I live in Bulgaria so I want the headers, the signature and the attribution
of some messages to be in Bulgarian. Well I use send-hooks for this but here
comes the problem. Imagine this situation:
I have to reply to a Bulgarian friend and to foreign mailing list. First I
reply to the Bulgarian friend. The attribution, the signature and the
headers are set to the Bulgarian ones. I send the message and reply to the
foreign mailing list. And the headers, the attribution and the signature are
still Bulgarian. I can use another send-hook but I think I shouldn't use a
send-hook for all my e-mail contacts because I'll certainly meet another
friends and I don't want to make a send-hook for everydoby. My question is
how to make the headers, the attribution and the signature back to normal
after the sending of the message. I think that if making a send-hook
for all the other (non-added in already existing send-hook) e-mails should
do it but I don't know how? I tried to add the content of the future
send-hook (that "for all the other e-mails) directly in the .muttrc but 
it's read only once at the starting of the program and didn't help. Please
help me!
Thanks in advance!

Best Wishes, Peter !

   .~.      ___     _  _____   ___ ___  __  __
   /V\      | |    (_) | __ \  | | | |  \ \/ /   Peter Dobrev
  // \\     | |__  | | | | | | | |_| |  |    |   Kazanlak/Bulgaria
 /(   )\    |____| |_| |_| |_|  \____|  /_/\_\   
  ^~'^     powered by Linux - solutions  for smart penguins

  • ... Peter Dobrev
    • ... Wilhelm Wienemann
    • ... Martin
      • ... Петър Добрев
        • ... Peter Dobrev
        • ... Thomas Huemmler
    • ... Peter Dobrev
    • ... Петър Добрев

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