Did you ever figure out this problem consuming web services? I am getting the
same Unknown member: Invoke.
It's been awhile, but I believe/suspect that the problem was due to the linker
removing the Invoke method. Is this on a Debug build or a Release build?
Release - and it's still t
Are you using a Samsung device? If so, what version of Android OS?
On Mar 24, 2012 8:37 AM, "Paul Johnson" wrote:
> Hi,
> Is logcat enabled on the physical device? My app works fine on the
>>> emulator, not a physical device
>> Yes, logcat is available on both emulators and physical dev
Are you using a Samsung device? If so, what version of Android OS?
Yes and gingerbread - others are using HTCs and Sony phones, so it's not
down to the manufacturer. The minimum version of android I have set is
for 2.2...
Monodroid m
It seems like a silly question, but how would I go about rendering text with
OpenTK in monodroid?
Normally in OpenTK I would create a bitmap and draw a string to the bitmap,
and then load the bitmap into a texture, but as System.Drawing doesn't
include a bitmap object, I am at a loss as to how to p