Re: webauthn

2019-03-25 Thread Tom Beecher
I will personally always prefer hardware based methods where the private key data is never exposed over pure software based methods. On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 9:32 AM Mauricio Rodriguez wrote: > My understanding is that 2-factor is one of the primary drivers for > webauthn. I feel that ha

Re: webauthn

2019-03-25 Thread Mauricio Rodriguez
My understanding is that 2-factor is one of the primary drivers for webauthn. I feel that hardware dongles are the thing of the past, with software now being available that runs on your smartphone and serves the same function. Example - Google Authenticator. __ Regards, Mauricio Rodriguez

Re: webauthn

2019-03-25 Thread Roxanna Cieplinska
Keep it short! Roxanna I. Cieplinska M: + 1 (415) 412-7699 Sent from my iPhone > On Mar 22, 2019, at 5:50 PM, Michael Thomas wrote: > > I know it's a little tangential, but it's a huge operational issue for > network operations too. Have any NANOG folks been paying at

Re: webauthn

2019-03-23 Thread Michael Thomas
On 3/23/19 5:18 AM, Mauricio Rodriguez wrote: My understanding is that 2-factor is one of the primary drivers for webauthn.  I feel that hardware dongles are the thing of the past, with software now being available that runs on your smartphone and serves the same function.  Example - Google


2019-03-22 Thread Michael Thomas
I know it's a little tangential, but it's a huge operational issue for network operations too. Have any NANOG folks been paying attention to webauthn? i didn't know about until yesterday, though i wrote a proof of concept of something that looks a lot like webauthn in 2012. The