Re: Autocomplete globbing over folders containing dots

2016-02-13 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2016-02-12 at 20:07, Matthew Parnell wrote: > My mail is organised in nested directories, however these are not within the > Maildir format, and OfflineIMAP changes them to be a top-level directory > with dots; i.e., physics/admin --> physics.admin > This makes little difference to me, [...] If

Re: Autocomplete globbing over folders containing dots

2016-02-13 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2016-02-13 at 16:22, Matthew Parnell wrote: > I have just tried you suggestion. Other than doing a stupid thing where I > now have to reorganise about 2000 messages and many duplicated, it also > doesn't work. I'm not sure what went wrong. I recall there is an option to use offlineimap to sync

Re: Using a sendmail replacement?

2016-02-21 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2016-02-21 at 12:59, wrote: > I am using msmtp[1] for this. You can keep its configuration entirely in > $HOME. I second that, msmtp works fine for me in the described setting. Note that it only works online, for offline usage see [1]. [1]

Re: abook add email from mutt with name containing accent

2016-03-05 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2016-03-05 at 01:16, Xu Wang wrote: > Does anyone else have a problem to use "A" to call abook to add the > sender's name and email as an entry if that name has an accent? For me > the name receives a strange questionmark and some gibberish. The name > displays fine in mutt so It think I have ut

Re: abook add email from mutt with name containing accent

2016-03-06 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2016-03-05 at 23:03, Xu Wang wrote: > I am not planning to make bug report because I do not know how to make > minimal example. I think minimal example would only use abook but I > only use abook through mutt. Minimal expectations of abook seems to be the "From:" header, so it is sufficient to

Re: abook add email from mutt with name containing accent

2016-03-06 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2016-03-05 at 23:03, Xu Wang wrote: > I am not planning to make bug report [...] Ah, I've overlooked the *not* - if you're still not planning on reporting this with the minimal example I provided please let me know, then I will.

Re: abook add email from mutt with name containing accent

2016-03-06 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2016-03-06 at 12:13, Xu Wang wrote: > However, since you have been so nice to write up details, if > you have a strong preference, I will make bug report. Let me know. No need to file a bug report. I was sceptical if someone writing such a program would forget about the fact that names contain

Re: decoding UTF-8

2016-03-14 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2016-03-14 at 17:30, Jon LaBadie wrote: > Is my assumption correct? What is the representation called? Is there a > tool to regain the original string? I believe my video system can display > the larger character set. You are correct, it's just the UTF-8 encoding. There is a recent thread on

Mark threads as read for the future

2016-04-14 Thread Andreas Doll
Hello I'm using mutt in conjunction with offlineimap to filter mailinglists into separate folders. Usually I decide quickly if I'm interested in a thread or not - if not I press Ctrl-r to mark this thread as read and move on. The "problem" with this is, that subsequent replies to this thread will

Re: Mark threads as read for the future

2016-04-21 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2016-04-14 at 18:15, Francesco Ariis wrote: > I wrote a small folder-hook pattern which accomplishes a similar task > (deletes instead 'mark as read') [1]. I suspect it can be modified to > suit your needs (tag-pattern + tag-prefix maybe?). > Fire again if you need help > [1]

Re: Highlit messages with specific type of attachments

2016-08-01 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2016-08-01 at 15:20, Alexandre Delanoƫ wrote: > one can color message in index according to its number of attachments: > color index black red "~X1" By the way, you can also use "~X 1-" to color mails with one or more attachments. > How to color with specific (not HTML or not GPG signature) f

display_filter and ex

2017-01-31 Thread Andreas Doll
Hello TL;DR Has anyone managed to use ex in conjunction with display_filter? I write emails using vim, which provides the handy function gggqG. This function reformats text such that it doesn't exceed (say) 72 characters. The function is superior to e.g. $ fold -s -w 72 inputFile because i

Re: display_filter and ex

2017-02-08 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2017-01-31 at 16:26, David Champion wrote: > par is superior to all other text reformatters. Cool, I didn't knew about par. Indeed more powerful than vims reformatting. > But to your question: > The display filter is a filter in a strict sense: the message is send on > its stdin, and its stdo

Re: mutt+vim line-breaking strategies

2017-02-19 Thread Andreas Doll
On 2017-02-19 at 15:33, Erik Christiansen wrote: > As it is the long established email standard that lines be 72 characters > to allow a couple of levels of "> " quoting in replies, without the need > to reflow [...] As a sidenote, RFC 5322 specifies the recommended maximal line length with 78 cha