On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:54:40AM -0500, John Villalovos wrote:
> So I have been subscribed to LKML (Linux Kernel Mailing List) for
> several years on my gmail account. I decided to try to read that
> email using IMAP with Mutt.
You might try OfflineIMAP. The disadvantage of that though is that
I had a similar problem when one of our Domino servers died and I
tried to download more than 4000 headers at a time (several times)
from another one. I have a patch for mutt to attempt loading no more
than 100 headers at a time by IMAP. I'm not sure this will help you
with the hca
Re: John Villalovos 2010-01-25
> I only have about 460,000+ emails ;) and I did turn on header caching.
> I never can make it through the entire "Fetching message headers..."
> phase before the connection dies. This takes about an hour
So I have been subscribed to LKML (Linux Kernel Mailing List) for
several years on my gmail account. I decided to try to read that
email using IMAP with Mutt.
I only have about 460,000+ emails ;) and I did turn on header caching.
I never can make it through the entire "Fetching message headers..