That's my unofficial, unauthorized fix.
> metacpan knows about it but flags it UNAUTHORIZED in red.
> Neither is there an author name in Makefile.PL and meta data files.
Yes, I never came to fix this also.
Reini Urban
http://phpwiki.org/ http://murbreak.at/
t; 3.1 Make somebody else co-maintainer
2015-02-03 20:35 GMT+01:00 Ian Robertson :
> If there is anything I can do to expedite transferring the ownership of
> Crypt::OpenSSL::Random, please let me know.
> - Ian (IROBERTS)
> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 6:06 AM, Reini Urban wrot
I work on this here:
>> see also https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=104860#txn-1511197
> Bump.
-- Reini
2015-08-30 14:27 GMT+02:00 Reini Urban :
> I work on this here:
> https://github.com/rurban/ExtUtils-Constant
uploaded with all fixes to pause as 0.23_01 without perms
if this smokes clean will bump to 0.24 and add to core.
Note that the current simple len-based switch scheme is nice,
Sorry, I forgot the \n for the JSON::PP::Boolean package declaration.
Can you force this please?
I fixed with locally for the next update already.
Reini Urban
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: PAUSE
> Date: November 26, 2015 at 10:00:05 AM GMT+1
- bless and tie security restrictions with metasploit POC.
Upstream is p5p which violently refuses to do their duties,
so please let at least cpan and cperl have fixed versions.
p5p will then eventually move it over to cpan/
Reini Urban
and fixed all the outstanding pull requests and some open
Can I have co-maint?
Reini Urban
for being disengaged.
> If others wish to be added as maintainers, please let me know.
Great, thanks!
> Lincoln
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 11:27 AM Reini Urban wrote:
> Lincoln hasn’t touched his RT queue since a few years,
> He added a git repo and added
latter two you also have only co-maint, not first-come.
So either HARASTY or modules@ are needed.
> Lincoln
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 11:04 AM, Reini Urban
> wrote:
> > I just forked it at rurban/GD and pushed some fixes as dev releases to
> > cpan.
> > I consider it unmaintained.
Cannot upload yet.
Missing is co-maint for GD::Group GD::Image GD::Polygon GD::Polyline GD::Simple.
For two of those Lincolns only has co-maint, so I need Neil to add those.
Reini Urban
> On Apr 19, 2017, at 7:31 PM, Lincoln Stein wrote:
> Ok, I
According to https://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=B-Lint
I do have maintainer perms. Can someone check please on PAUSE?
I fixed all the open tickets.
Reini Urban
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: PAUSE
> Subject: Failed: PAUSE indexer report RURBAN
permission problem on B::Lint
Looks like someone abused the permission settings on pause.
module userid typeowner
B::Lint FLORA co-maintJJORE
B::Lint JJORE first-come JJORE
B::Lint RJBS co-maint
AFAIK I had co-maint there.
Anyway can someone please fix this?
Thanks, will do.
So I mixed it up.
Am Mi., 7. Nov. 2018, 03:45 hat Andreas Koenig <
andreas.koenig.7os6v...@franz.ak.mind.de> geschrieben:
> >>>>> On Mon, 5 Nov 2018 13:29:56 +0100, Reini Urban <
> reini.ur...@gmail.com> said:
> > permission problem
I'm in contact with him on Facebook.
He just moved away to a new university, Nancy-Metz
Ryan Voots schrieb am Di., 28. Mai 2019, 03:30:
> Hi,
> I've built a fix for RT #127118 on indirect.pm, but it would appear that
> VPIT is MIA. I've not found a way to contact him anymore and his website
Nope, RURBAN is the correct owner. CPANEL never used it nor maintained it.
How come CPANEL requested ownership?
The name will also soon be obsoleted and replaced by JSON::Safe.
See https://github.com/rurban/Cpanel-JSON-XS/issues/142
Neil Bowers schrieb am Di., 11. Aug. 2020, 18:49:
> Hi Reini
Neil Bowers schrieb am Do., 10. Sep. 2020, 19:29:
> Hi Sam,
> Thanks — I’ve transferred your first-come to Reini, so he now has
> first-come on all modules in the Set-Object.
> Cheers,
> Neil
Timothy Legge schrieb am Fr., 12. Apr. 2024, 01:13:
> Hi Reini
> Are you still interested in maintaining Crypt::OpenSSL::Random? I have
> run into some issues on windows with msys2-mingw. I am happy to look into
> the issues if you are willing to accept patches.
Sure I take patches. And I
Please contact modules@perl.org if there are any open questions.
> User: RURBAN (Reini Urban)
> Distribution file: App-perlall-0.25.tar.gz
> Number of files: 28
> *.pm files: 2
> README: App-perlall-0.25/README
> META-File: App-perlall-0.25/META.json
FW to modules, sent to upload by mistake.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Reini Urban
Date: Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: Failed: PAUSE indexer report RURBAN/App-perlall-0.30.tar.gz
Cc: andreas.koenig.gmwojprw+pa...@franz.ak.mind.de
Hello Andy,
On Wed, Jan
Toddr had the the problem before: http://perl-toddr.blogspot.com/
Reini Urban
http://cpanel.net/ http://www.perl-compiler.org/
101 College St., Suite 800
Toronto, ON, Canada M5G0A3
416 673-8514
Assistant: Renata Musa
Reini Urban
http://cpanel.net/ http://www.perl-compiler.org/
tatus on this? Can you bump my fixes into an official upload?
If not can I have COMAINT?
Reini Urban
http://cpanel.net/ http://www.perl-compiler.org/
pause, whichj should be named
And please change all references from Dependencio to App::Dependencio
in your app
And delete the wrong tar from your pause account
Reini Urban
7;m building RPerl which has a dependency on Inline::Filters. I've found a
> bug in Filters and fixed it (crudely annotated file attached), how can I go
> about submitting a patch or fix to become official in CPAN?
> Thanks!
> ~ Will Braswell, rperl.org
Reini Urba
do not have.
Reini Urban
http://cpanel.net/ http://www.perl-compiler.org/
and apparently beloved site which is not able display it.
Reini Urban
http://cpanel.net/ http://www.perl-compiler.org/
n Feb 27, 2011, at 3:07 PM, Reini Urban wrote:
>> Hi Artur
>> Can I have co-maint for the perl modules optimize, optimizer and types
>> please?
>> I fixed them for actual perls, and need to extend types declarations to
>> support
>> type optimiza
Can someone please give me co-maint for "int".
I wrote 2 mails to sky, but he obviously is very busy.
-- Forwarded message --
Date: 2011/3/7
Subject: Re: Fwd: Failed: PAUSE indexer report RURBAN/B-C-1.30.tar.gz
To: Reini Urban
Will fix when I get off th
2011/6/14 brian d foy :
> [[ This message was both posted and mailed: see
> the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]]
> In article , Reini
> Urban wrote:
>> Can someone please give me co-maint for "int"
Hi Hennig
In http://cpanforum.com/posts/3430 you expressed your will to give
away WebService::FreeDB
I fixed it (at least basically) and prepared a new release.
You can you give my pause co-maint permissions so that I can upload it?
Reini Urban
http://cpanel.net/ http://www.perl
Hallo Tom,
Ich nehme an, du machst nichts mehr in Perl, nachdem bei euch alles in
Java ist :)
Schau mal auf https://rt.cpan.org/Dist/ByMaintainer.html?Name=TOMSON
Vor allem Debian hat einige Fehler in deinen Perl Modulen entdeckt.
Sind die frei zum Uebernehmen?
I guess you don't do perl a
omeone from the debian perl team will do that.
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> Von: Tom Schindl
> Datum: 09. Februar 2012 00:20:25 GMT-06:00
> An: Reini Urban
> Betreff: Re: Deine Perl Module
> Hi, ja leider machen wir nichts mehr mit perl und von mir aus kann gerne
On 02/10/2012 08:55 AM, brian d foy wrote:
[[ This message was both posted and mailed: see
the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]]
In article, Reini
Urban wrote:
Sorry for the german,
I thought is more informal to get acceptance t
opment continued at
Latest RURBAN/ExtUtils-Constant-0.23_04.tar.gz
There ProxySubs generates code which is only broken < 5.8
Can I get co-maint to get the >15 fixes into CPAN proper?
This is quite an important module.
Reini Urban
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=105643 >
Can someone please take over maintenance of this module?
It's unmaintained.
Reini Urban
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