Hi You all,

I wonder, if I could use a my_hdr-command in my .muttrc defaultly like
send-hook . "my_hdr Return-Receipt-To: "
and appending the specific email-adress in my editor, when I want to
get a return-receipt?
Just like the Cc:, Bcc: or Reply-To: .

Using a send-hook defined above, my mutt tells me something about
"ignoring empty header field: Return-Receipt-To:"

I'm using mutt-1.0pre4 (ok, I could switch to a newer version, but
would this bring me help?).

Has anybody any idea, how to realize this?

Michael Thies                  ---                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Meine persönliche Mutprobe: Nachts vorm Bahnhof dem Taxifahrer
eine Adresse nennen, die ungefähr 6,50 DM entfernt liegt.
                                                Harald Schmidt

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