--- Autrijus Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 08:41:13AM +0200, Perl Authors Upload
> Server wrote:
> >     Config::Merge merges configuration from at most three
> sources.
> Is the maximum number of three an arbitary decision, or
> required by your design?

That's the amount I always work with so I start from there. 
Extending the number of sources is in my future plan (as in
the POD).

> >     application may allow users to define configuration in a
> file, but
> >     you also have set predefined (default) configuration. At
> the end you
> >     want single configuration by merging them with a certain
> precedence.
> >     This module will do just that.
> What format of config does it take?

If you use external config parser, then you follow the rules
of the parser. The internal parser takes a plain teks file.
It's meant for default parser on simple and common format,
such as one pair of param=value per line (there's a section
in the POD that explains the rules more detail).

> >     Additionally, Config::Merge provides internal parser for
> convenient
> >     and historical reason, but allows users to provide
> external parser
> >     via CODE reference to suit their need.
> Can you differentiate your module from this?
>     use Config::General;
>     my %merged = (
>       ParseConfig('file1.cfg'), 
>       ParseConfig('file2.cfg'), 
>       ParseConfig('file3.cfg'), 
>     );

This merges configuration from different files,
Config::Merge merges configuration from different sources,
one of them can be file. I think I can use above when
I add capability to accept more than one file for "file"
type (also in future plan).

I have to add here that Config::Merge (currently) defines
three types of configuration source: "default", "file", and
"custom". "default" is some kind of predefined set of
configuration, "file" is expected to contain configuration
from parsed file, while "custom" can be arbitrary source.
I usually use "cutom" to temporarily override the value in



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