I didn't see this on NANOG yet, but it's caused a stir on the RIPE list.
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Dear Colleagues,
As you may be aware, the International Telecommunication Union's (ITU)
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) has convened an ITU
IPv6 Group, the first meeting of which will be held on 15-16 March
2010 in Geneva, Switzerland. Information on this group is available at:
Among the group's Terms of Reference are the following:
* To draft a global policy proposal for the reservation of a large
IPv6 block, taking into consideration the future needs of developing
countries (as outlined in paragraph 23 of ITU document C09/29).
* To further study possible methodologies and related
implementation mechanisms to ensure 'equitable access' to IPv6
resource by countries.
* To further study the possibility for ITU to become another
Internet Registry, and propose policies and procedures for ITU to
manage a reserved IPv6 block.
* To further study the feasibility and advisability of implementing
the CIR [Country Internet Registry] model for those countries who
would request national allocations.
The ITU IPv6 Group is open to ITU Member States and Sector Members of
ITU-T and ITU-D. RIRs that are not members have also been extended an
invitation to participate.
IPv6 address policy is clearly of critical importance to the RIPE NCC
membership, and the unsympathetic implementation of any of the Terms
of Reference stated above would have serious impact on the global IP
address distribution environment.
Members of RIPE NCC staff will be participating in this meeting of the
ITU IPv6 Group to represent the interests of our members and community.
The position of the RIPE NCC is based on support for smooth and
reliable working of the Internet globally, and for the bottom-up, open
policy development process that allows for all stakeholders, including
business, government and the technical community, to participate.
Some of the issues addressed in the Terms of Reference listed above
are a cause for concern because they could directly affect the RIPE
NCC operations as a Regional Internet Registry (RIR). Therefore, the
RIPE NCC position on the Terms of Reference is as follows:
* The needs of developing economies in IP address policy are
important. Network operators in these economies have fair and equal
access to IPv6 resources from the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs),
and to the Policy Development Processes in their RIR and globally.
Each of the RIRs has been allocated an equal block of IPv6 to
distribute to networks in their region. (eg. AfriNIC has been
allocated the same sized block of IPv6 as the RIPE NCC).
* IPv6 allocations made by RIRs to date amount to the equivalent of
500 times the size of the entire IPv4 address pool, allocated to
networks in over 150 economies.
* If a significant sector in the Internet community feels that the
"reservation of a large IPv6 block" for "the future needs of
developing countries" is warranted, the open, bottom-up Policy
Development Processes (PDPs) of the RIRs provide an appropriate forum
in which to argue that case and develop such a policy.
* The RIRs, as the recognised stewards of Internet Number Resources,
are working, individually, jointly, and with invited experts, to
engage the ITU membership. We have closely followed discussions in the
ITU to date. The RIPE NCC does not believe that there are any problems
that would be solved by the shift to a country-based allocation system
or the installation of the ITU as an Internet Registry.
The purpose of this email is to ensure that all RIPE NCC members are
informed of the RIPE NCC's participation in this ITU IPv6 Group, and
our position. If you have any comments or questions regarding this
information, please send an email to <n...@ripe.net>.
Kind regards,
Axel Pawlik
Managing Director
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