Re: jon postel

2023-10-16 Thread Collider
is it candle time? Le 16 octobre 2023 21:13:50 UTC, Randy Bush a écrit : >25 years ago, jon postel died. we stand on the shoulders of jon and >others, a number of whom died in october. not a cheering month for >old timers. > >randy -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse m

Re: U.S. test of national alerts on Oct. 4 at 2:20pm EDT (1820 UTC)

2023-10-05 Thread Collider
While I agree with the thrust of what Sabri is saying, let's not delude ourselves - this is not a freedom of speech/"1st amdt." issue. The freedom of the press does not mean the government is obligated not to favour given presses (to include its own). That one's religion - freedom of religion me

Re: U.S. test of national alerts on Oct. 4 at 2:20pm EDT (1820 UTC)

2023-10-04 Thread Collider
Some people have to for their safety or medical health (e.g. they're hiding a burner phone from an abusive relative, or their blood pressure goes up dangerously high when jumpscared). The kinds of people who remove batteries from smoke alarms are going to unfortunately use this affordance, if i

Re: ARIN email address (was cogent spamming directly from ARIN records?)

2023-10-03 Thread Collider
Heh. (: Le 4 octobre 2023 01:23:13 UTC, Owen DeLong via NANOG a écrit  : >I was one of the main people behind their suspension from ARIN whois for 6 >months. > >They have not spammed me since. > >They’re probably afraid of another cake. > >Owen > > >> On Oct 3, 2023, at 18:18, Mike Lyon wrote:

Re: cogent spamming directly from ARIN records?

2023-10-02 Thread Collider
So is LAWKIWBO, which is the correct acronym mentioned downthread. Le 3 octobre 2023 00:29:08 UTC, Collider a écrit : >Congrats! LIOAWKI is a hapax legomenon in DuckDuckGo's search results! Could >you please tell me & the list what it means? > >Le 2 octobre 2023 15:28:0

Re: cogent spamming directly from ARIN records?

2023-10-02 Thread Collider
Congrats! LIOAWKI is a hapax legomenon in DuckDuckGo's search results! Could you please tell me & the list what it means? Le 2 octobre 2023 15:28:03 UTC, Mel Beckman a écrit : >This morning I received an email from someone at Cogent asking about an ASN I >administer. They didn’t give any detail

Re: Legal system as a weapon (was Re: AFRINIC placed in receivership)

2023-09-30 Thread Collider
Lol Le 30 septembre 2023 19:49:29 UTC, Mel Beckman a écrit : >Just like a lawyer, trying to add layers to the model. :) > > -mel > >> On Sep 30, 2023, at 8:58 AM, Anne Mitchell wrote: >> >>  >> >>> On Sep 29, 2023, at 11:20 PM, Mel Beckman wrote: >>> >>> The seven lawyers of the OSI model >

Re: maximum ipv4 bgp prefix length of /24 ?

2023-09-29 Thread Collider
Peering cake... :-) i think i was a puppy when that happened and only heard about it way after the fact did anyone eat the cake? was it tasty? Le 29 septembre 2023 20:55:00 UTC, Owen DeLong via NANOG a écrit : >I have known Mike for many years. I have my disagreements with him and my >critic

Re: maximum ipv4 bgp prefix length of /24 ?

2023-09-29 Thread Collider
This thread is utter amateur hour. I too would rather /32s be valid in the DFZ - but they're not, for good reason (worstcase scenario = circa 4 bln. routing table entries - no BGP hwaccel can swing that!). Le 29 septembre 2023 19:51:29 UTC, Seth Mattinen via NANOG a écrit : >On 9/29/23 10:24,

RE: Discord contacts

2023-09-29 Thread Collider
No I think that's actually a perfect reason to ping NANOG. I think if Facebook did this it'd be the same. If you're from Discord and have a clue, reach out to Drew. Le 29 septembre 2023 12:40:03 UTC, Drew Weaver a écrit  : >Apparently most of the Internet has been blocked from Discord, nevermin

Re: SMTP-friendly VPS provider where I can also get a BGP feed

2023-09-26 Thread Collider
Yes, that is the case (read the original post, this is addressed). Le 26 septembre 2023 16:13:37 UTC, Bryan Holloway a écrit : >Not sure if this helps, but they only appear to block 25 for IPv4. > >IPv6 works fine. > >Supposedly you can open a support-ticket to have this block removed, but I'm >

Re: AFRINIC placed in receivership

2023-09-15 Thread Collider
Are amicus briefs a thing in the court governing AFRINIC's operations? Le 15 septembre 2023 15:27:33 UTC, John Curran a écrit : >Noah - > >I have had serious concerns with the operational risk posed by AFRINIC’s lack >of governance body and lack of CEO – and thus have provided updates to NANOG

Re: Spamhaus flags any IP announced by our ASN as a criminal network

2023-03-20 Thread Collider
third parties, IP >hijacking, and malicious path prepending. > >Given this history, it is not surprising that Spamhaus would blacklist IP >addresses associated with their ASN. In my opinion, such action is >well-justified. > >Best regards, >August Yang > >On 2023-03-20

Re: Spamhaus flags any IP announced by our ASN as a criminal network

2023-03-20 Thread Collider
Why do two different companies with what should be independent networks share an AS number? On 20 March 2023 18:20:08 UTC, Aaron Wendel wrote: >The solution to your problem is to terminate the customer causing the abuse, >in this case  Once you do that I'm sure Spamhaus will stop lis

Re: Yondoo provided router, has "password" as admin pw, won't let us change it

2023-02-08 Thread Collider
The first router would still be vulnerable, and through it the second router. On 8 February 2023 16:06:07 UTC, Josh Luthman wrote: >What's the problem with double NAT? I can't imagine an elderly mom trying >to host Xbox games - which is 95% of the problem with double NAT these days >(the other

Re: "Permanent" DST

2022-03-15 Thread Collider
Permanent DST has the same effect as cancelling DST and moving all the timezones up one hour. Since timezones are roughly sliced every 15 degrees of ... longitude?, hefting the physical US 15 degrees eastward would have the same effect on timezones as just a legal glitch to change them. On 15 M

RE: possible rsync validation dos vuln

2021-10-29 Thread Collider
I looked on's news section (it's the most recently published article) and it seems to be referencing OpenBSD's security page as the reason this "CVD" doesn't involve the developers and thus isn't really a CVD. The link is over linelen characters long and it may have gotten trunca

Re: Telecom billing in 2020

2020-08-18 Thread Large Hadron Collider
> Ms. Benjamin PD Cannon, ASCE > 6x7 Networks & 6x7 Telecom, LLC > CEO > > "The only fully end-to-end encrypted global telecommunications company in the > world.” > > FCC License KJ6FJJ > -- Large Hadron Collider

Re: Register Now for NANOG 80 Virtual!

2020-08-14 Thread Large Hadron Collider
all-presentations/> > > *Miss out on NANOG 79 Virtual?* > Our last community-wide virtual gathering may be over, but the hours of > archived talks and tutorials, keynotes and panels featured in June are just > waiting to be explored! > > View Recap <> -- Large Hadron Collider

Re: Don't forget RFG (was: Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election)

2020-05-15 Thread Large Hadron Collider
"race", and by unambiguously malicious innuendo. I see > no point in getting down and rolling around in the gutter on these points, > especially not with a man whose low regard for the truth has already been > made so abundantly clear and apparent to the subscribers of this very list. > I will have nothing more to say about this, at least not in this forum. > > > Regards, > rfg -- Large Hadron Collider

Re: Don't email clients have a kill file?

2020-05-14 Thread Large Hadron Collider
am I the only > one who'd like to see more plonks and less troll feeding? > > I miss Usenet. > > > Bjørn -- Large Hadron Collider

Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election

2020-05-13 Thread Large Hadron Collider
wrote: > Peace, > > On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 2:14 AM Elad Cohen wrote: > > A degree in economics is not needed [..] > > Which is the common thing to say by the ones who don't have it. > > I think, dixi. > > -- > Töma -- Large Hadron Collider

Re: Jenkins amplification

2020-02-04 Thread Large Hadron Collider
ng table to access the > printer in your home office. > > In fact, a too tightly controlled VPN contributed to a 7 figure loss during > an outage at a company which name shall not be mentioned. > > Your home network should have no access to the corp network. Your company > issued laptop should. > > Thanks, > > Sabri -- Large Hadron Collider

Re: The curious case of

2020-01-30 Thread Large Hadron Collider
e a standing policy of never attempting to converse with unaccountable > > anonymized role accounts. Based on past experience, this is without > > exception an utter waste of my time. -- Large Hadron Collider

Re: Reminiscing our first internet connections (WAS) Re: akamai yesterday - what in the world was that

2020-01-28 Thread Large Hadron Collider
stomers The routers were in a > wsimpson> bathroom over the garage. > > Our first CA hub was in the janitor's closet at a now defunct computer > company. We initially had problems with the janitors unplugging the > router on weekends to plug in their floor buffers. > > Ah, the good old days. > > -- Large Hadron Collider

Prominent horse racing identities (was Re: Elad Cohen)

2020-01-27 Thread Large Hadron Collider
> are wrong. Meanwhile, what has Mr. Cohen risked? And who will see to it > that he pays an appropriate price, in Israel, if I am right and he is wrong? > > > Regards, > rfg -- Large Hadron Collider

Re: FYI - Suspension of Cogent access to ARIN Whois

2020-01-27 Thread Large Hadron Collider
is what I would suggest: reply to all queries with a notice > that explains what is happening, why it's happening, and provides > contact information for Cogent executives: preferably their *personal* > email addresses and phone numbers. > > ---rsk > -- Large Hadron Collider

Re: ServiceFinder: Ärendenummer 184863

2019-12-20 Thread Large Hadron Collider
Agreed! On 19-12-19 11 h 05, William Herrin wrote: Would you please unsubscribe your address from the nanog mailing list? On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 11:05 AM>> wrote: __ Vänligen skriv e

Re: FCC proposes $10 Million fine for spoofed robocalls

2019-12-20 Thread Large Hadron Collider
Is it legally a spoofed robo-call if I robo-call someone who has consented to be robo-called, with the caller-ID of a number that is affiliated with me but not with the telco I'm calling from? On 19-12-19 09 h 09, Andreas Ott wrote: On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 11:16:08AM -0500, Christopher Morrow wr

Re: Software Defined Networks

2019-12-12 Thread Large Hadron Collider
Tcl still exists, though I don't think they use it for this anymore. On 19-12-05 10 h 17, Bryan Holloway wrote: On 12/5/19 6:16 PM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote: I tell everyone we had SDNs in the 90s. But we called it “expect scripts”. :-) -- TTFN, patrick I miss TCL ...

Re: RIPE our of IPv4

2019-12-05 Thread Large Hadron Collider
that would be a throwback, if my MTA supported full-length bangpaths. On 19-12-04 01 h 56, Aled Morris via NANOG wrote: On Tue, 3 Dec 2019 at 14:43, Randy Bush>> wrote: > Why does a new organisation need to have any global IPv4 addresses of > their own at all?

someone, probably someone who scraped your group, sent me a virus as a .doc file

2019-11-14 Thread Large Hadron Collider
enjoy, boys & girls

Re: looking for hostname router identifier validation

2019-04-30 Thread Large Hadron Collider
How much did it cost? :-) On 19-04-30 08 h 38, Bryan Holloway wrote: On 4/29/19 7:21 PM, Valdis Klētnieks wrote: On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 16:16:06 -0500, Bryan Holloway said: I still see references to UUNet in some reverse PTRs. So, uh, yeah. I wonder what year we'll get to a point where less

Re: looking for hostname router identifier validation

2019-04-29 Thread Large Hadron Collider
And 666 is Nero Caesar :-) On 19-04-29 17 h 38, Chris Adams wrote: Once upon a time, Valdis Klētnieks said: I wonder what year we'll get to a point where less than half of NANOG's membership was around when UUNet was. We're probably there already. And likely coming up on when less than half th

Re: looking for hostname router identifier validation

2019-04-29 Thread Large Hadron Collider
I legit guffawed. On 19-04-29 13 h 13, Eric Kuhnke wrote: I would caution against putting much faith in the validity of geolocation or site ID by reverse DNS PTR records. There are a vast number of unmaintained, ancient, stale, erroneous or wildly wrong PTR records out there. I can name at least

Re: Curiosity about AS3356 L3/CenturyLink network resiliency (in general)

2018-05-21 Thread Large Hadron Collider
I would go as far as to say that Tier 1 is a derogatory designation, but I have a beef with Cogent because they're expecting otherwise Tier 1 IPv6 ISP Hurricane Electric to bow to the altar of Cogent. On 05/20/2018 15:19, Mark Tinka wrote: On 20/May/18 09:16, Baldur Norddahl wrote: The que

Re: Threads that never end

2017-12-30 Thread Large Hadron Collider
I haven't even ... This thread's going to turn into another thread that never ends. On 30/12/2017 15:39, sizone!math wrote: On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 06:42:46AM -0800, Stephen Satchell said: > On 12/29/2017 09:05 PM, Randy Bush wrote: > >the good thing about these long threads, which have Z

Re: Waste will kill ipv6 too

2017-12-28 Thread Large Hadron Collider
IPv6 space is being wasted. We know that much. No one needs more than 8 bits for site-local global addresses in the upper 64 (2/3xxx:::::/64) of the address. I'm about to propose the most harebrained idea NANOG has ever seen. I feel like supersites are getting more addresses than

Re: Companies using public IP space owned by others for internal routing

2017-12-17 Thread Large Hadron Collider
Missent. Welcome to IPv6, where you have technically-reserved-for-future-use space that should never actually need to be used. Quite likely, you can use something like 440::/16 as your private space, but please don't do that unless you've exhausted the true private space. You're welcome. O

Re: Looking for a contact with clue at Choopa/Reliablesite network engineering

2017-10-18 Thread Large Hadron Collider
Thanks for reminding me to switch away from Vultr at my earliest opportunity. On 13/10/2017 05:56, Paul S. wrote: Hi nanog, Choopa/reliablesite is announcing our IP space, and despite repeated requests from us, they are refusing to withdraw the announcements. Can someone with clue from thi

Re: Protocol 17 floods from Vietnam & Mexico?

2017-09-12 Thread Large Hadron Collider
s designed to obscure themselves from or otherwise evade some intrusion detection or firewall systems. On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 8:08 PM, Large Hadron Collider>> wrote: 18:04:32.391082 IP <ht

Protocol 17 floods from Vietnam & Mexico?

2017-09-12 Thread Large Hadron Collider
18:04:32.391082 IP > ip-proto-17 18:04:32.391088 IP > ip-proto-17 18:04:32.391110 IP > UDP, bad length 65500 > 1464 18:04:32.391145 IP 115.75.50

Re: BGP Optimizers (Was: Validating possible BGP MITM attack)

2017-08-31 Thread Large Hadron Collider
Nanog's quite a nice list to spend your sick day on. ;) On 31/08/2017 19:04, Mike Hammett wrote: Sorry for now taking up 1/4 of this thread My words in the last message don't match what I was thinking, but I think you all get the point. I'm sick, maybe I should be in bed instead of on NA

Hacked DVRs again?! (Probably the wrong forum, but probably of interest nonetheless)

2017-07-11 Thread Large Hadron Collider
So, I run a small chat service and it has attracted abuse from multiple kinds of open device. Most recently, I've found DVRs being spammed through. This is the kind of "default password"/"open Cisco" abuse that is very hard to detect with an open proxy scanner without, well, logging in and see

I'm getting these bounce messages for some bizarre reason.

2017-05-24 Thread Large Hadron Collider
Would you on the fine mailing list be able to find out what's going on here? Forwarded Message Subject:Delivery Status Notification(Failure) Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 19:01:29 GMT From: To: Your message: To:

Re: Carrier classification

2017-05-15 Thread Large Hadron Collider
My terminology of tiers are: Tier 1 - is in few or no major disputes, has no transit, and is able to access over three nines percent of the internet Tier 2 - as Tier 1, but has transit. Cogent is neither on v6, and I have no clue about v4. HE is probably Tier 2 on v4, and is Tier 1 on v6. On

Re: Wanted: volunteers with bandwidth/storage to help save climate data

2016-12-22 Thread Large Hadron Collider
i mind not one iota to store some on my computer but it won't be accessible because i don't want to publish it until i can get a dedicated server On 2016-12-22 09:17 PM, Randy Bush wrote: "If it's a politically-generated thing I'll have to deal with at an operational level, it's on topic." H

Not a representative of but their emails are being blocked by those who subscribe to the SORBS RBL.

2016-12-17 Thread Large Hadron Collider
Does anyone have information on why this is, and if you represent SORBS and/or GMX and/or both, would you please trouble yourself with contacting me off-list?

Re: NEVERMIND! (was: Seeking Google reverse DNS delegation

2016-11-14 Thread Large Hadron Collider
Engage glasses and safety squints. On 2016-11-13 07:41 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote: In message <>, Brett Frankenberger wrote: On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 03:57:19PM -0800, Christopher Morrow wrote: So... actually someone did tell arin to aim these at ns1/2googl

Re: Krebs on Security booted off Akamai network after DDoS attack proves pricey

2016-10-09 Thread Large Hadron Collider
Sorry florian. Meant to put it to list. On 2016-10-09 12:25 PM, Large Hadron Collider wrote: On 2016-10-09 04:20 AM, Florian Weimer wrote: * Eliot Lear: Not my end goal. My end goal is that consumers have a means to limit risk in their home environments, and service providers have a

Re: IoT security, was Krebs on Security booted off Akamai network

2016-10-09 Thread Large Hadron Collider
On 2016-10-09 08:33 AM, Stephen Satchell wrote: On 10/09/2016 07:31 AM, Mel Beckman wrote: remote RF temperature sensor hub for home, the GW-1000U. ... The device accepts TCP connections on 22, 80, and 443. Theoretically I can't see why it ever needs ongoing inbound connections, so this seems