The order arose from Cobell v. Salazar (was C. v. Kempthorne, was C. v.
Norton, was C. v. Babbitt). On October 20th, 2005, Judge Royce C.
Lamberth ordered the Interior Department to disconnect from the Internet
all computer systems that house or provide access to Individual Indian
Trust records. "Indian Trust records continue to be in imminent risk of
being manipulated and destroyed by computer hackers."
The link to the ruling is
Former Interior Deputy Secretary Steven Griles was sentenced to 10
months in prison for obstructing a U.S. Senate investigation of Jack A.
Abramoff. He was also ordered to pay a fine of $30,000, and serve a term
of three years of supervised release.
Reese wrote:
Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
I'm not sure what you're asking. Those disconnections were
well-covered in the press. Start with but there's a lot more that a
quick google search will find.
A news-item or -event I missed for whatever reason, okay.
I'll consult Google. Thank you,