I'm trying to incorporate the following two macros, which I found in
somewhat different form in the "Woodnotes on Mutt" writeup:

macro index "A" "<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<return>"
macro pager "A" "<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<return>"

The Woodnotes original has it as:

macro index,pager A "<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<return>" \
"Add email address of sender to abook."

That didn't work at all; my version, split up without the doc string
and with the mapped key quoted, got me somewhat closer, but it's still
throwing an error:

/usr/home/jorgelg/bin/abook --add-email: not found

First, the abook binary is in the specified directory.  What's curious
is that I don't think the error message is being truncated at a fixed
width because adding characters (escaped quotes in a variety of
places) returns an error that reads just the same.  I don't understand
what's happening to the "-quiet" part of the switch in the error
message, or why Mutt isn't taking the whole string at a slurp.  It
looks like abook is returning the error, not Mutt, but I could be

I'm using Mutt under FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE.  Abook is the latest
I could find.

Thanks for any help.


Jorge Luis González <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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