Hi Damiano,
This isn't a limitation of the library, it is the design of the protocol.
There is no built in way to determine which client is sent a message. You
could use a specific topic or include information in your payload if this
is important to you.
Mailing list: https://l
Hi Stefano,
> Two different approaches:
> - modify the broker so that it saves messages directly to MySQL instead of
> the present way (flat file? SQLite? What's today??) PRO: best integration
> CON: difficult to be maintained and configured
At the moment the broker only keeps retained messages w
Hi Stefano,
> I know I'm missing something. I'm trying to use the "no clean session"
> feature:
> On one terminal:
> stefanoco@stefanocopc:~$ mosquitto_sub -c -i "6748" -v -t "diag/#"
> stefanoco@stefanocopc:~$ mosquitto_pub -i "7748" -q 1 -t "diag/par01" -m
> Everything ok. Now, ha
Hi Nagesh,
> I think, you are referring to retain flag.
> When you are connecting with clean session flag, then your subscriptions are
> retained. But, if you want the messages in the interim of disconnection
> (btw, you would get only the latest message), you need to publish with
> retain flag.
Hi Damiano,
> Indeed, if I understand correctly the protocol definition, it says that
> PUBLISH messages don't contain this client ID field -- and that's this kind
> of messages that are forwarded to MQTT "consumers".
> Now, my question is: doesn't that somewhat contradict with the common use
Hi Damiano,
>> > Maybe a workaround would be to have a modified broker which would alter
>> > the
>> > payload of PUBLISH messages before forwarding them. And that would have
>> > to
>> > be done inside the broker as the information is only known to it.
>> You could of course do this, but it wo
>> Suppose, you are monitoring the soil pH of various potted plants. The
>> monitoring device has a client ID based on the potted plant which you would
>> have designated in your own convenient way. That convenient way would also
>> ensure some uniqueness just as you were taking readings off a
Hi Michael,
> First issue is if I use a username/password for the bridge. I see that the
> slave connects, connects to the three topics that I want it listening to,
> and then a socket error.
> Slave output:
> 1343748661: Received PUBREC from
> test-us-east-mqtt-40e9eb38.swypeconnect.com.
Hi Josh,
Thanks for the report.
> I have installed mosquito (1.0.1 cygwin) on 2 machines, one is Windows XP
> the other is Windows 7.
> P4: pthreadVC2.dll
Someone else has had a similar problem on Linux. It was completely
reproducible for them so we managed to figure out a fix. I've got
Hi Nagesh,
You can't do this with the mosquitto clients, but take a look in the
test/client directory for some python code that deliberately breaks
the message timeouts.
On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 7:49 AM, ನಾಗೇಶ್ ಸುಬ್ರಹ್ಮಣ್ಯ (Nagesh S)
> Hi,
> I am exploring QoS=1 behavior.
Hi Stefano,
It's not something I'm working on right now, but mqtt-s support is
something I'm planning for mosquitto 1.1 or 1.2. It depends on another
plan, which is to add an "in broker client" plugin interface. The idea
is to be able to support things like bridging and mqtt-s as plugins
and to al
Hi Stefano,
The retained flag has different meanings depending on whether a
message is going from the client to the broker or broker to client.
For a message from the client to the broker, if the retained flag is
set the client is telling the broker that this message should be
retained as the last
Hi Saurabh,
I'm afraid that there aren't currently any admin commands you can send
to the broker, but this sort of remote control feature is on the list
for a future version. You can force clients to disconnect by
connecting a new client that has the same client id as the one you
wish to disconnec
Hi Yun,
> 1. what's the best practice to connect Mosquitto broker with the MySQL to
> make sure: all messages are stored in the database? Ideally, all message
> sent to server should be stored in the db before they are distributed, to
> ensure the data security.
At the moment you have to write an
>> 3. for the iPhone wrapper of the mosquitto client, I checked Marquette , is
>> this wrapper compatible with the latest version of Mosquitto 1.0.2
> From what I can see, the last commit to Marquette was 8 months ago, so
> unfortunately no it isn't compatible with 1.0.2.
I'm sure that Nick
Hi Yun,
Yes, you're correct but with one additional point. Your special client
isn't just for saving messages to the database, it's for the server
side application processing - i.e. turning it into a chat application
rather than simply clients connected to an MQTT broker. It would also
be doing th
Hi Stefano,
Thanks, that's a good suggestion. I've updated the page.
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 3:31 PM, stefano costa
> Hello,
> not sure if this is the right way of reporting this... but I found that the
> description about how to install Mosquitto on Ubuntu (a rather freq
Hi Stefano,
That's definitely a bug. I think the first publish to /sensor/001
should match with a subscription of # (so the second mosquitto_sub is
correct) but I'd have to check.
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 2:39 PM, stefano costa
> Hello, I'm not sure if this is a bug or int
I've just released mosquitto version 1.0.3 which has a few bugfixes.
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Hi Wayne,
Have you got an example script you could share to make testing this
straightforward? I've not used phpMQTT myself.
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Wayne Ingram wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is anyone using phpMQTT with a recent version of Mosquitto? I'm getting
> errors using t
Hi Andy,
Andy is right, there's no way to do this in mosquitto specifically. If
you really need to do this, you can recreate it using client
behaviour: http://mqtt.org/wiki/doku.php/presence
On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 12:34 PM, andypipe...@gmail.com
> Hi Andy
> Curious why
> mosquitto.
> Wayne.
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 12:02 AM, Roger Light wrote:
>> Hi Wayne,
>> Have you got an example script you could share to make testing this
>> straightforward? I've not used phpMQTT myself.
Hi Zvi,
I haven't seen that myself, but from some searching for that error
it's possible it's to do with missing Visual C redistributables. I'd
suggest finding the Visual Studio 10 redistributable package and
installing it on the machines you have problems with.
There is a bug fixed in 1.0.3 that
Hi Nicolas,
You can remove retained messages by publishing a zero length retained
message to the topic you wish to clear. For example, you could do it
with mosquitto_pub as follows:
mosquitto_pub -t -r -n
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~mosquitto-users
Post to : mos
Dear Sharon,
> By the way, after tweaking kernel params, I was able to open 100K concurrent
> clients to one broker instance on a medium sized EC2 machine. Good work,
> mosquitto!
That's great to hear! Thanks for letting me know.
> Now I am trying to set up a secured connection using SSL. I wa
Hi Sharon,
> The mosquito process is gone !
You've discovered a hole in my tests! This crash is down to mosquitto
assuming that clients do actually pass a certificate when
use_identity_as_username is set to true and that isn't necessarily the
case. I've pushed a fix in this changeset:
Hi Sharon,
> 3) Invoked
> mosquitto_sub -v -p 1883 --cafile etc/ca.crt --cert etc/client.crt --key
> etc/client.key -t \$SYS/#
> at the prompt, entered PEM passphrase
> got " Error: Protocol error" and server produced
> OpenSSL Error: error:140890B2:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:no
Hi Sharon,
> Run my client Java program with the client certs from the test/ssl directory
> - successfully!
> At last I know my code works correctly!
> Would like me to post it somewhere for posterity?
By all means - I'm sure the Paho guys would be pleased to have it as
an example of how to use
Hi Sharon,
Great news, I'm glad it's sorted. I'll be releasing 1.0.5 with your
bug fix in a week, assuming no other bugs pop up in the meantime.
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~mosquitto-users
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Hi all,
I've just released version 1.0.5:
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~mosquitto-users
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More help : https://help.
> I noticed the package at homebrew is still 1.0.2. will it be updated soon?
> :)
I'm afraid I don't have access to a Mac, so it's not something I feel
happy doing it. Hopefully someone with a Mac can be persuaded to test
the new version and make a pull request for the updated package.
Thanks Andy.
On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 10:42 PM, Andy Piper wrote:
> This is usually something I do. I'll get around to updating shortly.
> from mobile
> On 3 Nov 2012, at 20:24, Roger Light wrote:
> >> I noticed the package at homebrew is
On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 2:56 PM, andypipe...@gmail.com
> The homebrew version is now 1.0.5 per pull request:
> https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/pull/15867
Thanks Andy.
> ... now let's get Raspbian, OpenWRT and others updated :-)
I think that's easier said than done unfortunately! I don't
Hi Thomas,
> I imagine that for all the MQTT based services, we have a 3 "actors" setup
> -Client: the Client level, ie mobile phones here, handled by an MQTT client
> library
> -Broker: Clients talk with MQTT brokers
> -Server Application: A server app that is listening to MQTT topics and
> pos
Hi Thomas,
> By any chance do you have any numbers for max connections on a broker
> (on a given machine) ? Latency to dispatch a message given a number of
> subscribers?
I'm afraid not. All I have is reports like:
https://lists.launchpad.net/mosquitto-users/msg00064.html I don't know
the circums
Hi Joe,
> Our project need to setup and Android push notification service. I noticed
> many of projects are using MQTT protocol and I found this mosquitto.
Yes, MQTT can be a good fit for push notification. I saw in your
previous email you mentioned the tokudu demo. Please just be aware
that the
On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Joe Zhu wrote:
> Look like payload only work for client lost connection. But doesn't for
> client connect.
> mosquitto_sub only have the --will-topic and --will-payload. It means
> "client/+" couldn't get any payload for client connected. Is it right?
That's c
Hi Mike,
> -There’s not much special, EC2 mediums can do 200k+ (yes, two
> hundred) with QoS 2, SSL off, and a moderate number of messages publishing
> constantly.
Can you offer any further details on what "moderate" means here? Just
a rough order of magnitude would be nice to know.
> Sh
Hi Matt,
> I wanted to see how much effort would
> be involved in getting the Mosquitto broker running on iOS.
I'd expect that it wouldn't be *too* much bother. There's a lot of
shared code with libmosquitto and it runs fine on iOS. I'd probably
check the config.mk file and disable all of the opt
Hi Mike,
> Sharon, the problem that I can already tell you that will arise with SSL is
> memory usage. I forget the exact numbers but calling the consumption
> noticeable would be an understatement.
Openssl >=1.0 allows SSL compression to be disabled which reputedly
saves significant amounts of
I've just done some crude testing with massif (the valgrind heap
profiling tool) and mosquitto in various configurations. I'm
connecting 1000 mosquitto_sub clients, all subscribing to $SYS/#. I'm
not controlling any timing of when things happen, so there will be
some small differences across t
On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 8:00 AM, saurabh patil wrote:
> I do have PID for the mosquitto but the problem is, on Linux I can use kill
> command to send SIGHUP signal to mosquitto but I am not getting any way to
> make it on Windows. I want to do this on Windows without restarting
> mosquitto.
Hi Saurabh,
Could you give some more details that might help us understand what
might be happening? What version of Windows are you using? Are you
using a configuration file and if so, what settings have you used?
What version of mosquitto are you running?
Anything you can provide would be useful
On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 10:41 PM, Matthew Smollinger
> You could implement something like Bonjour discovery
> Mosquitto doesn't support this type of discovery anyway to the best of
> my knowledge.
As Matt says, mosquitto doesn't support this directly at the moment.
I've got a bra
Hi Bart,
Would the lua equivalent of this do what you want?
rc = mosquitto_loop_read(mosq);
/* We've been disconnected from the server */
Apologies for the brief reply, I'm ju
Hi Prashant,
> I am also having the same issue on windows and I was wondering if I can
> initiate a monitor on mosquitto configuration file directory, through this
> plugin (using windows FindFirstChangeNotification ), so that whenever any of
> the configuration file changes, monitor will capture
Hi Prashant,
There is a ridiculously simple example in the
test/broker/c/auth_plugin.c file. It at least shows the full set of
functions as described in mosquitto_plugin.h. You should compile it as
a simple dll on Windows using Visual Studio or whatever other compiler
you would use. The makefile i
Hi Stefano,
> https://github.com/knolleary/twitter-to-mqtt
I just headed over there to check it out and saw that Nick has already
pushed an update. The code above was for use with 0.15 - the api
changed a bit for 1.0. If you pull the new version hopefully it should
work fine now.
Dear all,
I released version 1.1 yesterday (Happy Christmas!) Details are on the
main site: http://mosquitto.org/2012/12/version-1-1-released/
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Hi Prashant,
> If I am right, that debug level logging is not allowed with dest_type topic,
> can anyone tell me what is the significance of this restriction?
You are correct, debug messages are not sent over the topic log type.
The docs have it slightly incorrect, so I've just fixed them.
Hi Josh,
There is no direct way of telling what clients are connected from the
broker, but you can do it from the client. The disconnects messages
can be provided by the "last will and testament" feature as described
here: http://mqtt.org/wiki/doku.php/presence
On Mon, Dec 31, 201
Hi Sharon,
I didn't receive any more information from the person who filed the
bug report, which is a shame. I did go and look into it myself a few
months back, but only got as far as the blurb:
"Before downloading the NDK, you should understand that the NDK will
not benefit most apps. As a devel
Hi Sharon,
> I am trying to invoke mosquitto_pub with SSL. I provide all the necessary
> certificates and the call is successful.
> However, the program prompts me to get PEM pass phrase. I would like to
> provide that info in an argument or
> some other way that is not interactive.
It's not
Hi Sharon,
I took another look at this tonight and have committed a change that
at least allows libmosquitto to be compiled using the Android NDK:
I don't know what else would be needed to get an app working though.
I've created a debian repository for mosquitto, including i386, amd64
and raspberry pi packages. More details here:
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~mosquitto-users
Post to : mosquitto-users@lists.launchpad.
Hi Zvi,
I've not done this myself nor heard of anybody doing it. The closest
thing I know about is probably compiling on small devices using
On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Zvi Avraham wrote:
> Hi,
> anybody was able to compile / install mosquitto on BeagleBoard wit
Dear Alexander,
> My problem is that on_message will not get hit.
You aren't calling the network processing loop anywhere so only
outgoing communication will happen. You should use loop()
periodically, loop_start() once to run the network loop in a thread in
the background, or loop_forever() to c
It looks like this is an interaction with daemon.runner. I don't know
what is causing it yet, but the modified example below works fine.
import mosquitto
import config
import time
class Client():
def __init__(self):
self.mc = None
I'm not near a computer right now, but can you tell me what version of
python you are using and how you are creating the string?
On Feb 11, 2013 6:48 PM, "Alexander Bolotnov" wrote:
> While trying to send unicode strings to mosquitto with python client I get
> the following:
> I'm now using a dirty walkaround:
> def send_message(self, topic, message):
> if type(message) == unicode:
> message = str(message).encode('string_escape')
> result, some_number = Client.mc.publish(topic, message)
mosquitto.py does actually support p
ad, bytearray) ==
> True:
> local_payload = payload
> should actually be something like
> if payload and type(payload) in (str, unicode, bytearray):
> local_payload = payload
> I guess
> thanks,
> Sasha Bolotnov
> www.bolotnov.info
Hi Jack,
I've got a part written reply to you that I've not yet sent because
I'm not happy with it. Sorry about that, I'll try and sort it out as
soon as I can.
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 10:04 PM, Jack O'Connor wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, and I meant to follow up sooner. Does th
Hi Jack,
Thanks for the message, I agree that it looks like you've found some
problems. It's been a bit busy here and I've not been getting much
sleep so I've not looked at it properly yet, but I just wanted to make
sure you didn't think I was ignoring you.
On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at
Hi Jack,
Have you got an example program that reproduces this problem? I've
managed to get a similar error but wondered how you were doing it.
On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Jack O'Connor wrote:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/lib/python3.2/threading.py", li
Hi Jack,
Thanks for that, very helpful. I've made some changes that re-raise
the unhandled exceptions here:
This isn't really a full solution but it does at least mean that the
exceptions that are raised are mu
Hi Sharon,
> The controller will subscribe to the $SYS topics and will monitor the load
> of each broker and will scale up new instances if required.
Is the data provided in $SYS adequate for your needs?
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~mosquitto-users
Post to : mosqu
Hi Eurig,
I used this code to try and duplicate your result:
It works ok for me - can you see where the difference lies with what
you are doing?
On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Eurig Jones wrote:
> I have:
> A publisher client (X) which
Hi Horace,
Is there any chance you could post a non-working demo? I've just put
together an example that works: https://gist.github.com/oojah/5182443
Could you give that a try as well? It would be good to know where
things are going wrong.
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/
> _mosquitto_message_cleanup(&message);
> return MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM;
> }
> memcpy(message->msg.payload, payload, payloadlen*sizeof(uint8_t));
> }else{
> message->msg.payloadlen = 0;
> message->msg.payload = NULL;
> }
> message->msg.qos = qos;
> me
Hi Horace,
> For others who might use this wrapper to send non-ASCII message, also pushed
> this to github branch:
> https://github.com/horacex/marquette
> also updated the pull request to original repo.
That's great news! Thanks for pushing the fix back to Nick as well.
Hi Saurabh,
I'm afraid I don't see this behaviour. Could you tell me what OS you are
running on? Could you also repeat it with two clients connected and check
whether they are both affected?
On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 11:34 AM, saurabh patil wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> Mosquitto documen
>> 5) I could not reproduce the issue with no password file for
>> authentication.
>> Test Environment:
>> mosquitto version: 1.0.5 (build date 2012-11-03 12:29:20+)
>> Platform: Linux 3.5.0-17-generic #28-Ubuntu GNU/Linux
> With Regards,
> Saurabh Patil.
> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:05 PM, Prashant Kedia <
> prashantkedi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Roger,
>> Cheers,
>> Prashant
>> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 8:49 PM, Roger Light wr
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Artjom wrote:
> Argh, instead of linking the final binary against hiredis I was doing it
> with the plugin. All works now. Thanks a lot!
It looks like this should be fixed by using "-rdynamic" in the options
for the final link stage when compiling mosquitto. I'll
Hi Patrick,
You can remove retained messages by publishing a zero length retained
message to the same topic. So if you were using mosquitto_pub, you
could set a retained message like this:
mosquitto_pub -t my/topic -m message -r
And to clear it:
mosquitto_pub -t my/topic -r -n
I don't think t
Hi Niclas,
The MQTT protocol provides for a maximum message payload size of
268,435,455 bytes which is more than sufficient for the size of data
you are talking about. There is no reason to think what you're
suggesting wouldn't work with mosquitto.
On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 11:05 PM
Hi Roland,
It sounds like you need a more up to date VC++ run time, although I'm
surprised that it complained about MSCVR90.dll in that case. I would
expect MSVCR100.dll to be the required run time. Is it possible that
there is a 64/32 bit mismatch in dll somewhere?
On Mon, Apr 22
Hi Zvi,
I hate to ask, but are you sure you have the username correct?
> self.client.username_pw_set('uername', 'password')
The username and password code is tested for all client libraries in
the same manner, so I'm quite confident that it is ok. The relevant
test here is test/lib/01-un
Hi Neo,
As you've already figured out, the most likely cause for what you're
seeing is that there is a retained message set. It could also be down
to having a client with clean-session set false, but that would more
likely result in you getting a lot of messages at once when you
Hi Neo,
Upstart sets its own limits, so if you are using it to start mosquitto you
will need to modify /etc/init/mosquitto.conf:
limit nofile 262144 262144
On May 11, 2013 6:18 AM, "Neo Qing" wrote:
> Hi,There:
> When I investigate on mosquitto, the first question comes to my mind is,
> how m
Sent this too soon, that line will match the values in the link.
On May 11, 2013 10:09 PM, "Roger Light" wrote:
> Hi Neo,
> Upstart sets its own limits, so if you are using it to start mosquitto you
> will need to modify /etc/init/mosquitto.conf:
Hi Paul,
Please do file a bug report. I'm trying to work out the problem now
but it's good to have a way of keeping track.
On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 9:04 PM, Paul-Armand Verhaegen
> Thanks for the fast response Karl. I changed the bridge type to automatic,
> and that works g
Hi Fabio,
You can set the most significant bit of the protocol version number to
a 1 to indicate to the broker that you are a bridge. This prevents
your own messages being returned to you and also means that the
message retained status is propagated to you.
However, I would suggest that you recon
Hi Marco,
Sorry to hear you're having problems. Could you provide a few more
details of what you are running and what you are seeing? In
particular, if you could say what version of mosquitto you are using
and what clients you are using it would be a good starting point.
On Wed,
Hi Stefano,
This isn't supported currently, but consider it on the list for version 1.2.
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Stefano Costa
> Hello,
> the Mosquitto broker is able to bind to any specific address (and interface
> as a consequence) by configuration file.
> I
Hi Stefano,
Consider it done:
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Roger Light wrote:
> Hi Stefano,
> This isn't supported currently, but consider it on the list for version 1
Hi Stefano,
The behaviour you describe is incorrect. It is better explained using
a longer topic - let's set sensors/temperature sensors/humidity etc.
A subscription to sensors/# would match on sensors/temperature,
sensors/humidity *and* sensors. If we imagine that a subscription to
/# is actuall
On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Roger Light wrote:
> The current mosquitto code (you really should upgrade) works correctly
> for subscriptions to # but not for retained messages when subscribing
> to /# (it returns messages with topics without a leading slash). I'll
> get
Hi Jack,
Thanks for the reminder that I'd not replied to this.
You can of course use the certificates that come with your OS and as
Alexander says they are located in /etc/ssl/certs. You can use the
"capath" option rather than "cafile" to load them.
Bear in mind that there may be no need for you
Hi Stefano,
One thing to be aware of is that "messages" here is all MQTT command
messages, not just the PUBLISH messages. It is possible that is
skewing your results. You could look at $SYS/broker/publish/messages/#
You can see this clearly on test.mosquitto.org:
Hi Bharath,
You would be better off asking this question on the eclipse paho mailing list.
If/when you do so, it would be worth providing some details of the
problem you're seeing and describing what you have already tried when
attempting to fix the problem.
On Wed, Jul 24, 2013
Hi Steve,
I can't look at this until later, but I'd suggest using a complete
path rather than using %APPDATA% for now. I'll see about fixing it so
that the path can contain an environment variable for version 1.2,
which should be available any day now.
On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 7:3
Hi Stefano,
It's an interesting idea, feel free to submit it as a bug report. You
can already achieve it to a limited degree by using a mount point on a
listener that doesn't allow anonymous connections.
On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 4:43 PM, Stefano Costa wrote:
> I think that an opti
I would expect that you don't have permission to write to C:
Try running it without setting persistence_location and from a
directory where you have write permission.
On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 7:48 AM, 灰(Grey)狼 <86267...@qq.com> wrote:
> I am newbie in mosquitto , I installed
Hi Steve,
It sounds like the connection is failing at some point and then attempting
to reconnect, which is what is triggering the pass phrase request. The
mosquitto pub/sub utilities only offer keyboard entry of pass phrases. It
would be fairly straightforward to add your own method to obtain the
t; I guess the protocol doesn't like that. I had to vary the Common Name and
> the Challenge Passphrase for each key:cert pair I made. After that it all
> went well (including using passwords).
> Thanks,
> Steve
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:09 AM, Roger Light wr
Hi Steve,
So it is. Slight teething problem after moving host/webserver. It should be
fine now.
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Hi Duncan,
Thanks for the detailed email. First off, I can say that this should
work. The broker and client library tests for SSL use a
root->intermediate->server/client chain for signing. I suppose that's
a good place to start - if you download the 1.2 tarball and run "make
test" in the extracted
Hi Amyas,
This should work fine, assuming the overall message rate isn't too high.
You could either configure the central office to bridge out to the
remote offices, or have the remote offices bridge into the central.
This should do it:
connect remote1-to-central
topic /sendmsg/alldesk
Hi Paul,
You need to subscribe with QoS>0 as well, I imagine that's the problem.
I did this:
mosquitto_sub -c --id myid1 -h test.mosquitto.org -t sensors/value -q 1
mosquitto_pub -h test.mosquitto.org -t sensors/value -q 1 -m 6
mosquitto_sub -c --id myid1 -h test.mosquitto.org -t sensors/value
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