er: JDEGUEST (Jacques Deguest)
> Distribution file: URI-tel-0.2.tar.gz
> Number of files: 11
> *.pm files: 2
> README: URI-tel-0.2/
> META-File: URI-tel-0.2/META.yml
> META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414
> META-driven index: no
> Timestamp of file: Sat
submitted my module URI::tel and is available on my profile
Kindly please let me know what should I do? I think developers would benefit
from the time I spent creating this module.
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
Tokyo, Japan
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Thank you Neil.
I would be happy to work on this new module with Thiago if he wants.
The github is at
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
On 07/06/2018 17:40, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Jacques,
>> I wrote sometime ago a perl module URI::tel fully co
tell, there are no other module with a package name of
Thank you in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
Forwarded Message
Subject:Failed: PAUSE indexer report JDEGUEST/Net-API-Stripe-0.5.tar.gz
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 08:00:30 +
This reports states my module namespace DB::Object exists already, but after
double checking there is no such namespace.
The closest to it is DBIx::Objects which is different
Can you please help me?
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
Forwarded Message
Jacques Deguest
Forwarded Message
Subject:Failed: PAUSE indexer report JDEGUEST/DB-Object-0.6.tar.gz
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2020 07:48:58 +
The following report has been written by
written by the PAUSE namespace indexer.
Please contact if there are any open questions.
User: JDEGUEST (Jacques Deguest)
Distribution file: DB-Object-0.8.tar.gz
Number of files: 34
*.pm files: 20
META-File: DB-Object-0.8/META.json
META-Parser: Parse::CPAN
Thank you kindly Neil for your intervention.
I had already sent a mail to Isaac a few days ago after I got the first report
from CPAN maintainers, but got no response.
Kind regards,
On 31/03/2020 21:40, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Jacques,
> As mentioned previously, I would appreciate
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
On 02/04/2020 01:08, Issac Goldstand wrote:
> Hi Jacques
> The DBIx::Object was originally DB::Object. It was renamed in 2004 after
> someone trolled after module contributors in the DB::* namespace.
> At the time, the idea was to mark
Thank you Isaac, Neil for your prompt action!
Kind regards,
On 02/04/2020 06:04, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Issac,
> I never got CC-ed on the original mail (I'm long since unsubscribed to
> modules@), but I dug around in PAUSE and think I finally figured out where to
> transfer maint
software, as you can see below
compares previous value 0.1.1 to current interpreted value of 0.001001 and
complains that the previous value is higher.
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
Forwarded Message
Subject:Failed: PAUSE indexer report JDEGUEST/Net-API-Stripe-0.9.tar.gz
This automated report claims that version v0.1.4.0 is lower than
v0.13.6, however the following
perl -Mversion -lE 'say version->parse("v0.14.0") >
says different. It seems like a bug or am I missing something ?
Dear Neil,
I think I understand the root cause. Before those modules were inline
(inside Module::Generic) and now they are in their own file.
Thank you, I learnt something.
On 2021/03/30 8:14, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Jacques,
> If you look at one of the listed fails (I’ve high
Please contact if there are any open questions.
User: JDEGUEST (Jacques Deguest)
Distribution file: Nice-Try-v1.0.0.tar.gz
Number of files: 31
*.pm files: 1
README: Nice-Try-v1.0.0/README
META-File: Nice-Try-v1.0.0/META.json
META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414
Thank you Neil. It got me worried for a moment :)
On 2021/05/17 16:58, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Jacques,
> I submitted this updated version 4 hours ago and it still does not
> show up on CPAN.
> It was showing in the CPAN Index, but not showing on MetaCPAN – it
> looks like M
Thanks Neil.
Kind regards,
On 2021/12/14 20:47, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Jacques,
I saw Michael is looking for someone to take over CLASS and I was
willing to, and tried to contact him, but to no avail.
Would you be in contact with him ? I tried his cpan e-mail as well
d you please check if it was normally transferred?
Kazunori Minoda
2021年12月13日(月) 19:08 Kazunori Minoda :
Hi Jacques-san,
Ok, I'll try it tomorrow.
Kazunori Minoda
2021年12月13日(月) 18:02 Jacques Deguest :
Thank you Minoda-san for your
first-come KAZUNORI
Kazunori Minoda
2021年12月14日(火) 13:40 Jacques Degues
Hi Jacques-san,
In my case, Cookies didn't appear on "View Permissions" firstly, but
appeared on "View Permissions per module".
Kazunori Minoda
2021年12月14日(火) 13:59 Jacques Deguest :
Yes, I can see it when clicking on the link, but not from the
Hello Neil,
I hoe all is well for you.
Have you heard back from Michael Schwern?
Let me take this opportunity to wish you and the other CPAN maintainers
a merry Christmas !
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
On 2021/12/14 20:47, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Jacques,
I saw Michael is looking for
Dear Neil,
A company I am supporting is willing to become an active sponsor of CPAN.
Would this be something you are interested in, and if so what would be
the procedure and how much would you be expecting?
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
Description: OpenPGP
Hello Neil,
I decided to move Class outside of Module::Generic to make it more clean
and submitted successfully the new version v1.1.3, but I cannot find it
on cpan.
Sorry to trouble you again.
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
Description: OpenPGP public key
if it is case insensitive then I would have assumed that:
use Class
would both be ok .
Kind regards
Jacques Deguest
On 6 March 2022 10:23:24 Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Jacques,
It has been pointed out that you’ve renamed the CLASS module to Class.
When I gave you co-maint on CLASS, I
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
Forwarded Message
Subject:Request for transfer of ownership of package "Changes" on CPAN
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2022 21:15:28 +0900
From: Jacques Deguest
Organisation: DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
To: Tore Aursand
Hello Tore,
This i
Thank you Neil :)
On 2022/12/08 23:51, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Jacques,
I’ve emailed Tore as well, and offered to make all the relevant changes.
Let’s wait a week and see if either of us hear back from him.
Description: OpenPGP public key
Hello Neil,
It has been a week now, and no feedback from him. I hope he is ok.
On 2022/12/08 23:51, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Jacques,
I’ve emailed Tore as well, and offered to make all the relevant changes.
Let’s wait a week and see if either of us hear back from him.
Thank you Neil.
I fully agree, and he may just be very busy.
On 2022/12/17 0:08, Neil Bowers wrote:
> It has been a week now, and no feedback from him. I hope he is ok.
I found him on twitter, and have DM’d him. Let’s see if I get any
reply to that.
Sometimes in scenarios like this,
Hello Neil,
Happy new year! Wishing you all a fun and prosperous new year.
Any news from Tore Aursand?
Jacques Deguest
On 2022/12/17 0:08, Neil Bowers wrote:
> It has been a week now, and no feedback from him. I hope he is ok.
I found him on twitter, and have DM’d him. Let’s see
Hi Neil,
Sure, I understand.
On 2023/01/16 22:36, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Jacques,
> Any news from Tore Aursand?
Not so far. I’ve just emailed him again.
As I mentioned in my previous email, because Tore is still a
relatively recent CPAN author, I would really prefer to get
Thank you Neil for your time, very much appreciated.
Also sorry for my late reply. I am kneed deep in accounting and
financial reporting :/
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
On 2023/01/20 20:05, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Jacques,
I’ve heard back from Tore, who has graciously given me permission to
Thank you Neil for your time, very much appreciated.
Also sorry for my late reply. I am knee deep in accounting and financial
reporting :/
Kind regards,
Jacques Deguest
On 2023/01/20 20:05, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Jacques,
I’ve heard back from Tore, who has graciously given me permission to
I bumped into this MetaCPAN database error.
Can you please help me ?
Jacques Deguest
Forwarded Message
Subject:Failed: PAUSE indexer report JDEGUEST/Promise-Me-v0.4.11.tar.gz
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 05:33:12 +
I have submitted an updated version of my distribution Locale-Unicode
roughly 7.5 hours ago, so about 14:15 GMT on July 25th for version
v0.2.0 and I received acknowledgement on the command line it was
received with a 200 returned code, but I received no usual confirmation
mail, and wh
Hi Neil,
Yes, everything is working now, thank you ! :)
Kind regards,
On 2024/07/26 17:29, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Jacques,
I can see the 0.3.0 release both in the CPAN Index and showing up on
MetaCPAN, so it looks like everything is ok now?
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