HTC HD2 with MIUI on top...
2013/12/16 Ctls_Rajesh
> Hello Friends,
> I am using Samsung S4 android phone. I want to know which android device
> you
> are using and which device do you like most?
> --
> View this message in context:
, but you'll be
able to copy files between devices.
Božo Ivković* Direktor
Sono IT d.o.o., Kraljevička 16, Zagreb, Croatia
mob: +385 99 2718354 tel: +385 1 4100555
fax: +385 1 4100556 web:
If you're using multithreading for UI synchronization, i.e. for displaying
progressbar of download status, consider reducing the number of UI refresh
events on the UI thread. We discovered that MD has occasional crashes(non
catchable) if you are synchronizing UI thread in very short time intervals,