I just sorry !:)
I was too stupid and didn't see the | at the one of my multi send-hook which
and the problem is solved!
Thanks a lot guys !:)
On Monday, January 08, 2001 at 06:36:55PM, Wilhelm Wienemann wrote:
> Hello Peter!
> On Mon, 08 Jan 2001, Peter Dobrev wrote:
> > ?? 07 ?? 2001?. (??) ? 20:14 , Martin ??:
> > > On Sunday, January 07, 2001 (CS:7.01.007) 17:38:37 [PM] (-0200)
elp me!
Thanks in advance!
Best Wishes, Peter !
.~. ___ _ _ ___ ___ __ __
/V\ | |(_) | __ \ | | | | \ \/ / Peter Dobrev
// \\ | |__ | | | | | | | |_| | || Kazanlak/Bulgaria
/( )\|| |_| |_| |_| \| /_/\_\
^~'^ powered by Linux - solutions for smart penguins
Thank you for the help!
Here's another question :)
Well is there any way to configure Mutt to use a STMP server?
I'll be very glad if you answer me !
Thank you!
Hello everybody!
I've got very little experience in Mutt and I've got a problem. When Mutt
starts it automaticly open /var/spool/mail/peterdob. I've set the mbox
variable to "~/mail/Inbox". I want Mutt to open ~/mail/Inbox by default and store the
new messages there (to move them from /var/spool/m