I am working on a mobile app using mono framework(both monotouch and mono for
android). One of the requirements is to load third party UI plugin(s) in my
app dynamically. For example, if the user clicks on a menu button called
"Metro bus schedule" from my main app, it should load the bus schedule
it's specific to android. for 200 i'll tell you where it is.
On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 5:39 PM, Paul Johnson
> Hi,
> Any ideas on this one on where to start digging? I don't know if it's a
>> monodroid bug or my bug - I don't remember seeing it in 4.2.7, but it is
>> the latest beta.
Hi Guys,
I try to install 'Mono for Android' serveral times with no success.
The installer don't find and download and install the Android SDK, that was
successfully installed previously by the installer, over and over again.
While the Xamarin MfA download, the installer stops before the progressb
Sorry, forgot something to say:
I have installed VS2012 Prof. on Win7 X64 Prof. too.
On my private computer I can install MfA successfully on a Win7 Home Premium
Thanks for reply
View this message in context:
I'm looking for something similar to this as well. I have a 12 year old that
I bought a tablet for for Christmas and all of the Parental Control apps out
there just aren't doing what I want. Basically all they do is either monitor
positioning and web browsing, give you the ability to block apps or
On Jan 11, 2013, at 5:24 PM, ggeorge wrote:
> One of the requirements is to load third party UI plugin(s) in my app
> dynamically.
How "dynamic" are you talking? :-)
There's "dynamic" as in "I'm going to load a local assembly via
Assembly.Load()", and there's dynamic as in "I'm going to downlo
On Jan 14, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Banzai wrote:
> I try to install 'Mono for Android' serveral times with no success.
Please try installing it manually with logging enabled, and provide the MSIExec
1. Please open CMD.EXE
2. Execute the following commands:
> cd /d %USERPROFILE%\Temp\MonoForAndr
After spending an entire morning having much the same problem as the original
poster, I can confirm that moving everything into a brand new project solves
the issue.
In my case, I had not touched my Android code in 2 months.
Debugging definitely worked back then, but upon opening the project last