Re: Module submission Config::Merge

2003-04-01 Thread Hasanuddin Tamir
--- Autrijus Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 08:41:13AM +0200, Perl Authors Upload > Server wrote: > > Config::Merge merges configuration from at most three > sources. > > Is the maximum number of three an arbitary decision, or > required by your design? That's the

Reserving namespace for Web::DataWeb

2001-06-11 Thread Hasanuddin Tamir
We're developing a (just another) framework for web-based database application development. I know some existing frameworks usually use HTML:: as the root namespace, like HTML::Mason or HTML::EmbPerl; or CGI::, like CGI::Application. And I know that the applications using this new framework will

Registering BaseLib module

2001-02-27 Thread Hasanuddin Tamir
Hi, I would like to register a module with the following listing entry, Name Description DSLI Info -- BaseLib manipulate @INC dynamically for adpf HASANT independent installation layout Introduction Base

Proposing BaseLib module

2000-08-27 Thread Hasanuddin Tamir
Hi, My CPAN id is HASANT. I'm currently developing a module called BaseLib, but I'm not so sure if that's a good name(space). Other name I can think of is Lib::Base. Short Introduction BaseLib includes a private library path of a certain *application directory tree* to @INC. So, when a script s