Re: Problem with pine (i want to use mutt)

2000-03-23 Thread Michael Thies
Hi all, I have solved the problem by using procmail, and I'm happily all after. CU -- \o/ Michael Thies --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Haben Sie sich an meine Anweisungen gehalten, als das Boot kenterte???" - "Nein, ans Boot..."

Re: Problem with pine (i want to use mutt)

2000-03-22 Thread Michael Thies
ature from tmail-4.1(10) or sendmail on this host. I will ask the sysadmin, but he is on vacation till end of march. thanx for all the answers -- \o/ Michael Thies --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Der Physiklehrer möchte die Wirkung des Magneten erklären. Einleitend

Problem with pine (i want to use mutt)

2000-03-21 Thread Michael Thies
s In /etc/mail/sendmail* I didn't find the point, why mails are going to INBOX. I think (I don't have any knowledge on pine and don't want to have this) the problem is to be found in pine ? Could anybody give me any hints TiA -- \o/ Michael Thies ---

using "empty" my_hdr?

2000-01-24 Thread Michael Thies
e, my mutt tells me something about "ignoring empty header field: Return-Receipt-To:" I'm using mutt-1.0pre4 (ok, I could switch to a newer version, but would this bring me help?). Has anybody any idea, how to realize this? CU -- \o/ Michael Thies ---

Re: from-header and bounces .-(

1999-10-19 Thread Michael Thies
y_hdr From:" also. I wonder, if it will be possible soon? maybe in the 'real' 1.0 ? Or are there others, who may have a solution for that wish? TiA -- \o/ Michael Thies Schonbezüge sind immer noch besser als gar kein Gehalt!

Re: Editing a bounced message

1999-10-12 Thread Michael Thies
( Maybe it will be in some future release one feature for mutt. CU -- \o/ Michael Thies --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Was heißt Zeugnis auf arabisch? - Der-wisch!

Re: Editing a bounced message

1999-10-12 Thread Michael Thies
hat David mean with "and the resulting editing message" How could I bounce that message? Changing the To-Header? TiA -- \o/ Michael Thies --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Auf, auf und auf! Laßt uns von Tonne zu Tonne eilen! Wir wollen dem Müll eine Abfuhr erteilen! Heinz Erhardt

95.6i-configs? (was: Re: Place .signature above message body)

1999-06-06 Thread Michael Thies
-tools? kinda right? Also I wonder, why "User/Agent"-Header is not used in 95.6 ? Or am I failing? CU -- \o/ Michael Thies --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wenn ein Kapitän nicht weiß, welches Ufer er ansteuern soll, ist kein Wind der richtige. Seneca

how to mark bounced and forwarded msg's?

1999-05-17 Thread Michael Thies
Hi all, I wonder, if I can mark messages, I have bounced or forwarded to others with 'b' or 'f' just like a 'r' after replieing a mail? Is this possible within 0.95.4i? Or any newer version? Or could it it get into a wishli

pgp2.6.3 signing mails the old way?

1999-05-17 Thread Michael Thies
use he is using CrossPoint under DOS. If I sign my mail with pgp on a shell (pgp -st filename) and reload the message to my editor and send it, he can handle it. trying to use a "-t" in the macro couldn't change the behaviour... Has anybody hints for that "probl

Re: netscape and mutt

1999-04-17 Thread Michael Thies
correctly set up, the pathes for xterm, mutt and slrn where right. But my netscape got a bus error. Now I have 4.51 and all works fine and ist pretty kewl. CU -- \o/ Michael Thies --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bei dem koreanischen Autohersteller Kia wurde angeblich fü

from-header and bounces .-(

1999-03-16 Thread Michael Thies
aster-folder), I want to bounce messages with the from-header: Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I tried to put a set "my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" as a folder-hook, but nothing changed. Now: Is it possible? TiA -- \o/ Michael Thies --- [EMAIL PROTE