We are using for our Switzerland-wide FTTH (Point-to-Point topology) the Cisco 
9500 series. Our product is called «Ethernet7» and delivers the services you 
describe using EVPN-VXLAN, providing 1/10/25 Gbps and 100 Gbps NNI.


Fredy Künzler

Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd.
Technoparkstrasse 5
CH-8406 Winterthur

> Am 25.11.2024 um 19:24 schrieb John Stitt <jst...@hop-electric.com>:
> I’m currently searching out options for providing carrier ethernet demarc at 
> 10Gbps and 25Gbps port speeds to evaluate for some upcoming projects.  10Gbps 
> options abound, but it seems like the next step up with most vendors is 100Gb 
> handoff.  I’m not having much luck finding 25Gbps options other than 
> ADVA/Adtran FSP 150-XJ128 and FSP 150-XG404 variants.
> Currently the majority of our customers are PON based (Calix), and we have 
> non-PON handoffs with smaller Juniper switches as the demarc, so we’re 
> looking to step up to something actually designed for this purpose.  We’d 
> like to be able to perform y.1564 testing and use MEF compliant devices.
> I’m reaching out to some vendors/resellers to see what options they can 
> provide, but I’m interested in hearing real-world experiences with different 
> vendors in this space and especially any recommendations on the 25Gb demarc, 
> as we have had some specific requests for that port speed recently.
> Feel free to reach out off list if that’s your preference.
> John Stitt

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