Carrier Ethernet Demarc

2024-11-25 Thread John Stitt
I'm currently searching out options for providing carrier ethernet demarc at 10Gbps and 25Gbps port speeds to evaluate for some upcoming projects. 10Gbps options abound, but it seems like the next step up with most vendors is 100Gb handoff. I'm not having much luck finding 25Gbps options other

Re: Carrier Ethernet Demarc

2024-11-25 Thread Fredy Kuenzler
We are using for our Switzerland-wide FTTH (Point-to-Point topology) the Cisco 9500 series. Our product is called «Ethernet7» and delivers the services you describe using EVPN-VXLAN, providing 1/10/25 Gbps and 100 Gbps NNI.

Re: Carrier Ethernet Demarc

2024-11-25 Thread Eric Kuhnke
While options exist such as the Cisco 9500 series mentioned by Fredy, for 25 Gbps, I don't know that it has ever caught on for WAN purposes to find its way into carrier demarc equipment. as a common optio. Or as a service tier that major lit service last-mile providers are interested in providing t

Chairman of Senate Intelligence Committee calls salt typhoon "worst telecom hack in our nation's history"

2024-11-25 Thread Eric Kuhnke
Re: compromise of lawful intercept / CALEA related features: Original URL: *The hackers, part of a group dubbed Salt Typhoon, have been able to listen in on audio calls in real t

Re: Carrier Ethernet Demarc

2024-11-25 Thread Mark Tinka
On 11/26/24 02:15, Jesse DuPont wrote: Have you looked at whitebox/disaggregated solutions? For example, IP Infusion's OcNOS running on UfiSpace hardware (something like S9500-22XST) will provide the port speeds you're looking for, MEF compliance, and Sync E if you need it. 1U routers tha

Re: Carrier Ethernet Demarc

2024-11-25 Thread Jesse DuPont
Have you looked at whitebox/disaggregated solutions? For example, IP Infusion's OcNOS running on UfiSpace hardware (something like S9500-22XST) will provide the port speeds you're looking for, MEF compliance, and Sync E if you need it. On 11/25/24 11:21 A

Re: Carrier Ethernet Demarc

2024-11-25 Thread John Stitt
I appreciate all the responses so far. Indeed, the customer handoff side of the equation is where I’ve been having trouble finding options. The Cisco (formerly Accedian) solution was one I hadn’t seen in my searching, so that at least gives me one competitive option to the Adva. From what I’ve

Re: Carrier Ethernet Demarc

2024-11-25 Thread Mark Tinka
On 11/26/24 06:00, John Stitt wrote: From what I’ve found and what I’m hearing, I think everyone is correct that much like 40Gb, there just hasn’t been as much call for 25Gb handoff at customer demarc outside of the datacenter instead of jumping up to 100Gb ports. Before this search I hadn