[Fwd: [members-discuss] [ncc-announce] RIPE NCC Position On The ITU IPv6 Group]

2010-02-26 Thread Adam Waite
I didn't see this on NANOG yet, but it's caused a stir on the RIPE list. --- Begin Message --- Dear Colleagues, As you may be aware, the International Telecommunication Union's (ITU) Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) has convened an ITU IPv6 Group, the first meeting of which w

Re: [members-discuss] Re: RIPE NCC Position On The ITU IPv6 Group (fwd)

2010-03-01 Thread Adam Waite
Hm, I was under the impression that ARPANET was a government run network... Not since 1992..what you're looking for these days is NIPRnet and SIPRnet, and ESnet, etc, etc, etc. ARPANET only lives on in reverse dns.