accounts to a local
maildir folder.
But I do not want to use additional software like mbsync or offlineimap.
If I press 's'in an imap account to save the email local, what is setup in the
config, please?
Thank you!
Kind regards
folders and can't switch to the local maildir.
I guess, I have to add something in the imap1 file?
Kind regards
Am Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 09:16:04AM +0300 schrieb Jean Louis:
> * Piet [2022-02-19 00:17]:
> > Dear List,
> >
> > I use Mutt with two external im
e not all imap provider offer this.
Is there the opportunity to fetch and filter email without deleting it in
the external imap account?
Thank you for your tipps!
Kind regards
/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"
Starting with:
Both fetchall and keep on in daemon or idle mode is a mistake!
I would be prefere to use fetchmail, because I use it for a long time.
Kind regards
Am Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 09:00:47AM -0600 schrieb Charles Cazabon:
m not forwarded to the compose menu.
I use a selfcompiled Mutt from git master.
What could be wrong?
Kind regrds
Dear Kevin,
thank you, works!
Kind regards
Am Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 09:36:20AM -0800 schrieb Kevin J. McCarthy:
> On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 09:32:50AM -0800, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 08:02:03AM +0000, Piet wrote:
> > > macro index,pager '
Dear Charles and someone else,
thank you, works perfectly!
Really a big help,because I never got it work before.
Kind regards
Am Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 08:53:32PM -0600 schrieb Charles Cazabon:
> Piet wrote:
> >
> > Dear Charles,
> >
> > thank you for the hin
o use when emails are fetched externally, but
I like to filter the local emails.)
Can I define a lot of filters With Mutt to automate this?
Maybe there's an external program or script what can do this job?
Thank you very much!
Kind regards
Hello Francsco,
yes, I think, mblaze could be my friend!
I'll test it!
Am 04/08/ schrieb Francesco Ariis:
> Hello Piet,
> Il 08 aprile 2022 alle 11:39 Piet ha scritto:
> > Is there a way to define and use filters, similar to procmail etc?
> > (I guess procmail
GPG Fingerprint: 1D9D DAD5 BD91 A5E8 C5DB B400 D286 3A10 4969 7909
Description: PGP signature
Dear Francesco,
thank you very much for your answer.
The 'magic key' is my editor vim.
If I change the vim colorscheme to a fitting other one (in my case 'desert')
everything is fine!
Kind regards
Am 04/20/ schrieb Francesco Ariis:
> Hello Piet,
your script with all of the above worked in.
Warning: it's still totally untested. Comments welcome.
[ One minor problem so far is that the FreeBSD date(1) doesn't
understand the --date option, but has a -v option rather, with:
-v -3m
meaning 3 months ago, and
-v +7d
meaning 7
Matej Cepl wrote:
> On 7 Sep 2001, at 2:21, Piet Delport wrote:
> > - The ${foo} syntax expands to the contents of variable "foo", not
> > to the output of command "foo". For command substitution, either
> > use $(foo), or `foo` (note the backticks). The
no such file or directory.
> pgp and gpg are both on the PATH.
> Clues ?
Have you set the various pgp_*_command options correctly (most likely by
sourcing gpg.rc or one of the pgp.rc files (that are included in the
mutt distribution) from your .muttrc)?
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
or even better, the "List-Id:" or "Mailing-List:" headers, but
mutt-users has neither. :-/
[1] Sidetrack: I checked now and noticed that TO_ includes
"Resent-To:", which should actually catch bounces by some (most?)
MUAs. It still isn't b
ble to get ssmtp or similar running.
Actually, i remember ssmtp running quite well when used mutt on Cygwin
(i've since moved to FreeBSD, thank Eris). It can be installed very
easily via Cygwin's setup.exe, AFAIR, just like mutt.
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 at 10:48:30 +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Piet Delport [14/09/01 00:40 +0200]:
> > Actually, i remember ssmtp running quite well when used mutt on Cygwin
> > (i've since moved to FreeBSD, thank Eris). It can be installed very
> > easily via
> instead of going forward, it still goes backward.
I can confirm that here (see headers for version info). The same seems
to happen at the prompt for changing to another mailbox (`c').
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
PGP signature
ust now while writing this mail, i saw for the
first time how ${1+"$@"} works. Ingenious approach, even if a bit
redundant. Most probably in the context of the tip you found it in it
was a workaround for a shell that didn't handle a plain "$@" correctly?)
Piet Delpo
o why not tag-thread?
A temporary workaround is something like this:
macro pager \ec "" "tag the current thre=
I use a similar macro to do a sync-mailbox from the pager.
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
case the "important" flag. Ultimately what I want is for it
> to do an automatic "save" to a particular mail folder (always the same
> folder, it has no need to ask me for a name).
> I am RTFM as we speak :)
Something like:
macro x "~F\n+foldername\n"
hen there's still zsh, sash, and many other variations probably.
(This is getting very off-topic for mutt-users, we should probably take
it off-list.)
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
Content-Type: application/
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On Sun, 16 Sep 2001 at 13:47:32 +0200, Cedric Duval wrote:
> * Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [09/16/01 05:47]:
> > A temporary workaround is
ace as you can. The more difficult it is for an imposter to
`fake' all the copies at once (or sequentially, while you're checking
them), the better.
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
Content-Type: application/pgp-sig
If you are running an emacs-mode or -plugin (i'm not too familiar with
emacs myself, i'm a vim fan) for mail messages, have you tried disabling
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
it won't include any of them when I hit "g" group reply? Or is
> there way to mutt respect the current "From:" and regard it as "me" ?
Are you looking for "alternates"?
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thoug
hich case you're probably much better off reverting to the default
bindings. (I can't for the life of me figure out the usefulness of
previous- and next-undeleted while in the line editor...)
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
ommand and you're set; no
extra config required, and no risk of munging actual messages.
[1] What happens if the message you're rot'ing is something besides
text/plain, like text/html f'rinstance? The given macro will just
nuke the content-type from orbit, leaving you looking at HTML
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
PGP signature
thread on my old Cygwin installation.)
[2] Which is the result of 9 (a tab) + 128 (the high bit).
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
PGP signature
\cX lose its description?
Oops, missed that. The description is lost every time is
re-defined from within the other macros. Either add it there, or drop
it altogether, i think. (Docs? We don' need no steenkin' docs! :-)
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal
naked here. (I'm using Maildir here, which doesn't require
`From 's in the message body to be escaped.
Erika, those messages should be fine. Any chance of you posting (or
mailing privately) some full examples (after stripping any
private/sensitive information, of course)
> And the script signature looks like:
> #!/bin/bash
> cat /home/rene/.signature
> echo ""
> /usr/games/fortune -a -s -n 200
Very OT, but why use "#!/bin/bash" when "#!/bin/sh" will do? Not every
Unix comes with bash in /bin like
e done this once or
twice while recovering Pine mailboxes without any apparent ill effects.)
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Content-Disposition: inline
ohg lbh jrag naq qrpelcgrq vg naljnl, ubj pna lbh pbzcynva?)
Sha snpg bs gur qnl: `iv' EBG13'q orpbzrf `vi'.
> Also, I've never used it.
Lbh unir abj. :-)
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
PGP signature
(Is there a more convenient way to do this?)
> % avoid that. I just made an other test with an other sentence and the
> % same result. Let's see what happens.
> %=20
> % >From heaven to earth.
> % >From alpha to omega.
> As expected :-)
Those showed up with
rving quoting.
This can be done via "!{motion}par 72j", or more conveniently by setting
vim's `equalprg' or `formatprg' options to `par 72j', and then
formatting text with "=3D{motion}" or "gq{motion}", respectively.
Piet Delport <[EMA
ripping yourself from group replies automatically, etc...
Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Today's subliminal thought is:
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Content-Disposition: inline
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (FreeBSD)
-enter the newsgroup, the articles just dissappear
again, just like before.
I think the problem is leafnode related, as mutt works perfectly on my
ISP's news server.
Version info:=20
Mutt (2001-08-30)
Leafnode+ NNTP Daemon, version 2.14
Any clues?
Piet Delport &l
ying, and change
> my_hdr From: to be <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> instead of
> I hope that makes sense? :-)
> Any ideas?
I think the `reverse_name' and `reverse_realname' settings are what
you're looking for.
Piet D
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 at 06:20:33 +0200, Piet Delport wrote:
[snip mutt and leafnode not working]
> I think the problem is leafnode related, as mutt works perfectly on my
> ISP's news server.
> Version info:
> Mutt (2001-08-30)
> Leafnode+ NN
[to top of file]
> /^$ [find header/body boundary]
> j [down 1 line to body proper]
> !Ggpg --clearsign [pipe/replace from here to EOF into gpg]
> I suppose that vim ought to work the same way.
You can do it a bit more elegantly[
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