorrect. Steve Pirk wrote: Npr (All things considered) is reporting that cell phones and Internet access in at least Teheran if not all of Iran is down. Reporters are unable to connect out.

Re: Outages in wales ?

2009-07-19 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Peter Dambier wrote: Marc Manthey wrote: > i hope i can visit wales someday :-))) , it looks very nice, but the accent is for me as an europen non native english speaker nearly incomprehensible :-0 Hello Marc, it is not an accent. It is a language. In fact most welsh do prono

Re: sat-3 cut?

2009-08-09 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
above link, and routing, at transport, there is a tld effort as well. Randy Bush wrote: Does NANOG have an outreach and construction program? yes. informally, a fair number of nanogians have spent the last few decades doing tech transfer to the developing economies, including helping sta

Re: FCCs RFC for the Definition of Broadband

2009-08-26 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
In the applications I wrote earlier this month for BIP (Rural Utilities Services, USDA) and BTOP (NTIA, non-rural) infrastructure, for Maine's 2nd, I was keenly aware that broadband hasn't taken off as a pervasive, if not universal service in rural areas of the US. I don't think the speed metr

Re: FCCs RFC for the Definition of Broadband

2009-08-26 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
In the applications I wrote earlier this month for BIP (Rural Utilities Services, USDA) and BTOP (NTIA, non-rural) infrastructure, for Maine's 2nd, I was keenly aware that broadband hasn't taken off as a pervasive, if not universal service in rural areas of the US. I don't think the speed metr

Re: FCCs RFC for the Definition of Broadband

2009-08-27 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Fred, I picked Aroostook, Washington, and Lincoln counties for a 4g wireless with backhaul infrastructure proposal. A wireline infrastructure proposal for these counties (BIP) would, for some arbitrary amount of capital expense, serve some of the population in towns, but leave the non-in-town pop

Re: Ready to get your federal computer license?

2009-08-30 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
+1 I operate a Maine ISP/ASP, and Senator Snowe is my lobbying target. Steven M. Bellovin wrote: On Sun, 30 Aug 2009 19:46:19 -0400 (EDT) Sean Donelan wrote: On Sun, 30 Aug 2009, Jeff Young wrote: The more troubling parts of this bill had to do with the President, at his discretion

Re: Ready to get your federal computer license?

2009-08-30 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
randy, moveon is a maine-based org. it is an effective, fund raising, partisan organization. it is much more than a click-and-opine vehicle, it puts hundreds of thousands of dollars into competitive races, and has a competent political director. to create a "NagOn" we would have to hire or a

Re: Ready to get your federal computer license?

2009-08-31 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
The order arose from Cobell v. Salazar (was C. v. Kempthorne, was C. v. Norton, was C. v. Babbitt). On October 20th, 2005, Judge Royce C. Lamberth ordered the Interior Department to disconnect from the Internet all computer systems that house or provide access to Individual Indian Trust records

Colt outages?

2009-09-08 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Anyone have news on this? I understand Colt has fixed London and are working on Dublin, Bruxelles and Geneva... but that's all I have.

colo space in vancouver, bc?

2009-09-09 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Hi, I've a project that needs approximately a rack, in the Vancouver, BC area. Suggestions? Eric

Re: Congress may require ISPs to block fraud sites H.R.3817

2009-11-05 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Barry Shein wrote: I was at an IP (as in intellectual property), um, "constituency" I think, IPC, meeting at ICANN which basically consisted of 99 lawyers and me in the room. By the Montevideo ICANN meeting '01 the "Internet Service Providers Constituency" (ISPC) had dwindled down to the co

Re: UDRP and ICANN / Input Requested

2008-10-23 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Ernie, Martin's suggestions (go rummage around the Berkman dump) is a good one. Not too far from you is someone who actually is a leading figure in this somewhat arcane field, Prof. Froomkin at Miami Law. There've been a couple of papers over the years that are good sources too. Drop a note t

Re: UDRP and ICANN / Input Requested

2008-10-24 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
I should have mentioned this, its a nice, non-fatal, 31pp intro to part of the problem space, from the IPC weenies: Eric

Re: McColo and SPAM

2008-12-06 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Paul, I read Gregg Keizer's piece in CW where FireEye's Fengmin Gong is quoted as "We have registered a couple hundred domains," Gong said, "but we made the decision that we cannot afford to spend so much money to keep registering so many [domain] names." Now interposing on the Srizbi system

Gaza telecommunication systems offline

2009-01-04 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
This is sort of a rinse and repeat of the degradation of the Iraqi voice and data networks we annotated in March of 2003. The first is Ma'an (Turkish), the second is AP (American). Cell service is at the point of failure. Data is coming close to failure, and landline voice is problematic too.

Re: [NANOG] Never seen before! Gucci Prada Chanel, Bally, Dsquared, Sold for less than cost…WOW

2008-04-24 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Can I get a size 43 wide with steel toes suitable for kicking routers somewhere proximal to the red buttons? In a comfortable office casual subdued pastel? wrote: > Ladies and Gentlemen, Get Ready for.. > > Thought I would let you know about the Fashion Footwear SPRING Sale! >

Re: [NANOG] An account of the Estonian Internet War

2008-05-24 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Gadi, I read it. As it happens, about a year ago I plowed through a bunch of Information Operations (formerly known as Information Warfare) papers in a then-linkable bibliography on the subject. Your GJIA paper is of that genre. There wasn't enough for me to distinguish between an ad insert c

Re: ICANN opens up Pandora's Box of new TLDs

2008-06-27 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Martin, I wasn't that impressed with Dave's remarks, but I heard them rather than read them, which may have made a difference. I agree with your views on the substance and spirit of Susan's and Wendy's statements. This -- the new GTLD process -- was originally scheduled to get to completion

Re: ICANN opens up Pandora's Box of new TLDs

2008-06-27 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
related to offensive TLD's. . What's your take on that part of the process? Marty - Original Message ----- From: Eric Brunner-Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Martin Hannigan Cc: ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Fri Jun 27 10:57:15 2008 Su

Re: what problem are we solving? (was Re: ICANN opens up Pandora's Box of new TLDs)

2008-06-29 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
David Conrad wrote: ... part of that constituency', but in reality, the majority of domain names are held by registrars. ... I didn't know that. Can you point me to some data? Eric

Re: ICANN opens up Pandora's Box of new TLDs

2008-06-30 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Tony Finch wrote: On Sun, 29 Jun 2008, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote: I am very curious of what tests a "security-aware programmer" can do, based on the domain name, which will not be possible tomorrow, should ICANN allow a few more TLDs. It makes the "public suffix list" project harder, b

Re: what problem are we solving? (was Re: ICANN opens up Pandora'sBox

2008-06-30 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Peter Beckman wrote: On Mon, 30 Jun 2008, Joe Greco wrote: I see usefulness in having scopes that are local (city/village/etc), state, country, and global. There's no reason that you couldn't start out local, and as you grew, get a state level domain (, and if you went nati

Re: a business opportunity?

2008-07-05 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
paul, in another universe, the inhabitants are attempting to find some policy for dealing with what i'll call a temporally inconsistent name to address mapping, at a single, and also a second level of indirection. of course, just about everything that's ever been written (and re-written) on n

Re: Multiple DNS implementations vulnerable to cache poisoning

2008-07-09 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
David Conrad wrote: On Jul 9, 2008, at 4:17 PM, Randy Bush wrote: aside from just getting some cctlds signed, i will be interested in the tools, usability, work flow, ... i.e. what is it like for a poor innocent cctld which wants to sign their zone? If there is sufficient interest, we could d

Re: Exploit for DNS Cache Poisoning - RELEASED

2008-07-24 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Neil Suryakant Patel is the nominee for AS for Communications and Information at DoC. If he's in the loop, even "advisory pending ...", and as a Cheney staffer (intially staff secretary, now as a domestic and economic policy adviser), that's possible, then adjust expectations accordingly. Pau

Re: [funsec] Subject line misleading. AT&T Pwned. Sweet Irony: Metasploit Creator a Victim of His Own Creation (fwd)

2008-07-31 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
oddly enough, i was chatting with a friend from the w3c while walking off-site to lunch from the dublin ietf about the life, and death, of the w3c's p3p project (i was a contributor, he works in a different area), and its possible re-animation. without meaning to (i assume) martin's made a lan

Re: OT but funny: shades of

2008-08-26 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
After the first and second InterOps our cable plant for networks that lasted a week were considerably better organized. The short duration isn't that compelling for ... pasta panic. Paul Wall wrote: On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 3:22 PM, William Herrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: One makes differ

Re: GLBX De-Peers Intercage [Was: RE: Washington Post: Atrivo/Intercag e, w hy are we peering with the American RBN?]

2008-09-02 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Suresh, In a parallel universe we're considering profiles for "licit use" of some mechanism. One element of a multi-part test to distinguish "licit" from "illicit" was the presence or absence of known signatures for malware. After some thought it was understood that this test was equivalent t

Re: the Intercage mess

2008-09-24 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Randy Bush wrote: John Bambenek wrote: When there is no law to speak of all that is left is tribal justice. this way lies lynch mobs shall we at least apply a vernier of civilization? randy While I appreciate the points both you and John are attempting to make, as someone who

Re: Who has AS 1712?

2009-11-23 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Jared Mauch wrote: On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 07:58:00AM +0900, Randy Bush wrote: It's not just AS1712. AS1707 - AS1726 appear to all have been allocated to Renater. AS1707 was ERX'd to RIPE on Sep 9, 2002, but it appears that AS1708-AS1726 were missed and have subsequently been reallocated by

Re: I got a live one! - Spam source

2009-11-25 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Russell, My personal inclination would be to look for what legit entities are provisioning them with critical resources and what margins they appear to be paying. For DNS resources, the domains, to identify registry preference, probably a simple volume correlation, and the registrars, which

Re: What DNS Is Not

2009-11-26 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Dan White wrote: On 26/11/09 07:37 -0800, David Conrad wrote: There are folks on this list who work for ISPs which are doing wildcards/synthesis/etc. They (or, more likely their management) can tell you there are obvious business reasons why they do wildcards/synthesis/etc. Perhaps I'm overl

Re: FYI, new USG Cybersecurity Coordinator ...

2009-12-23 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
+BIGINT The real issues are (a) is this billet actually able to originate policy, (b) interpret existing policy, (c) at least find the RNC mail archive, (d) ... Who the hell cares if the billet is filled by a Soviet Mole (tm) if the job is decoration? Eric On 12/23/09 12:42 PM, William Al

The cost of nines

2009-12-24 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Hi all, On the 7th of next month I'll be participating in an ICANN consultation on the proposed draft registry agreement, and the number of "nines" that have crept into it, relative to what was expected of new registry operators a decade ago, is one of the hidden cost increases I will discuss

Re: Article on spammers and their infrastructure

2009-12-31 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
At the Montevideo ICANN meeting, in August, 2001, I was surprised, and disapointed, that the ISP Constituency had reduced to ... a couple of IP attorneys. So, as a point of departure, were one going to advocate policy which affects ISPs as ISPs, as opposed to ISPs as trademark portfolio manag

Re: EDNS (Re: Are the Servers of Spamhaus.rg and down?)

2010-01-01 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 1/1/10 4:44 PM, Paul Vixie wrote: ... it's going to be another game of chicken -- will the people who build and/or deploy such crapware lose their jobs, or will ICANN back down from DNSSEC? Either (a) a large cohort of entries is added to the root before [pick predicate condition of choice

Re: Article on spammers and their infrastructure

2010-01-03 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
ractual distinguishment. Registrars can be "bad" because they fail to pay ICANN (the commonest form of registrar deaccreditation) or because they aren't responsive to email or because they are claimed to be in breech of some specific term in the current accreditation agreemen

Does anyone have the Cyber Storm II Exercise Report?

2010-01-03 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
I'm sure someone must, but google as I have I only find "fact sheets" (marcom collateral) and reports to Congress. Thanks in advance! Eric

Katrina response, private and public

2010-01-15 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Folks, After the Katrina landfall a diverse group of wireless people started organizing a relief effort, culminating in work around Waveland. There was also a group from the NPGS in Monterey, who worked on the Boxing Day Tsunami aftermath. Does anyone have a similar contact set? Eric

Re: Katrina response, private and public

2010-01-16 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 1/15/10 11:52 AM, Bill Woodcock wrote: >On Fri, 15 Jan 2010, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote: > > After the Katrina landfall a diverse group of wireless people started > > organizing a relief effort... > > There are quite a lot of us working on it, is the

Re: Katrina response, private and public

2010-01-16 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
twork Engineer Haiti Earthquake Survivor On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Eric Brunner-Williams>> wrote: Folks, After the Katrina landfall a diverse group of wireless people started organizing a relief effort, culminating in work around Waveland. The

Re: Katrina response, private and public

2010-01-17 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
ation current as of this hour. Eric On 1/16/10 5:36 PM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote: At around noon, Eastern, the State Department was provided with information on the fuel situation at the Port au Prince NAP, which has used 2/3rds of the available diesel (8gal/hour run rate, 160 gal remaining) ke

Re: Katrina response, private and public

2010-01-17 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
nt outcome measure of sanity.) Eric On 1/17/10 10:22 PM, Nathan Eisenberg wrote: Isn't there a US destroyer taskforce off the coast now? One would think they'd have a supply of diesel available. Best Regards, Nathan Eisenberg ________ From: Eric Br

Re: Katrina response, private and public

2010-01-19 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Yesterday the US provided 270 gallons of diesel, and the Dominican Republic provided 100 gallons of diesel. Including battery, the Xchange Boutilliers is fuel secure through Friday. Eric On 1/18/10 12:37 AM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote: There are significant US naval and land assets in place

Re: Katrina response, private and public

2010-01-19 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
y, and dependents in need. Eric On 1/19/10 1:15 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote: Eric Brunner-Williams wrote: Yesterday the US provided 270 gallons of diesel, and the Dominican Republic provided 100 gallons of diesel. Including battery, the Xchange Boutilliers is fuel secure through Friday. If I

Re: Katrina response, private and public

2010-01-19 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 1/19/10 2:27 PM, Rodney Joffe wrote: On Jan 19, 2010, at 11:31 AM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote: I've no idea. I've just been focused on moving the "dry tank" moment to the right, along with several others. Mind, this was the first resupply, its not a stable replen

Re: Grant Funding

2010-01-19 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Fletcher, A belated "good job". Eric

Re: Katrina response, private and public -- call/fax/email specific congress-critters (please)

2010-01-20 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Folks, I'm trying to keep the competent engineer count at the Boutilliers NAP from decrementing to zero in the very proximal future. One of several problems being worked by several groups of people. Specifically, I want to get the paperwork done so that Dominique Theodore Guerrier, wife of R

Housing situations sought for the family of Reynold Guerrier

2010-01-21 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Naturally, I didn't make all the local connections I could have before I needed them when I went to NANOG-45, graciously hosted by Terremark. I think it is unlikely that any of the three paths -- parole from Homeland Security, visa from State, and Congressional action, are likely to occur with

Re: DIMACS/CCICADA secure routing workshop rescheduled

2010-01-22 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 1/21/10 9:16 PM, Steven Bellovin wrote: OK, folks -- we've corrected the scheduling conflict. The secure routing working is now March 10-12. Please come! But, But, But, That conflicts with ICANN ... Oh. Never mind. According to the Protocol Supporting Organization Depricated decision of

Status as of Friday COB @ Boutillers, Port au Prince, Haiti

2010-01-23 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
[sent to a smaller distribution yesterday evening, now to NANOG for wider information and coordination purposes, ebw] All I am looking into booking Reynold's wife and children into short-term lodging in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic or in a nearby island. There has been some progress on a

Re: domain registra question

2010-01-30 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Deric, I run a small registrar, and I'm the CTO (confused, tired and overworked) of a medium sized registrar, which as it happens does offer the "how to become a registrar" as a consultancy product. There are a number of procedural steps to take to obtain "ICANN accreditation". At that poi

Re: domain registra question

2010-01-30 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 1/30/10 8:01 PM, John Levine wrote: We are doing hosting and We are interested in doing Domain registra Could you provide more info? Although Eric is correct that you can become an ICANN accredited registrar, that's probably not what you want to do. Agree, but I'm not going to tell him (o

Re: Research Project: Internet capacity during pandemic events

2010-02-03 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Mike, Is your interest events like the recent semi-non-event with H1N1, where for contagation management, workforce labor and school age children were not compulsorily aggregated, or morbidity and mortality effects on network operator labor for an event such as the dispersal of a weaponized b

Adopt‐an‐Haitian‐Internet‐technic ian‐or‐facility

2010-02-08 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
All, Attached is a project description by Reynold Guerrier, Network Engineer and Treasurer of the Association Haïtienne pour le développement des technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (AHTIC). I know many have helped and many have offered to help, and kit and people have been

Re: Adopt‐an‐Haitian‐Internet‐tech nician‐or‐facility

2010-02-08 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Arg! The attachment died the death of "132485 bytes with a limit of 100 KB". Oh well, it could have been the line eater bug in a USENET post. I posted an HTML version here: Cutting and Pasting (a high tech skill) yeilds: Project Title: Adopt

Re: Adopt‐an‐Haitian‐Internet‐tech nician‐or‐facility

2010-02-08 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Steve, Hmm. Are there other requests like this one? I suppose the pilot's associations may be trying to raise money to fix the secondary airfields -- a note from a member of Congress who's significant other has been shuttling a Cessna and stand-alone early relief payloads from the US VI to se

Re: Adopt‐an‐Haitian‐Internet‐tech nician‐or‐facility

2010-02-08 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
this? (No, I don't think this one is fake...) As a start, web of trust. This one was introduced to the list by Eric Brunner-Williams originally, a member in good standing. Err, no. It was introduced by (unsigned) email purporting to come from Eric. Followed by another (unsigned) me

2nd send: Adopt‐an‐Haitian‐Internet‐ technician‐or‐facility

2010-02-17 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Folks, This is a slightly edited, and _unsigned_ resend of my note of the 8th. In an effort to "unbury the lede", the bank routing info is at the top of the post, as well as the bottom ;-) Bank: SOGEBANK Bank Address : Route de Delmas, Delmas 29, Port-au-Prince, HAITI Account Number: 13021298

Re: Email Portability Approved by Knesset Committee

2010-02-22 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 2/22/10 12:28 PM, Joe Abley wrote: On 2010-02-22, at 10:09, Gadi Evron wrote: ... It'd be an interesting twist if contracts between e-mail providers outside Israel and ISPs inside suddenly made this requirement for e-mail address portability leak beyond Israel's borders. Off-list I aske

Re: Email Portability Approved by Knesset Committee

2010-02-23 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 2/23/10 1:25 AM, Steven Bellovin wrote: ... And who runs this database? Local number portability requires a new database, one that didn't exist before, It's run by a neutral party and maps any phone number to a carrier and endpoint identifier. (In the US, that database is currently run by

Re: [Fwd: [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] RIPE NCC Position On The ITU IPv6 Group]

2010-03-11 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
What NANOG contributors, if any, are invited by a government, to join their national delegation to the initial meeting of the ITU's IPv6 Group in Geneva next week?

Re: [Fwd: [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] RIPE NCC Position On The ITU IPv6 Group]

2010-03-31 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
le >> absence was ICANN. Of course, this sample is by no means >> representative of the entire community, but it's more than "None." >> >> >> >> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Martin Hannigan >> wrote: >>> None. >>> >>> &

Re: [Fwd: [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] RIPE NCC Position On The ITU IPv6 Group]

2010-03-31 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Joly, It is just another 501(c)(3) incorporated in California. Just as the ITU is just another treaty organization. The basis for cooperation has to be mutual interest, not mere assertion of presence, and getting to maybe after a long, and not very cooperative history, isn't necessarily YouTube ma

Egypt: direct economic cost estimated at $18m/day

2011-02-03 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
This is from a 3% to 4% estimate of telecomms and datacomms in the overall Egyptian economy. The OEDC communique notes that attracting foreign investment may now be more difficult. (Is there anyone not looking at regional alternatives?) Source:

Re: Weekend Gedankenexperiment - The Kill Switch

2011-02-06 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
the authoritative and secondary servers for the "ميسر." zone were unreachable, a circumstance which existed a year ago for the .ht zone. the authoritative and secondary servers for the ".eg" zone were mutually unreachable. wireline dialtone was prevalent during the prefix withdrawal period.

Re: Looking for an IPv6 naysayer...

2011-02-09 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
well, i've argued new gtld registry operators in general do not benefit from a manditory v6 reachability requirement at transition to delegation, a position unpopular with v6 evangelicals and others who suppose that new gtld registry operators will exist to serve "the next billion users" rather

Re: Looking for an IPv6 naysayer...

2011-02-09 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
I disagree... I think that offering alternate name space views to the existing {b,m}illions of v4 addressed spindles requires IPv6 reachability as well since those will also be adding IPv6 capabilities in the next year or two. so your claim is that to have a .cat, serving registrants currently

Re: Looking for an IPv6 naysayer...

2011-02-10 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 2/9/11 10:32 PM, Owen DeLong wrote: On Feb 9, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote: I disagree... I think that offering alternate name space views to the existing {b,m}illions of v4 addressed spindles requires IPv6 reachability as well since those will also be adding IPv6

Re: Looking for an IPv6 naysayer...

2011-02-14 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
owen, at several points you assert that gtlds are "global", which i suggest is an error on your part. gtlds are whatever the controlling contract (icann) requires, and that currently lacks an external to the point of service performance measurement, and whatever the registrants require, with

Re: Looking for an IPv6 naysayer...

2011-02-14 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 2/14/11 3:30 PM, Owen DeLong wrote: On Feb 14, 2011, at 7:12 AM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote: owen, at several points you assert that gtlds are "global", which i suggest is an error on your part. TLDs come in two flavors. GTLD -- Global Top Level Domain -- A domain whic

Re: Local root zone (Was NYTimes: Egypt Leaders Found ‘Off’ Switch for Internet)

2011-02-16 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 2/16/11 4:25 PM, Fred Baker wrote: I don't think that the Egyptian shutdown of domain names had much effect ... ditto. i'm not aware of any actions by the .eg registry operator, though i'll ask, coincidental to the prefix withdrawal. i suppose in the interests of completeness i should al

Re: Local root zone (Was NYTimes: Egypt Leaders Found ‘Off’ Switch for Internet)

2011-02-16 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 2/16/11 6:10 PM, Steven Bellovin wrote: On Feb 16, 2011, at 4:25 13PM, Fred Baker wrote: I don't think that the Egyptian shutdown of domain names had much effect; that's why the bgp prefixes were withdrawn. What was effective was the withdrawal of BGP prefixes. Per the NYT article, the

OT: What vexes VoIP users?

2011-02-28 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
OT, but NANOG is almost always good for quick clue ... For those who have residential VoIP, what provider {features | bugs} are most vexing? For those who provision residential VoIP, what subscriber {expectations | behaviors} are most vexing? Thanks in advance, Eric

OT: Where are the VoIP clue bats?

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
First, thanks for all the responses to "What vexes VoIP users?" I'm looking for pointers to sites, like Geoff Huston's, that are VoIP clue dense, or mailing lists(*) where the VoIP-full lurk. Thanks in advance, Eric (*) I'm already on the ecrit list, though my real interest in the

Re: ICANN approves .XXX red-light district for the Internet

2011-03-26 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 3/21/11 1:19 PM, Stefan Fouant wrote: So the days of pointless TLDs are amongst us as we've now given would-be registrars the right to print money and companies are forced to purchase useless domain names in order to protect their trademarks, prevent squatting, etc. When will sanity prevail?

Re: ICANN approves .XXX red-light district for the Internet

2011-03-26 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 3/26/11 5:17 PM, Scott Howard wrote: ... But do you really believe playboy are going to give up Or that new websites are going to register an address that will result in their website not being visible by 1/6th of the worlds population (

Re: ICANN approves .XXX red-light district for the Internet

2011-03-26 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 3/26/11 7:17 PM, Marshall Eubanks wrote: ... For some reason the aerodynamics of pigs comes to mind here. Having pigs fly is just about as likely as having ambitious Southern prosecutors give up the ability to bring meaningless, but newsworthy, porn prosecutions, ICANN's new TLD or no. ICM

Re: ICANN approves .XXX red-light district for the Internet

2011-03-26 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
uant wrote: -Original Message----- From: Eric Brunner-Williams [] Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2011 7:24 PM ICM retained competent counsel for the ICANN issue advocacy. I expect Stuart will retain competent counsel for the follow-on issues. Yes, it is certain that S

Re: ICANN approves .XXX red-light district for the Internet

2011-03-27 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
Two comments from two commenters: I can't seem to find anyone that would benefit from this, with the exception of Stuart and ICM's shareholders. ... I expect the board and staff really really would not want to have to answer questions under oath like "who did you talk

Re: ICANN approves .XXX red-light district for the Internet

2011-03-27 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 3/27/11 2:35 PM, John Levine wrote: ... I expect the board and staff really really would not want to have to answer questions under oath like "who did you talk to at the US Department of Commerce about the .XXX application and what did you say?" and "why did you vote a

Re: not really ICANN approves .XXX red-light district for the Internet

2011-03-27 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 3/27/11 4:36 PM, John Levine wrote: Next, on what basis do you make the claim that .coop and .cat have failed to attract the predicted support from their nominal communities? Arithmetic, mostly. There are 40,000 co-ops in the United States, 160,000 in Europe, and apparently several million

Re: not really ICANN approves .XXX red-light district for the Internet

2011-03-27 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams
On 3/27/11 5:50 PM, John R. Levine wrote: Arithmetic, mostly. There are 40,000 co-ops in the United States, 160,000 in Europe, and apparently several million world-wide, yet there are only 6700 domains in .COOP. I would find it hard to say that under 3% takeup was significant support. Do you at

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