RE: Module submission Spread::Session

2002-02-03 Thread Jason W. May
g module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: > > > > modid: Spread::Session > > DSLIP: adpOp > > description: OO wrapper for > > userid: JMAY (Jason W. May) > > chapterid:5 (Networking_Devices_IPC) > &

Module DBIx::Librarian missing from CPAN index

2001-12-01 Thread Jason W May
My recently-released module DBIx::Librarian (currently at v0.2) has disappeared from the CPAN index. It is reachable via, but not through or on Randy Kobes' site. Also, my author id (JMAY) is missing from the index. Is it possible that the index could be corrupted? It w

PAUSE registration request

2001-10-21 Thread Jason W May
Name: Jason W. May Email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred userid: JMAY Planned contribution: DBI extension module allowing for SQL code to be maintained in separate files from Perl code, in much the same way that the various templating modules keep HTML separate from Perl.