Exactly. Note that this will fail on python3 though, because "unicode"
doesn't exist.
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Alexander Bolotnov wrote:
> got you, so the following in publish():
> if isinstance(payload, str) == True or isinstance(payload, bytearray) ==
> True:
> local_paylo
got you, so the following in publish():
if isinstance(payload, str) == True or isinstance(payload, bytearray) ==
local_payload = payload
should actually be something like
if payload and type(payload) in (str, unicode, bytearray):
local_payload = payload
I guess
> I'm now using a dirty walkaround:
> def send_message(self, topic, message):
> if type(message) == unicode:
> message = str(message).encode('string_escape')
> result, some_number = Client.mc.publish(topic, message)
mosquitto.py does actually support p
I'm using 2.7 and it's a unicode string: u'привет' - I'm actually getting
them from my gtalk_daemon
type(message) will return unicode
I'm now using a dirty walkaround:
def send_message(self, topic, message):
if type(message) == unicode:
message = str(message).enc
I'm not near a computer right now, but can you tell me what version of
python you are using and how you are creating the string?
On Feb 11, 2013 6:48 PM, "Alexander Bolotnov" wrote:
> While trying to send unicode strings to mosquitto with python client I get
> the following:
While trying to send unicode strings to mosquitto with python client I get
the following:
TypeError: payload must be a string, bytearray, int, float or None.
how do I then submit unicode data?
Sasha Bolotnov
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