Sorry for the german,
I thought is more informal to get acceptance to fix the outstanding security 

> Hi, yes unfortunately we do nothing anymore with perl and I would be pleased 
> if someone could take these over from me. Is there a special process?

So if there is some interested on his modules (debian issued several bug 
reports) they are for grabs.

Yes there is a process, but we have no individuals yet who would like to take 
over maintainence to apply the outstanding patches.
This is the process: 

They will contact you and ask for permission, and you can give them co-maint at 
https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?ACTION=share_perms, if you still know 
your password.
If not please notify modules@perl.org so that they can change the permissions 

I hope someone from the debian perl team will do that.

Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

> Von: Tom Schindl <tom.schi...@bestsolution.at>
> Datum: 09. Februar 2012 00:20:25 GMT-06:00
> An: Reini Urban <re...@cpanel.net>
> Betreff: Re: Deine Perl Module
> Hi, ja leider machen wir nichts mehr mit perl und von mir aus kann gerne 
> jemand diese von mir übernehmen. Gibt es dafür einen speziellen Prozess?
> Gruß
> Tom
> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
> Am 08.02.2012 um 22:58 schrieb Reini Urban <re...@cpanel.net>:
>> Hallo Tom,
>> Ich nehme an, du machst nichts mehr in Perl, nachdem bei euch alles in Java 
>> ist :)
>> Schau mal auf https://rt.cpan.org/Dist/ByMaintainer.html?Name=TOMSON
>> Vor allem Debian hat einige Fehler in deinen Perl Modulen entdeckt.
>> Sind die frei zum Uebernehmen?
>> ----
>> I guess you don't do perl anymore. Your modules are unchanged since 2006 and 
>> contain several bugs, and several minor patches need to be applied.
>> Can anyone get maintenance for them to fix them?
>> -- 
>> Reini

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