scheduling deletion of link_NCBI

2020-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
I’ve been having email with Chitresh Sharma (CHI) about his link_NCBI distribution, which he released in 2007. It has a bunch of top-level package names, one of which is owned by ADAMK, though that clashes elsewhere as well. Chitresh has decided to delete this version, and at some later date wil

Re: Could you give Sympa community co-maintainership of MHonArc, please?

2020-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Luc, > I have conflict when posting the package to PAUSE: > $ cpan-upload MHonArc-2.6.20.tar.gz > registering upload with PAUSE web server > POSTing upload for MHonArc-2.6.20.tar.gz to > > request failed with error code 409 > Message: Conflict > > I alre

Problems with App-SimpleBackuper upload

2020-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Dmitrii, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I see that you’re having problems with getting recent uploads of App-SimpleBackuper indexed. This is because you switched the format of your version numbers, sadly. You previously released 0.1 and most recently released 0.2.3. The trouble is that PAUSE

Re: HTML-CalendarMonthSimple-1.26

2020-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Michael, I failed to track down Gregor, so have given you co-maint on HTML::CalendarMonthSimple and have just triggered a re-indexing of your release. Cheers, Neil

Re: Fwd: Failed: PAUSE indexer report PRBRENAN/Preprocess-Ops-20201007.tar.gz

2020-10-16 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Philip, > I inadvertently used an excessively high 9 digit version number a release ago > for module : Preprocess::Ops . I wish to return to my standard 8 digit > version numbering scheme.  I have deleted the files associated with the 9 > digit version number.  Might it be possible for you to