I'm using the following to list and subscribe to my mailing lists:
unlists *
lists `for file in ~/Mail/lists/*; do echo -n "=lists/$(basename \
$file) "; done`
unsubscribe *
subscribe `for file in ~/Mail/lists/*; do echo -n "=lists/$(basename \
$file) "; done`
(The lines aren't w
I'm trying to compile mutt 1.5.16 on FreeBSD 4.8 STABLE and can't get
past the following error
pattern.o: In function `mutt_which_case':
/usr/home/jorgelg/src/mutt-1.5.16/pattern.c:150: undefined reference to
/usr/home/jorgelg/src/mutt-1.5.16/pattern.c:150: undefined referenc
I'm trying to incorporate the following two macros, which I found in
somewhat different form in the "Woodnotes on Mutt" writeup:
macro index "A" "abook --add-email-quiet"
macro pager "A" "abook --add-email-quiet"
The Woodnotes original has it as:
macro index,pager A "abook --add-email-quiet" \