So I have been subscribed to LKML (Linux Kernel Mailing List) for
several years on my gmail account.  I decided to try to read that
email using IMAP with Mutt.

I only have about 460,000+ emails ;) and I did turn on header caching.
 I never can make it through the entire "Fetching message headers..."
phase before the connection dies.  This takes about an hour or two for
it to die.

And after it dies I see a 153 megabyte cache file but when I restart
the connection to the IMAP server it starts all over again downloading
headers and doesn't seem to use the data that it already downloaded.
So I never can finish getting the message headers and therefore can
never read my email :(  The cache file seems to keep growing every

Any ideas?  Is there a way to say only download N number of headers at a time?

I am running Mutt 1.5.20 in Fedora 12 x86_64. (
mutt-1.5.20-1.20090827hg605559.fc12.x86_64 )


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